Diapers that feels most like Pampers etc.

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Sissy
Im still fairly inexperienced in buying diapers, only got local ones from supermarkets. Are there any diapers out there that really bring you back to childhood? That lovely crunchy feeling as you waddle about the place and preferably plastic backed. Sorry if this has been posted before, tried looking a bit and couldnt find much.

Thank-you you beautiful group of people!

P.S, if anyone wants to drop me a message im always up for a chat!
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I like Super Dry Kids from Abuniverse..... They are plastic backed and the two tapes and the classic design make me feel toddlerish.
Are they fairly thick? that's something that really brings back the nostalgia
memoryblanket said:
Are there any diapers out there that really bring you back to childhood? That lovely crunchy feeling as you waddle about the place and preferably plastic backed.

If you're 22 it's not going to take you back to babyhood (some of these are 4 times as thick, dry 24/7 comes pretty close
ABU Simple and Bambino Bellissimo do it for me. There's something about their bulk and the way they feel when wet that feels more like the diapers I'm used to.

I'm actually not too fussed about whether diapers have two or four tapes, although I was in four-tape diapers before I toilet trained, so both are sufficiently childish for me.
rennecfox said:
If you're 22 it's not going to take you back to babyhood (some of these are 4 times as thick, dry 24/7 comes pretty close

Dry 24/7 is the way to go. Put in a booster and you're in heaven!

memoryblanket said:
Are they fairly thick? that's something that really brings back the nostalgia

Fairly thick and fantastic. I am pretty sure the design is from a time before you were a child but you can't go wrong with current ABU Vintage Style which consist of Super Dry Kids version 2 (abbreviated SDK or SDKv2) Cushies (also currently version 2) and Lavender.

If you want super thick and wide crotch definitely check out ABUs Premium line of Little Paws, Space and Simples.
What would be the most accurate representation of diapers from the early-mid 1990's? 1993-1997-ish
Mid 90's diaper - Abu sdk's, for a crunchy plastic go dry 24/7 but they have 4 tapes
FudgedInLuvs said:
What would be the most accurate representation of diapers from the early-mid 1990's? 1993-1997-ish

SDKs I understand have the 1998 print while Rearz had a vintage product (or maybe still have?) with a 1992 print on the taping panel.
Currently I am wearing a all white plastic backed diaper from a company called my diaper, these are very thick and are very comfortable and they remind me of the pampers diapers I wore as a child in the 1980's although they are obviously bigger and meant for a adult.

I have tried other brands like Cuddlez and bambino classico but these are the closest I have found to the old pampers/huggies diapers although next time I will probably order the larger size not because I don't fit them but because they will give me a higher waistgaurd and thas more protection from leaks.

I started wearing diapers again in 2010 when I was diagnosed with a weak bladder and had problems with incontinence now six years on from then I have to say I made the right decision to return to this way of life not less because of all the improvements in my life that are a direct result of this lifestyle.

And if I have to wear diapers for the rest of my life than thats no big issue with me as specially given I am going into care of sorts because of my disabilities, and also because of other factors.

Ps- I am wearing diapers at this time because of the fact I am still recovering from major foot surgery that I had last week and I am also more comfortable in them.

Yours sincerely
You should also consider the Rearz Vintage. The front panel look, thick soft padding, and shell texture are perfect for what you're looking for. The extra wide crotch guarantees a waddle, and it's a high performance diaper to boot.
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