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  • D
    I'm looking forward to Henne actually having someone competent to throw to :D sorry about the loss for the Broncos, but you guys have 2 second round picks to make up for it, so you should be fine.
    No problem! I'm not active very much, but if you want to contact me over private message or something, that'd kick ass! n_____n
    Bonne fête à toi. Bonne fête à toi. Bonne fête, bonne fête. Bonne fête à toi.

    PS: You're old :p
    Happy Birthday! :)

    I just noticed, your Error's mommy and yet it's your daddy. Confussing.
    You are a special person, too sweet for words to describe. I hope you have the happiest of a Birthday anniversary, Icey.
    I'm doing okay! Just doing some good ole paperwork! *hugs back* You have always seemed like the sweetest person here, and its just a pleasure to talk to you haha! I only wished I knew what to talk about! X D
    Thank you for your friend request Icey! How are you doing? I've always wanted to say hi! :)
    Hey there Icey! :)

    No rep in a while? I almost don't believe that! There should be a link on the home page to add to your rep! :D
    (actually, it had been a while for me too, so thanks)
    Hello to yourself.

    Thanks for extending the warm claw of friendship! Much appreciated. People are neat!
    Haahaa, No problem, I was ecstatic to do it.
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