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  • I'm doing okay. My wife and I have been learning to run a new type of dialysis machine, and tonight is our first night home running it for 8 hours at night. It's very different so we're tense. I'm glad the training's over because it started at 8 in the morning. How has your week been going? I read about your bad month of February. Sorry. I know it was tough. Hugs.
    The dark clouds are scary but the rain tickles! (Idk, it sounded cute in my head but I think that came across creepy lmao.)
    Hello my friend, not long have I traveled this earth, but as I attempt to slay the hydra of responsibility, it sprouts new heads in the shapes of graduate education and not eligible for parents' insurance. I find myself thinking of the fine folks here and no longer here. From my crystal ball I scry upon their postings and consider what I might send to them with my powers, yet it seems that even with considerable ability that allows trans-continental communication I lack the ability to recall or express even one thing of note!

    The sun is hot, the days grow longer. And they grow shorter too, because apparently time is perceived as going by quicker when you get older. But I think whoever said that didn't work full time. Days go by like an arthritic inchworm which has found itself annoyingly vertebrate, but weeks and months just disappear.

    The important thing is to stay interesting. Also, never get fat if you can help it. I have heard it's pretty hard to undo that.
    Its fine :) My grandparents (Even if they are a bit. . . traditional. . .) Lend us their spare when our cars break down lol. It was my great aunts car, (My three great aunts lived together) The one with a drivers license passed away a few years ago so the car went to my grandparents. They literally only drove the thing to church and to the store so it's only got 27k miles on it. . . for a 1994 Chevy Lumina that's not bad mileage.
    Well funny story about cars being payed off, the Bravada has a bit of a story behind it. Originally it wasn't my grandparents, a couple bought it new but after 2 months they couldn't make their payments, my grandparents went to the dealership, payed the people who bought it the money they had payed so far, and the dealership the rest of the owed money -In cash- And then drove off of the lot with it. Was a lucky find really as it only had like 25 miles on it when they got it. And we'd trade in moms car and the bravada but neither are worth anything atm :/ The car has too many problems and since the Bravada wont pass inspection a dealership won't even consider it for a trade in.
    Hah, it's a bit late for that :p The Bravada is having its fair share of issues as well, it was originally my grandparents who bought it new, it was garage kept, we got it in 2008 and we don't have a garage. . . or a paved driveway, so it's kinda deteriorated in our driveway, it's not going to pass inspection later this year, there's nothing super bad with it but sometimes the engine knocks a bit and there's a bit of rust on it.
    Well as I said in the first car thing I mainly drive around a 1992 Oldsmobile Bravada (That was before moms car broke and now she's using it (Family spare car)) For a short period of time I was driving moms car a 1997 Oldsmobile 88 Regency. . . I was the last person to drive it. . . Blew a breakline, then it started to have a tonne of electrical problems and yeah. . . So yeah a 1992 Oldsmobile Bravada to answer your question lol
    Ohh, lol. ...I wanna keep talking in code :p

    The pizza is in the clown's refrigerator.
    Are we talking in code?

    The rooster has left the hen house. I repeat, the rooster has left the hen house.
    you mean linkedin? Sorry, its a stupid website that is actually really useful, but it constantly spams people from your contacts list. Linkedin is like a facebook for employers to look you up in a professional settings and people can say how skilled you are at things you do. My senior project class has been saying that it is pretty important.
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