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  • Yeah she wouldn't have minded much but I was talking to her and told her I was thinking about getting verified, now she's worried that someone bad might get their hand on the picture. I'm afraid to tell her thier is already a picture of me on the site.
    Thats the other thing she's worried I'll do something stupid and get picked up by a pedo or something.
    Why I ask is I have an older sister and she has the same bladder issues I have. I figured it wouldn't hurt to show her the site.
    How come there only seems to be users dating back to 2008. Is that when the site was made?
    :sissy:I like your profile page it maches mine in a way. I live in cameron mo. not too far just across the state. Just trying to make some friends that i can relate to. I hope im not asking for too much. I live a sheltered life and dont have many friends.:grouphug:
    Yeah. It was my girlfriend's idea. I really like it!
    i finally hit the 20 messages and can now write a private message. but i am so tired, i don't even know if this is private.
    thanks for checking in on me. i appreciate it. i thought i was doing better and tonite between 2 and 4 am, i spiraled down again.
    so whatever. day by day...
    take care.
    Hey there!! Until I can get back to the old "VIP" section, take over for me giving out milk, cookies & the hot chocolate for me, please!! Thanks!! ^_^

    That's so mean to yourself! You kno0w what, I'm gonna do it anyway!
    You should post a picture of yourself in a dress. I will if you do!
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