Do you have two sides to being ABDL?

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  1. Diaper Lover
I have both an AB and a DL side. My DL side is more sexual, and I like to wear whenever I’m just lunging around the house doing general things. My (recently discovered) AB side is different though. Wearing diapers is sexual for me, but whenever I’m wearing a diaper, onesie and carrying around a stuffie, it’s completely different. It makes me feel safe and innocent, and anything sexual actually takes me out of headspace.
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Honestly, they're both sexual for me. I love being babied and cared for, but that's also absolutely something I enjoy on a sexual level. But it goes beyond that. Even if I'm not thinking about sex I still enjoy the comfort of wearing diapers.
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I don’t really have an AB side, but more 2 sides to my DL. One is sexual and the other is comfort/convenience. I find diapers comfortable to wear and I like to wear them in situations where bathrooms aren’t available or would be inconvenient. Always wear one when I go deer or duck hunting.
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I never saw me having an AB side, but I have already found suddenly one night I grabbed one of my sons teddies and since then, every night I sleep cuddling it. When I do, I feel myself inside regress to a very early age, and feel safe and content.

My DL side, yes it was sexual, but its slowly changing to safe and content as well. It can be very sexual, and I love that side. However more often than not, I just feel safe when diapered now.
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I'm probly 80 or 90 percent diaper lover and 20 or 10 percent adult baby.
I can honestly say I’m 100% AB. It’s all emotional for me. I do have a grown-up side that allows me to function and carry on as an adult (poorly, though, I might add), but I always feel little inside. It’s forever been inseparable from my viscera, and I’d go back to being three without a second thought of I was given the opportunity. Adulthood, to me, is a sad waste of innocence.
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When you say 2-sides, it implies to me that I can be one or the other but not both at the same time.

For me, I am always a combination of AB and DL. Sometimes more AB and sometimes more DL and sometimes more sexual but mostly non-sexual.
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The initial reason for purchasing diapers for me was strictly sexual. That is until I started wearing them! I definitely have a diaper fetish especially how someone looks wearing one. As I wear the sexual attraction morphs into a different head space. It's comforting and secure. As time goes on I can see and look forward to being in a more child like state when I wear them. The psychology surrounding ABDL behavior is also fascinating! For the reading I've done there is a triad of ABDL behaviors. Rollplay, fetishistic(sexual expression), and regression. It's postulated that most ABDLs are a combination of these three traits. I recognize a shift from what I assumed was pure DL to something closer to a 70-30 split with AB behaviors. I'm still moving towards self acceptance but am no longer afraid of the AB side. Time will tell to see if the sexual fetish will eventually transfer or merge with the AB side or remain completely separate.
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Just to clarify the triad of behaviors is related to "diaper attraction" specifically in the book ‘Adult Babies: Psychology and Practices' by Bent.

Also in Dylan Lewis 'ABDL Motivations – Seeing the Trees and the Forest'

Three key ABDL motivations.
1. deriving emotional comfort from wearing and using diapers (and depending on the
individual, other items that connote infancy or childhood such as stuffed toys, pacifiers,
onesies etc);
2. sexual expression and gratification; and
3. identification as an infant or child.
being Asexual, it has never been about the sexual side of thing for me.

the feeling of being safe and innocent, and letting my inner child play.

When it comes to anything kink I like to find out about it and enjoy the play, pretending to be a cat or a puppy, having someone tie me up. is all fun until it comes to anything sexual.

I am too much of a brat to be a slave and some kinks I really don't like the look of.

but the right person treating me like the toddler that I am on the inside and I go all mushy,
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OP just read back your original question!
I came to ADISC two years ago as a diaper lover, non sexual related. I always wanted to wear diapers but never knew adult diapers really existed and that there were others like me.

Here's what its like for me. One day at work, after discovering ABDL, I got this strong urge to be in diapers. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I took a break, got into my car and drove to the closest pharmacy and bought Tena Super briefs. I was very excited, shaking a bit as I drove back to my office. I took one out of the pack and brought it inside. I went into a private restroom and put it on. It was like I could finally breath again.

Over the next few months I got more and more into ABDL, I tried a few sexual acts while diapered just to see how I felt about it (I felt regretful) and I now keep that separate from my ABDL side.

Today I am more AB than DL; I wear diapers purely for ...

1. deriving emotional comfort from wearing and using diapers (and depending on the individual, other items that connote infancy or childhood such as stuffed toys, pacifiers, onesies etc);

I know that I have some unusual emotional and mental dependency on them. Now that I have discovered ABDL and ABDL diapers I will likely be ABDL from now on; it's been two years of living an ABDL life and while I've had a few purge/hate cycles; I always come back.

For me there is nothing more enjoyable, relaxing, secure, peaceful than being in a diaper, footed Little Sleeper Keeper, pacifier, and latched onto my bottle of warm toddler formula.

And that's hard for me to say out loud, I am a "cool" guy and no one would EVER suspect that I am an adult baby. I blast rock and metal music, I drop D and blast my guitar, I can still bust tricks on my skateboard, I fish, I go camping, I go to concerts, drink beer, I lift weights and exercise and dress grungy/skater. Like Tony Hawk. I am married and a father.


As a part of my journey I did look at the "diaper" section on porn hub (I almost never watch porn but I wanted to see). I came across a video where a well known member in the community wet their diaper, messed their diaper, then masturbated into their diaper. That was enough for me. Not my lifestyle.

Though I have to admit, I am turned on by watching an attractive woman wear or wet their diaper. But the same can be said about an attractive woman wearing just about anything. Womens lingerie is sexy, but I have no desire to wear it.
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Hmm I wouldnt say I have "different sides" just one aspect can dominate the other at any given moment, so there can be overlap.
I think where people go wrong at times is when they go AB is the non sexual diaper fetish and DL is the sexual one.
When in actuality both have there own spectrums like anything.

And even within the spectrum there is variety.

complicated I know but fixations or fetishes or lifestyles often are.

For me personally little me is rarely sexual, when I am sexual its like I am not super into my little identity. Its more so getting my rocks off acting as if I am vulnerable. Me and my daddy have tried sexual ageplay its nice just not my favorite thing. I more so enjoy thinking about various scenarios instead of acting them out with my little identity. Hope that makes sense. Instead of doing I prefer thinking about sexual ageplay.
I find my little identity doesnt get much of a kick out of it.

It was fun when we did it though, just i prefer doing other sexual things when we are getting "busy"
But if I am by myself doing sexual things then thats more so when it comes out, holding especially can make me feel super vulnerable.

Sorry if thats TMI just wanna be honest to make others understand sexual ageplay isnt bad, consenting adults ppl, even if it isnt my absoluate fave sexual experince, it can be for others <3

My AB side is mostly nonsexual and its just who I am if that makes any sense, just comes out. Sure its amplified at certain more appropriate moments but its a place of comfort and love for me <3 Thats why I am not a certain "age" in abdl or ageplay. I dont age regress like I aint in a completely different state of mind just more amplified if I am supa smol or excited. :)

I love being silly, eating snacks, sucking on my paci, and playing with my doggies <3

also diapies <3

Now my DL side is both Nonsexual and Sexual.
Again I dont sexualize myself in diaps but I do find other people in them very saucy, like a tatted girl in a diapier whoa man thats SPICY

XD XD anyway my DL side isnt as understood as my AB but its getting there

Done rambling
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I am DL "only". My incontinence has made me appreciate good diapers and the comfort and security they provide. Life would be tough w/o them!
I am a diaper lover only.
forrest0160 said:
Honestly, they're both sexual for me. I love being babied and cared for, but that's also absolutely something I enjoy on a sexual level. But it goes beyond that. Even if I'm not thinking about sex I still enjoy the comfort of wearing diapers.
I'd concur with your comment in every way!
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Blathers said:
I think where people go wrong at times is when they go AB is the non sexual diaper fetish and DL is the sexual one.
When in actuality both have there own spectrums like anything.

And even within the spectrum there is variety.
I agree wholeheartedly. If I ever have to explain this to my family/significant other, I would explain ABDL as a spectrum. On one end is the extreme of being AB, where someone might regress so far into their headspace that they become an infant, nonverbal and everything. Then on the other extreme you have DLs who only want plain, white diapers for nothing other than the comfort/security they elicit. Then in between those two you have an infinite number of variations, with ABs who hate wearing diapers and Dls who aren't really age regressors but love printed diapers. On the sexual plane, you have ABs who like age play, in that they find the submissive/dominate role play aspects arousing, or Dls who find diapers or at least people in them arousing as well, with people on both ends of the ABDL spectrum that have zero (or close to zero) arousal from this part of themselves.
Blathers said:
I dont age regress like I aint in a completely different state of mind just more amplified if I am supa smol or excited. :)

That's sorta how I feel when I can get into littlespace. I'm finding I don't really regress behaviorally in a sense, I just get into this place where I feel myself having similar emotions to when I was little, such as a heightened sense of happiness/hyperness that matches me as a six year old. I feel "small" in a mental sense, due to these emotions, but I don't actually regress in the sense that I begin to mimic infantile/childish behaviors, though I have found that using these types of elements to put me in that head space is a helpful trigger. I hope that makes sense to those reading this. At the end of the day though, we're all a unique combination of traits, even among ABDLs. That's how my journey has been so far, as I just started exploring these AB aspects of myself this year; I never knew it was there before then. Now that I think back, I remember certain words that made me feel "little" would trigger a sort of light littlespace as a kid/adolescent, even if I didn't know what was happening at the time. It's finding what those traits are that helps us better understand ourselves, both as ABDLs and as people in general.
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Same here. I've discovered this part of myself this year as well.

Right now my regression is subtle. Wearing a diaper or my bib shorts puts me in a mindset of being small. I feel little, warm, cuddly, happy, inquisitive, and playful.

I don't find myself attracted to rattles and baby toys specifically. I just get an uplifting of emotional support that I'm grateful for at this time in my life.
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BabyDenise said:
When you say 2-sides, it implies to me that I can be one or the other but not both at the same time.

For me, I am always a combination of AB and DL. Sometimes more AB and sometimes more DL and sometimes more sexual but mostly non-sexual.
I wasn’t implying you can’t be both at the same time, I was asking if your AB side and DL side are vastly different from one another
jimbles said:
I wasn’t implying you can’t be both at the same time, I was asking if your AB side and DL side are vastly different from one another
My DL part was at first because when I am un Little space I kind of forget and some time it was to late. But I don't need Diapers to drop into Little space.

I just need to know that it is safe to drop my adult mask.

How ever, now I have developed a week bladder I am in diapers much more.

I wear normal medical brand for when I am at work and university. And ABU brand for when I am going to be in Little space for an extended time I'm or going to an event like a Littles play date, or pride.
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