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  • M
    No problemo, here's to becoming better friends :)
    Sure will.Thanks for the well wishes, Icey! :hug: Yeah, I hope Pojo keeps his cow avatars. He's got some cute ones.
    Hey Icey! Not too bad. How about yourself? I was sick last week with Diverticulitis which put me almost a week behind on my work. I'm working from home right now in fact to try and catch up.

    Looks like there's a steady stream of new VIPs lately. Valerye might be next as I see a rep total of nine. Though I don't know if there's any negs to offset the positives for VIP status.

    I'm sweepy and mad that I have class this week. *pouts* how is Mommy?
    Hi Icey,
    It's from an anime called Potemayo that I came across This link has some of the video, but I torrented the entire series, and have it if you want it. It is cute but weird. I literally watched 2 hours of it after I finished the DL!

    Thanks for the friend request, friend!
    JBL vs. Joey Styles

    Report: Joey Styles & JBL involved in incident in Iraq
    More notes on the incident between Joey Styles and JBL

    and the winner is ... Joey Styles.
    Hahah thank you very much i found it on a website with comics for techies :]
    Hello, I'm doing good. How about you?
    As for my backgrounds, they are actually from a game series, and not official artwork either.
    The series is called Touhou, a danmaku shooter series (Shoot em Ups with tons of bullets and an emphasis on dodging them)
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