Weight Loss

Wondercrinkee said:
I love the post-exercise feeling (after all the sore body parts break-in times are over with) where the "High" comes from after a good walk or workout. It feels invigorating! Good going!

I've been working on walking without stubbing my foot since when I broke my leg a short while back (( I ended up with nerve damage leaving me with a (Temporary???) dead big toe, and the one next to it a small bit; with a weak calf muscle.

Despite my brain asking with all my might to make the toe lift, it won't. It doesn't matter how hard I concentrate.
As a result, I have to lift it up by yanking with a sheet in the bed if it folds uncomfortably down, or I have to use my hand to reposition it.
Slipping into a house thong sandal (NOT (!), good GOD, the underwear version...🤣🤣 not with my fat ass, although it isn't a HUGE one, BUTT...😂🤣) walking makes me feel dead-footed and numb in the leg. YUCK. Thence-fourth very difficult, Basically, it's a semi-manual-use-only-toe.))

So, I'm trying to get in shape, really cutting back on unwanted foods and increasing my energy output. as best as I can. 😇. I'm sticking to it with you all.
Good for you for perseverance, every effort counts. A few years ago I was in a motorcycle accident and cracked a vertebrae in my neck, my chin and left shoulder were numb for half a year, all good now, hope you get your toe back soon🙂
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BeTrue said:
Maybe just cut back a bit? I see your dilemma though. I love bowling but I'm terrible at it. A 100 game is a good game for me.
I had my first 298 last week. Missed my perfect game by two pins. But I love it. Today is my birthday and I am going to enjoy myself tonight on league. Even if I am hurting real bad. I see my pain management doctor today I am going to see about getting a Toradol shot today before I go. I just go to have fun and take out my stress. I don't even look at my score half the time. I mean I try to do good but I do not get mad at myself like some of these people when having a off night. Most the time I just blame it on the hip. lol If I get it fix I might have to get a new excuse. 🤣
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fleckothefennec said:
Good for you for perseverance, every effort counts. A few years ago I was in a motorcycle accident and cracked a vertebrae in my neck, my chin and left shoulder were numb for half a year, all good now, hope you get your toe back soon🙂
Thank you! It gives me hope. It really does. I'm sorry you were hurt back then! God, the things we go through, huh?

I'm feeling very "Mortal". It's slapped me in the "Brain-Face" because I am scared of fragility now that I cruise through life and realize I can f-up really bad and await the "Soilent-Green Truck" if I'm not too careful. (That was a creepy movie for my young head back then...)

When young, talk about "Wondercrinkee". (I kinda think I should change my name to something more appropriate?) I dunno. I still "wear my CAPE", though (laughing), diapers and all.
I guess it will take time. My foot and leg at times, if you could somewhat understand, feel like it's internally "laughing" when I try to get it to move. Like a wavy-odd feeling of rubbery weirdness since it is "alive" yet dead. Very odd.

Only time can tell. I guess nutrients and patience are called for. I've been going for Sockeye Salmon, low in fat but healthy in protein for the verses along with B vitamins and Folic Acid, Biotin, Calcium, and the zinc magnesium mixes with a proper dose of diapers (Laughing, my brain had to write that, it's my personality...sorry!) and E, etc. Whatever. :unsure:😕🙂
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Hey guys! I'm posting my stats today. Time difference. And I'm very busy Friday. So I'm basically back to where I started four months ago.. I was super good for two months, then I went through an unbelievably difficult time and literally put it all back on .. but I'm re- starting today. I'm gonna put picture of my results soon. My ideal maintainable weight is 11 stone 6 pounds.. my currant weight is 12 stone 13 pounds..
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Kittyinpink said:
Hey guys! I'm posting my stats today. Time difference. And I'm very busy Friday. So I'm basically back to where I started four months ago.. I was super good for two months, then I went through an unbelievably difficult time and literally put it all back on .. but I'm re- starting today. I'm gonna put picture of my results soon. My ideal maintainable weight is 11 stone 6 pounds.. my currant weight is 12 stone 13 pounds..
Good for you restarting! You got this!

One question, what is "stone"?
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BeTrue said:
Anyone out there wanting to lose some weight? Interested in some weight loss accountability? Let me know. I need to get rid of this middle aged man gut!
I was 355lbs about nine months ago, now I'm 241lbs. Went from a size 44 waist to a 32 waist. I just stopped eating bread and now I eat maybe once or twice a day with a 20mg Protein shake.
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TexasToast11 said:
I was 355lbs about nine months ago, now I'm 241lbs. Went from a size 44 waist to a 32 waist. I just stopped eating bread and now I eat maybe once or twice a day with a 20mg Protein shake.
Thats a great achievement 👏
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BeTrue said:
Good for you restarting! You got this!

One question, what is "stone"?
That's a Google question! Us on the other side of the pond need translation, sorry! What's a kilo?
TexasToast11 said:
I was 355lbs about nine months ago, now I'm 241lbs. Went from a size 44 waist to a 32 waist. I just stopped eating bread and now I eat maybe once or twice a day with a 20mg Protein shake.
Well impressed!! Great job!
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Kittyinpink said:
That's a Google question! Us on the other side of the pond need translation, sorry! What's a kilo?
OK, just looked it up a stone is 14 pounds. So that's.... erm.. lots of pounds! (My calculator is on my phone..) oh and waist at moment is 36.inch
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I spent most of 2021 losing 50 pounds. I've done a bit of travelling and eating of late, so I'm trying to get back down to the "not overweight" category. Got three more pounds to go.
Mostly, it's exercise, weight watchers diet (blue plan), and trying not to drink too much wine.

I have noticed I've dropped an entire diaper size (now in MED on most).
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willnotwill said:
I spent most of 2021 losing 50 pounds. I've done a bit of travelling and eating of late, so I'm trying to get back down to the "not overweight" category. Got three more pounds to go.
Mostly, it's exercise, weight watchers diet (blue plan), and trying not to drink too much wine.

I have noticed I've dropped an entire diaper size (now in MED on most).
Well done! Always feels good doesn't it? Keep it up. Slow , sensibly, surely.
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Yeah, and my BP and Cholesterol are down. I have a new doctor and he's like, you're great, you don't have to do anything at this point.
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I’ve been trying to lose weight since August when lab work people found out I was pre-diabetic and high in cholesterol. Did lose more than 22 lbs within the timeframe and was on and off gaining a bit of weight from fast food this month. Those the last few months hardly my weight had been changing because it turned out all this time I had been eating enough calories to maintain weight. I’m now at 285 lbs and want to get down to below 179 lbs because I researched that that’s my normal weight for my height. Eating really less, nighttime fat burning supplements, and walking around my neighborhood for more than 30 mins should do the trick.

Just want to be off the obesity for good. I’m feeling really gross with especially my belly fat.
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DiaperedMunk93 said:
I’ve been trying to lose weight since August when lab work people found out I was pre-diabetic and high in cholesterol. Did lose more than 22 lbs within the timeframe and was on and off gaining a bit of weight from fast food this month. Those the last few months hardly my weight had been changing because it turned out all this time I had been eating enough calories to maintain weight. I’m now at 285 lbs and want to get down to below 179 lbs because I researched that that’s my normal weight for my height. Eating really less, nighttime fat burning supplements, and walking around my neighborhood for more than 30 mins should do the trick.

Just want to be off the obesity for good. I’m feeling really gross with especially my belly fat.
Good luck with that.. its hard for many of us. That's the really cool thing about this thread ! We can encourage each other. Just remember what you just wrote! There is your motivation! Go slow go sure.. don't crash and burn like I just did! Best wishes to you.
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TexasToast11 said:
I was 355lbs about nine months ago, now I'm 241lbs. Went from a size 44 waist to a 32 waist. I just stopped eating bread and now I eat maybe once or twice a day with a 20mg Protein shake.
Hey my friend that is awesome.
I cut out the soda pop several years back too. It if funny because I drank so many all my life some times 12 cans a day maybe more. Every once in a while I have a sip of the wife's cola but I could never drink a full can. It is just way to much sugar for my taste now. I don't eat much bread or high fiber. Because of my disease I eat about half my meal then then wait 4 to 6 hours and reheat the rest of it. Most the time I am just eating just one meal a day. I lost a lot due to illness to but it is a good feeling getting thinner. I feel way better with what I have lost. Keep up the good work.
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TexasToast11 said:
I was 355lbs about nine months ago, now I'm 241lbs. Went from a size 44 waist to a 32 waist. I just stopped eating bread and now I eat maybe once or twice a day with a 20mg Protein shake.
Wow that is great! I try to avoid carbs, though they're everywhere. Definitely avoid high fructose corn syrup.
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willnotwill said:
I spent most of 2021 losing 50 pounds. I've done a bit of travelling and eating of late, so I'm trying to get back down to the "not overweight" category. Got three more pounds to go.
Mostly, it's exercise, weight watchers diet (blue plan), and trying not to drink too much wine.

I have noticed I've dropped an entire diaper size (now in MED on most).
Awesome! My size mediums are getting less tight too. The tabs almost reach the padding! 😂
BeTrue said:
Wow that is great! I try to avoid carbs, though they're everywhere. Definitely avoid high fructose corn syrup.
HFCS should be banned everywhere. Not that imported soda from outside the US would really be any better than American soda.
BeTrue said:
Awesome! My size mediums are getting less tight too. The tabs almost reach the padding! 😂
I am fitting mediums in more brands than just Mega Max too now. To think I use to use a small size in depends. Wow
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