Being an ABDL as a teacher. How do I handle this?

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LucasD9 said:
But I can’t imagine going a day without playing with toys or wearing diapers or sucking on my pacifier or drinking out of my baby bottle
So the thing with kinks/fetishes is that they're perfect fine and incredibly common, with the caveat that they don't affect your ability to live out your normal day to day life. If the thought of going 8 hours without engaging in it is troubling you, I think you may have crossed that line. You should probably go enlist the help of a professional to talk through all this and figure out what's going on.
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LucasD9 said:
I’m literally crying everyday because of this. Like I said before, I hate toilets. Using a toilet would probably put me into a deeper depression that I am already in right now. I am not the best mentally right now, and it’s because of me being an ABDL. I can’t let it go, I have been home all these months using diapers 24/7 and giving that up scares me. I am definitely going to seek mental help soon. But what if nothing works? I’m sure they will just give me some medication or call me crazy or something. I know this is the job for me, I have spent the past 6 years working for this and I have recently earned my teaching certificate. I don’t see why people sexualize ABDL so much. You say that I am forcing it on them? With that logic, they are forcing their underwear on me, they are forcing their glasses on me, why can they wear glasses in public but I can’t wear diapers? Why can’t we just be free?
I think you definitely need professional help, you are clearly not in a good place and are not ready to be a teacher. Can you really not see the difference between glasses and a diaper? It doesn’t matter whether it’s sexual or not for you - if a child sees you in a diaper and sucking on a pacifier in the classroom and goes home and asks their parents about it, do you think they’re going to say,’Oh, it’s fine, your teacher’s just being free’ or do you think they’re going to ask the school to investigate? This is primarily known as a fetish in the mainstream and so that is the link people will make first.

As a teacher you are there to be a role-model to kids. It’s a professional role and part of that means adhering to a dress code and to professional standards of conduct and behaviour. None of the things you want to do fall within that. You can’t even wear jeans in most public schools, it’s not just about whether it’s sexual or not, rather it’s about whether your actions at work meet the professional standards expected of a reacher. Diapers as a choice absolutely do not fit within the dress code or the level of behaviour expected.

You need to accept that you cannot indulge in 24/7 diapers/ being a little and be a teacher. It’s up to you which is more important, but if you want to be a teacher you need to be asking for help on how you start using the toilet again and how you start limiting the time you’re being little to evenings and weekends only so that you’re ready for your first job and not asking for advice on how to bring diapers and being little into the classroom.

As I said before, if you’re not ready or able to give up the diapers/ pacis etc yet you’re not ready or able to be a teacher yet.
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PCBaby said:
Whay is TLDR short for please?

too long; didnt read - many use it as a long story short thing to summarize a post in a few sentences if someone doesnt want to read a few paragraphs.
LucasD9 said:
I’m literally crying everyday because of this. Like I said before, I hate toilets. Using a toilet would probably put me into a deeper depression that I am already in right now. I am not the best mentally right now, and it’s because of me being an ABDL. I can’t let it go, I have been home all these months using diapers 24/7 and giving that up scares me. I am definitely going to seek mental help soon. But what if nothing works? I’m sure they will just give me some medication or call me crazy or something. I know this is the job for me, I have spent the past 6 years working for this and I have recently earned my teaching certificate. I don’t see why people sexualize ABDL so much. You say that I am forcing it on them? With that logic, they are forcing their underwear on me, they are forcing their glasses on me, why can they wear glasses in public but I can’t wear diapers? Why can’t we just be free?
Unless you are actually medically incontinent, you need to learn to use a toilet when you're at work. And if you aren't mentally capable of using a toilet right now, I highly doubt you are mentally capable of handling a classroom full of little children depending on you for their every whim. You need to seek help before you even consider becoming a teacher because it's not just a job where you watch over/babysit kids for 8 hours, you're responsible for taking care of them and helping them grow and learn the curriculum, which is strict, moves quickly and leaves no room for error. It doesn't matter why people sexualize abdl. It's because that's what it looks like. And whether it is a fetish for you or a comfort/regression/therapy for you, it absolutely DOES NOT belong at work. You need to be a functioning adult with your mind on your job, not being little or messing your diaper for fun or enjoyment or even because you're used to it and scared of toilets. And as the head of the classroom, everything you do has the potential of being caught by a lost kid walking in at the wrong time, meaning you could be caught messing your diaper, which would absolutely be horrifying for a kid and could traumatize them and get you in serious trouble. You're forcing it on them because you're not incontinent and you chose to wear a diaper to school and use it, and if you mess it then they will smell it, not to mention the uncleanliness of doing it in a classroom, even without mentioning the fact a pandemic is going on.

Ill say it again, for gods sake, get help before you become a teacher. The abdl community and the kids(though they won't know) will thank you for it.
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This is a joke, right?
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I hope so. If this is real, hopefully he gets the therapy he needs. Otherwise I can see this making the news in a bad way. And making things harder for AB’s in general.
I don't view this part of the forum hardly, but this topic has me concerned. Absolutely no way would I recommend any of this type of stuff. Teachers are meant to be looked up to, and be taken seriously. You, in that kind of state would be the last thing I want my kid exposed too while at school. If caught you could be looking at all kinds of potential legal recourse and at life long label of being a pedophile. With that being said if you aren't capabe of balancing work and your lifestyle of choice, you really need to consider a mental health evaluation.
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I saw your post on Reddit and I had to wait to post a response to this because I know that I can't look at ABDL stuff on my work computer-and if that's not a good example of keeping your work life and ABDL life separate, I don't know what is.

I used to teach 8th grade. Did I wear? Yes I did-and not just for ABDL reasons. I have a weak bladder to start with, and I totally agree, it's near impossible to hold it for that long and stay hydrated at the same time. However: I made sure that I always wore a plain white diaper, in case something ever happened and I never, ever, changed in my classroom. If you have a legitimate medical need, that's something you would need to bring up with your principal and/or department chair.

That being said, under no circumstances should you bring a paci or a baby bottle, etc into the classroom. Like many others have said, your lunch break and recess as a teacher isn't a "lunch break": you will need to make copies, prep your next lesson, reply to emails, catch up on your grading, oh, and eat your lunch too in 20 minutes!

Plus, your coworkers will walk in on you and you will need to have students in your classroom during your lunch to complete homework, serve detentions, etc: it's not a "cone of silence" by any means.

Say a student, or a coworker were to walk in on you while changing or had a paci in your mouth. Bare minimum, you would be fired. Your license would be revoked, and you would not be able to ever teach in that district again, possibly ever. And if someone walked in on you while changing (even worse, changing an ABDL diaper), add public indecency to that at a minimum.

Worst case scenario: your local news somehow gets ahold of it. Now your face is on the 6 o'clock news, and on Facebook, and on Instagram, and on Twitter........

Your work life is your work life and your ABDL life is your ABDL life and the two should never meet. Just like you can't be friends with your students on Facebook, the two need to stay separate.
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My 2 cents, and short answer, NO! It’s been said, but I’ll reiterat. If you don’t have a incontence problem, or are perfectly healthy, you shouldn’t wear such, in and around your teaching job. And forget about the pacifier!!!
I think if you believe yourself to be a learned teacher, you should already know the right answer on this subject.
kids would find you out, in a New York minute anyway.
Do yourself, and everyone else a favor, leave it home! If you can’t, you don’t belong in the classroom, get help in dealing with that, and find another profession.
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i understand the position you are in. But look at it as if you were a younger student. Your teacher wears a diaper, something only babies wear. How would it make them feel? Uncomfortable? For sure. If there really is no control for your urge to wear, i would suggest a different occupation. If you were to bring any other ABDL things like a pacifier or printed diapers, most likely you would be caught, and rumors spread like wildfire. Next thing you know you're fired, and its all over media. Like @hodori779 said, you would have students stay in your lunch break for detention and extra help, as well as eating your lunch. This means that you would not be able to change in this 10-ish hour period.

Messing is even worse. Diapers do not hold odor that strong, and your classroom would smell like :poop:

For the time being, you MAY be able to pull it of in online classes, but anything after that would not be suggested.

My knowledge may not be the best as i am a gym teacher, but I certainly wouldn't wear while teaching.
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If you're a teacher, you have a responsibility and an obligation to YOUR STUDENTS first. It's a jungle in schools now. Parents are on teachers for everything the teacher does. It used to be teachers WORKED with parents to better their kids but not any more. Parent take the kids side now. It's really sad.
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I won’t go into detail, since a lot of posters here have said it better than I ever could, but it just blows my mind that anyone could think this is okay.

It’s not okay. There’s no way to spin your question with a positive outcome. The reason you’re getting so many negative responses is because you’re asking a question that should be a resounding NO from any fully functioning member of society. The fact that you’re the only one who can’t see the issue with this is really damning evidence that you need professional help before you enter the workforce.

The biggest part that enraged me though is the fact that you’re displaying truly narcissistic behaviour. You’re bending over backwards to justify your fetish at work, and refusing to hear all of the negatives because that doesn’t fit your narrative and goes against what you want. I think you need to figure yourself out and mature a lot more as a person before you even consider stepping into a classroom again.

Notice how the answers you get have been the same across multiple platforms? At some point you need to point the finger at yourself.
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Its called conduct unbecoming for a reason, just like the lady that was into dominatrix stuff that went through the sheriffs police academy then was fired when they found pics of her doing scenes on the internet, she didn't break any laws, it was just very bad taste and not something "community oriented" that the sheriff's department wanted to be displayed, therefore they didn't want her to be employed with them.
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In a professional setting with influential children, other safeguarding professionals and most importantly parents. Now firstly I am in a similar situation to yourself about to finish training and going into a professional environment involving children and families but under no circumstances unless my biological situation changes will I attempt to wear around children I work with, you have to have professional boundaries and if you can't manage them then your going to have to either give up teaching or have some restraint.

understandable you like wearing diapers, you wear them often but your not medically incontinent and are most likely able to stay dry, and keep your bowels in check. If you were to disclose to the school your medical history and they accept your medical need then that up to them if you approach the head teacher, super intendant etc and said hey I want to wear diapers in my class while I teach for personal reasons then I would expect them to probably be shocked at first, then start to question your want to work with kids.

I'm not saying you'd do anything wrong and I understand ABDL is a big part of who we are as people and that should be respectful but at the same time please try to respect these children are trying to learn and your wanting to fill their environment with the smell of urine and poop, you want to play with toys during breaks and you want to do plenty of other unimaginable things.

I can tell you if teaching where you is like it is here in the UK you don't get a break your working the whole school day, so why not save the regression for after school use it as a reward for getting home.

If your saying you have a bathroom phobia and can't deal with these issues as an adult then surely taking on responsibility of being a teacher isn't for you and your not mentally ready yet. Fix your issues and if you can't then maybe look at getting medical support to back up your need for diapers in the work place, but remember you'll need to disclose this before you start with your employer otherwise it won't be considered if you get found out by another professional.

If you found out by the kids or parents expect a whole load of backlash, judgment, name calling, pitch forks and torches. They will want you out and you'd probably not get another job in that school district and no reference to work in another.

Be real, keep your ABDL life and professional life separate unless you work in an ABDL business or a job that is lone working, i'd probably stay clear of mixing business and pleasure...
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LucasD9 said:
I posted this on another website, but was judged by everyone so I will give this website a try. (snip)
My own position on this has already been shared by others, but...what the hey? I'll jump onto the pile:

Whether it seems fair or not, bringing ABDL to school as a teacher is almost certainly a career-limiting move. On top of the fact that it begs for misunderstanding and is easily construed as something sinister, talk of changing your diapers in your classroom is a sure sign that you haven't given the potential consequences of your actions due consideration, and are liable to end up in legal trouble as well. If you're legit, then I feel genuinely sorry for you. I don't consider myself a "lifestyler" when it comes to ABDL, but I can imagine the conflict it might bring to scenarios like this, and I don't envy it. As others have done, I'll suggest that you seek counseling to find other coping strategies that are compatible with your career choice. It's possible, however, that your career choice simply isn't a fit for you.
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Blathers said:
have a coloring book you color on breaks.
Or a coloring book during times where you are doing literally nothing. It’s not that weird to color in pictures. Most people will just see it as a time.

LucasD9 said:
It’s not sexual. ABDL might be a sexual fetish for you, but for me It has become a part of my life. You act like wearing around children makes me a pedophile or something, like I’m forcing it on them or something.
Sadly it doesn’t matter. Many parents do not/will not care about the difference, and your school district is very likely to let you go. The most you can conceivably get away with is a few stuffed animals as room theming. This is easier at the elementary level than high school level. Regardless, I would talk to the other teachers and administrators around if they would consider it okay. If they do, then you can have a few (like 1-3). If they say no, you just need to get over

As for everything else, that really won’t work.

Only wear if you have a medical reason. I say that because it gives you and your district something to point to if a parent complains. If it’s medical than, under ADA, the district has to accommodate your disability and cannot fire you just because of it. Even then you cannot change anywhere other than an employee restroom. This is just par for the course.

The pacifier thing is a no go. There is no way you can possibly justify it to a school district. This is as equivalent as smoking.

With the baby bottle, you can’t have a baby bottle in class, it would put your job in jeopardy. I would suggest looking at water bottles if you want something like that.

Lopeared made an excellent response. You have to be careful anytime you want to blur your little and adult worlds together. Many things that are completely acceptable in ABDL spaces aren’t acceptable in adult spaces. You have to be ready to be fully detached from your little space in order to deal with stuff in your adult space.

LucasD9 said:
It’s not sexual. ABDL might be a sexual fetish for you, but for me It has become a part of my life. You act like wearing around children makes me a pedophile or something, like I’m forcing it on them or something.
LopEared made an excellent point. It doesn’t matter how you see it. All that matters is how others see it. We understand that it’s not a sexual thing, and that it doesn’t mean your a pedophile, but we’re the most accepting audience. We’re into the same things, so of course we know all of that, but would you be okay telling a stranger on the street about your abdl? Do you think they would be as understanding? Do you think that they would believe that it’s not a weird sex thing? This is the perspective you need to be looking at things from. We don’t care about your abdl, but other people would. Teachers still get complaints registered for being gay, so what do you think the response would be with abdl?
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It doesn't matter if it's sexual for you or not! You are not the center of the universe! Children cannot force undies on you, because they have no authority! You do! Really? Do not be Little or wet or mess with intent around anyone who cannot consent, or hasn't been given the opportunity to consent, regardless of age! Wanna know how to pee and poo? 2 choices, and only one is safe. Your safe bet is not to use your diaper. Your other option is to go into a bathroom stall, pee, poo, or both, then change it there. Maybe keep a lovey in your pocket, or better yet a bag with a lock? Make it something small, that lets you know things will be okay just by it being there, and never let it be visible!
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The diapers, I guess, maybe are okay but really if they're not a medical need you shouldn't wear them to work. Everything else is a BIG no no. Toys and stuff like that? No. Other teachers may see them, children may question them and then tell their parents as children tell their parents lots of stuff. I also work with children but would never think about doing this at all. Actually just read the part where you said you'd mess your diaper during recess, you're clearly a troll or something.
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PCBaby said:
Whay is TLDR short for please?
Too long; didn't read.
I happen to be an AB and an elementary teacher so I think I have a good perspective and wisdom for you. ABDL and teaching with kids are to be kept 100% separate at all times. There is no compromise, debate, or bending of the rules! When you are working as a teacher, you are an adult and a professional. What you do at home on your own time is your own business but it NEVER encroaches into your professional teaching life. Period. If you cannot keep them separate then you MUST find a different career path.
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