Who has difficulty to sleep in diapers?


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
I intended many times to sleep with a nappie but I always have this exciting feeling that stops me from relaxing.
And because of it, I get nights much shorter and shorter.

Was/is anyone still in that situation?
If some aren't, share some tools.
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Yes I've been wearing for a relatively short time. It was hard to sleep for a while when I started. And if I stop wearing for short periods I get excited to wear again and it's hard to sleep because of that.
LainIsLain said:
Yes I've been wearing for a relatively short time. It was hard to sleep for a while when I started. And if I stop wearing for short periods I get excited to wear again and it's hard to sleep because of that.
it gets better with time, I once found it hard to sleep while diapered, but now I find it harder to sleep with out a diaper on. Be careful what you ask for.
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I use to experience this and it's pretty common actually. For me, it got a lot easier as I started wearing more and getting more use to wearing. One thing that I noticed was that wearing more during the day before doing "normal" daily activities, like grocery shopping or class etc., that really helped me get use to them and made a big difference. When I was only wearing at night I was much more aware that I was wearing and got much more excited by it. While I was wearing and doing my daily routine that distracted me from the fact I was wearing which helped me adjust and get use to it more.
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At first it was hard sleeping in diapers. Now I am so used to diapers I sleep fine.
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Kind of like what others have said... I had a difficult time getting started with wearing diapers to bed. They could be stimulating for me, and I had some trouble adjusting to the bulk. However, I am a bed wetter and need the protection. I just gritted my teeth, so to speak, and continued to wear. It took some time for me to adjust (a few months) but, little by little, I became used to the feel and the bulk of my diapers. The stimulation also largely went away for me. My diaper-wearing has become so routine now that I notice it much more if (for some reason) I don't wear a diaper to bed. I just diaper up and go to bed and to sleep.

My advice is to decide if you really want to wear diapers to bed. If so, just put on the diaper each night and go to bed. Your body and mind will adjust. After some time, you will find that you are sleeping just fine. Hope it works out for you.
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It depends for me. Sometimes I wear for comfort when I'm exhausted and I crash right out, no problem. Buuuut.... more often than not there's only one way I'm getting rid of that excitement and, well, at least it's easy cleanup with a diaper on.

One thing that worked for me when this was a more prevalent concern (especially when I dealt with hard self rejection after wearing and using) is to take time to desensitize yourself to diapers. If possible, wear more casually throughout the day until it becomes very normal for you. Even when you feel uncomfortable (assuming you aren't being unnecessarily abusive or unsanitary towards yourself) take time to process those thoughts and offer some self therapy. Eventually you'll be able to normalize it and the feelings won't be intense.
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tobey said:
I intended many times to sleep with a nappie but I always have this exciting feeling that stops me from relaxing.
And because of it, I get nights much shorter and shorter.

Was/is anyone still in that situation?
If some aren't, share some tools.
Just masturbate. Then you can sleep.
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NabePup said:
I use to experience this and it's pretty common actually. For me, it got a lot easier as I started wearing more and getting more use to wearing. One thing that I noticed was that wearing more during the day before doing "normal" daily activities, like grocery shopping or class etc., that really helped me get use to them and made a big difference. When I was only wearing at night I was much more aware that I was wearing and got much more excited by it. While I was wearing and doing my daily routine that distracted me from the fact I was wearing which helped me adjust and get use to it more.
Excellent entry on the subject.
I find nappies too hot at night so I accept I have to get up to pee. Don't need to very often.
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BigKid25 said:
It depends for me. Sometimes I wear for comfort when I'm exhausted and I crash right out, no problem. Buuuut.... more often than not there's only one way I'm getting rid of that excitement and, well, at least it's easy cleanup with a diaper on.

One thing that worked for me when this was a more prevalent concern (especially when I dealt with hard self rejection after wearing and using) is to take time to desensitize yourself to diapers. If possible, wear more casually throughout the day until it becomes very normal for you. Even when you feel uncomfortable (assuming you aren't being unnecessarily abusive or unsanitary towards yourself) take time to process those thoughts and offer some self therapy. Eventually you'll be able to normalize it and the feelings won't be intense.

this makes a lot of sense thank you!!

I have terrible insomnia & sleep anxiety and rather than get excited about wearing diapers I get nervous that I won't be able to sleep because of them and then, well, the anxiety keeps me up no matter what happens. So unless I am just totally crashing, I usually just wear a tee & panties to bed. But recently there've been times where I've felt tired enough that changing would maybe wake me up, so hopefully more of that in the future!
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I would be too hot. And, at my age I don't get excited in my nappies I feel comforted - all day.
I would say that once you decide to wear them, you'd have to make a choice beetween wearing for excitment or for comfort. On one hand you have insomnia or anxiety and in the other you get dependant almost permantly.
tobey said:
I would say that once you decide to wear them, you'd have to make a choice beetween wearing for excitment or for comfort. On one hand you have insomnia or anxiety and in the other you get dependant almost permantly.
😀 I find it too exciting. I wouldn't sleep a wink. But they might also be a bit hot.
Adair37 said:
😀 I find it too exciting. I wouldn't sleep a wink. But they might also be a bit hot.
. . . but I'm not saying never. I never say never to anything good.
Why not.
Adair37 said:
😀 I find it too exciting. I wouldn't sleep a wink. But they might also be a bit hot.

Well..in the option of getting used to it you would maybe have to forget excitment and
...and masturbation
tobey said:
Why not.

Well..in the option of getting used to it you would maybe have to forget excitment and
...and masturbation
Yes, of course. And I could - but it might take a long time. The strange thing is when I wear my nappies during the day I don't get excited. Of course that could be because of familiarity and the fact that I need them. I'll see after my hospital treatment.
tobey said:
I would say that once you decide to wear them, you'd have to make a choice beetween wearing for excitment or for comfort. On one hand you have insomnia or anxiety and in the other you get dependant almost permantly.
I just want to be able to sleep through the night without having to wake up, get up and hit the bathroom five times .. I figure waking up in the morning in a warm and wet diaper would just be a bonus.
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When I first tried wearing a diaper at night, I also drank a lot of water and this resulted in difficulty in getting to sleep and then in constantly waking to pee. I have worn diapers a lot over the past year and now I can sleep just fine. The past 2 months I have been wearing and wetting every night, even when I was not planning on wetting.
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