Your stash, and where you keep it..


Tiny lmao
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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Babyfur
  3. Little
What kind of diapers do you guys have in your stash? Do you keep alot on hand, or buy them when needed? Also. Where do you keep them? I personally can't find somwhere to put them to where someone who walks into my room wont be able to see them easily. (I live in a small dorm room with no storage) anyone else hqve this issue? Whether it be parents, roomates, etc...
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I built shelves in my closet and I prob have close to 800 diapers between the shelves and in there cases in the guest bedroom closet. I live a fairly open life and my girlfriend has assumed big / care taker of me so there is no hiding anything any more.
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My stash is pretty small right now. I have 7 ABU Simple Ultras and a few SDKs. They aren’t really as hidden as I would like, I have just always relied on the inaccessibility of my closet. When you open it there is just so much stuff in there that you wouldn’t really want to go digging around in it lol.
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My stash is and will always be small due to the wife not approving. I have a pack of tykables overnights, a few north shore max and Abena L4s. If I had to guess, maybe 20 diapers total. I keep them in a bin in the garage.
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I have a nice big double door closet in my kind of computer/general hobby room. I hung some proper exterior solid core doors and installed a decent lockset on one door, and a reasonably sturdy bolt latch on the inside of the other (with a metal plate and 4 inch hardened screws). I even went to the bother of installing hinge pins because the doors swing out (obviously).

It actually doesn't look as out of place as it sounds. The bolt and hinge pins are completely hidden, a door is indistinguishable from a regular interior one, and the fact that there is a keyhole above the handle doesn't really stand out.

This is all of course completely overkill, I've had lots of people over, and no one has even so much as expressed an interest in the closet. I just take a certain comfort in knowing it would be easier to go through the wall than through that door.

As to the rest, I usually order a few cases at a time, which as someone who only plays occasionally, lasts a long damn time. I also have a lot of other toys in there though.
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I live in my own home but do rent out a room to a person who knows about my AB side.

I keep most of my things in my bedroom closet, cloth and disposable diapers, plastic pants, onesies, footie sleepers, non-footie diapers, etc...but I kind of got carried away with disposable diapers and keep the extras in the basement. I think I may have more AB things in the closet than regular clothing.

It was not something I could have dreamed about when my wife was alive.
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I keep mine in my closet
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I have four or five bags of diapers at this time and I just leave them under my desk in my bedroom.
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I got my stash in a shelf under my work desk at home normaly 20 to 30 dispers 6 to7 plastic pants and some other clothes like slips leggongs and masturbators (magic wand pussis ........)
In my closet. Typically have anywhere from 25 to 125 diapers on hand. Living in diapers due to medical issues you don’t have a choice but to have a lot on hand.
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I have about 10 dips at one time and keep them in a bag in the bottom of my wardrobe! My mum found it one time but then she forgot, thank god!
As a kid I had training underwear and plastic underpants until l was age 6. I would just take them and put them underneath my "regular" underwear in my drawer so if my friends ever opened my drawer looking for something they would just see my normal pjs and underwear. I was fine during the day but nighttime was sometimes risky for a dry bed so I wore off/on when I had bouts of wetting.

At age 13 I bought my first pair of plastic underpants (misunderstood wet dreams) and hid them between my mattress and box spring. I think my mom found them once changing my sheets as they were moved a bit of a distance over from where I thought I left them. Nothing was ever said to me abut them and I eventually just decided to place them beneath my regular underwear in the drawer and if my mom found them I would explain about my nighttime slight wetting. Once again, my underwear would be moved around in my drawer after my mom washed them and brought them back to my room but she never said anything so I think she saw them, but I eventually just figured she knew why I had bought them and wore them as my underwear sometimes had the telltale sign of a big wet spot in the crotch. By 14 or 15 I had tossed them away as the wet dreams were gone.

Roll into my 18th year and college and I had to wear a full diaper and plastic underpants due to nighttime wetting. When I came home once my dad saw my plastic underpants on my bed once when he came to my bedroom door (I forgot I left them on top of the bed) but he did not say anything but made a bit of an odd face. Once again, nothing was said to me and I just concluded that my parents knew if I was wearing plastic underpants to bed it was for my own good reasons. Even today my mom keeps a plastic mattress cover on my bed for when I visit and when asked recently if I still found my bed comfortable I easily told her I did.
I currently have some 4Ls, ATNs, goodnights and boosters, but usually have a variety of Rearz too. I keep mine in my closet where I live now, but when I lived in the dorms I got a medium sized trunk that fit under my bed that I could put a pad lock on and I'd keep everything in there.
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tena1969 said:
I got my stash in a shelf under my work desk at home normaly 20 to 30 dispers 6 to7 plastic pants and some other clothes like slips leggongs and m**********s (magic wand p****s ........)
Keep it pg please :)
griphixx said:
Keep it pg please :)
It's worth noting that the PG-13 content rules do not pertain to descriptive words or profanity. If a poster was describing how they were getting off in a diaper, that would likely run afoul of the rules but just providing a list is pretty safe.

My stash sort of overflows at the moment. I've got the day to day wear in my closet shelves and then restock in the guest room with the much less frequently wanted diapers in basement storage.
I keep all my ABDL stuff under the bed, behind a bunch of other boxes, so it's hidden well enough so it's unlikely anyone would find it. No one goes into my room often, and I'm sure they would not want to have to sort through a bunch of junk. I also have some stuff hidden in the garage, and it's behind a bunch of other boxes and junk so it's highly unlikely anyone would find it.
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I keep all of mine in a huge plastic bin in the back of my closet. Currently i have about 90 ish in my stash that should last me til September. I live with family so I can’t really keep it neatly organized on shelves :/. I also have a lot of wipes, powder, and plastic bags in there for easy clean ups!
In full view in my bedroom
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I have assorted diapers in black, square ikea storage boxes made of cloth. I put them on top of my shelf on the living room and in the closet.
My "active stash" is a more easily open-able box under an armchair. I fill it up as it depletes by however I feel like :3 There's always some cinklz inside..
I also have some diapers in boxes downstairs in the storage room. Those are the ones I have most plentiful amount of in the house (Crinklz, Barebums, Bambino..) so when a pack is depleted, I'll go get more ;3
griphixx said:
What kind of diapers do you guys have in your stash? Do you keep alot on hand, or buy them when needed? Also. Where do you keep them? I personally can't find somwhere to put them to where someone who walks into my room wont be able to see them easily. (I live in a small dorm room with no storage) anyone else hqve this issue? Whether it be parents, roomates, etc...
I have a overdose of them really. I love ABDL diapers especially the ones made by ABU and Rearz. My main hiding spot is under my bed in three backpacks right now and under my mattress. I buy when the craving is to great.