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  • Thanks, things are going a bit better right now. Ah, fun stuff...I hope your exams go well for you.
    Well, the shortest answer is life, just dealing with some things. How have you been?
    How's things going hope everything is okay with you and your mom her founding out does suck! But I hope all is okay how is the new car?
    I've only gotten that attitude from experience. When you look and try, you won't find. It makes you seem desperate. And desperate people attract the wrong people. I know this well. Maybe one is out there, but right now, it doesn't seem so.

    And don't get me wrong. I'd love a cub mate, or just a daddy. That would be grand, and make things so much easier and better. But finding one who matches my personality is nigh impossible since so few exist. I can't always get what I want.
    I appreciate you're help. But that statistic makes me a bit sad. And I've given up looking. No point when there is no one.

    And I can't risk falling for a cub online again. After Komodo, and the disappointment that happened, I can't take it. Plus falling for someone, meeting them, becoming mates and leaving them would hurt. Being in an LDR would kill me. There aren't really any cubs out there for me. As much as I want a cub mate, I don't see it as a possibility.
    Just hard right now. Going through lonely times, and I just wish I had a companion or a shoulder to lean on.
    That's Mr. Stalker to you! :p
    For sure! At least admit to being a UNC fan. Sheesh!
    Yeah, I think it's been for 8 years or more. One loses track of time when you're having so much fun! We have to try and sleep through all the noise the machine makes as it talks to an Ipad. Hopefully it will work out. What did you think about Duke winning it all, since you live in the same state?
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