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  • Haha.....thanks. Apparently I'm a blabbermouth. I do enjoy this site, and it seems like there's always something in which to reply.
    Wow, that's incredible! Kudos on getting to experience all of that. Those are all really big name places. I've always enjoyed choir music, but sadly don't have the voice to participate (Or, perhaps I just haven't found my voice's ideal tone. Who knows.). Has music always been on your mind for college or did it just sort of happen as time progressed?
    Also, when you say your degree is in 'church music' does that mean you went to a christian college and majored in music, or what exactly does that entail?
    Ah I see now. I was wrongfully assuming that when you mentioned the choir you were referring to it being at school. And it is true that many school extra curricular programs go into decline, but I'm really hoping most of those are simply in transitional periods rather than an extinction phase. As for teaching math at a junior high, all I can say is, I'm sorry. lol. Junior high kids can be rough enough will all the different craziness going on in their lives, but trying to get them to focus on math must be one hell of a task. I had a balding overweight male teacher who used to have barbies all over his room and on the last couple of days, we would make measurements and try to make them proportional to an actual human. It was actually fairly interesting, albeit that it was entirely at his own expense (though I think he could care less about the opinions of middle schoolers).
    That sounds awesome! Do you teach at a high school? My school was never so interested in keeping the music program alive and varied. In fact, it's only been going downhill since I left, which is rather unfortunate. Last I heard the jazz band was playing 'Moves Like Jagger', much to the chagrin of most of my jazz friends still involved in the program. That alone should tell you the route my school's band is taking.
    Very cool. When you help the soloists rehearse do you accompany them on an instrument or are you just critiquing? Also, what songs are you guys planning on playing?
    Happy birthday Dogboy. Now that retirement date is coming up. Hope you will be able to enjoy both days.
    Happy Birthday! Hope you've been enjoying yourself this day, and I'm looking forward to another year of your great insight and advice.
    Playboy has a Forum section? That's an interesting little tidbit. As for the rest, I guess good publicity is good publicity. It would be nice if the world realized that we are the interesting type of weird and not the dangerous type of weird.
    Ha! In any extent the future greatly excites me. So many new people and cultures to see. So many opportunities to learn and to find out how little I really know. Oh, it makes me giddy.

    On unrelated news, I was told that Moo wanted to close down our writer's corner. What's with that?
    Life has been treating me very well. I've been trying to find stable work, with little luck, and keeping up with school. I've also been spending a lot of time around the town with friends. I want to make as many memories as I can before I'm set upon the world.
    Dogboy! You have no idea how good it is to hear from you again. How have you and your wife been?
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