A severe problem and I'm looking for help

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God created man in the likes of him. He brought us into the naked and sinless. Would you feel the same if God was to return while you were in the shower.
When Adam and Eve were caught eating the forbidden fruit God punished them. One of the punishments was they were made to feel shame when naked, therefore Adam and Eve would no longer be naked and unashamed. They needed to cover themselves to rid themselves of the shame.
A diaper is a form of concealment of your nakedness. How can one feel ashamed if God was to see them wearing something to conceal ones nakedness? After all it was God that put the punishment of shame upon us, how can God judge one for following and adhering to his punishment.
None of us know why we are ABDL. Now if you are this true believer that you say you are then surely you believe in creation. God created us so therefore he created you and this is what he created for you. He created you and everything about you including you being an ABDL. How can you as a believer of God and all he creates feel you are not honoring God when God made you this way? I mean isn't that God's intention? For you to be happy with what he gave you.
I believe if you truly believed in God you would honor God by being happy with what he gifted you. Denying oneself happiness is not what God intended.
Stop being so hard on yourself and enjoy what God has given you.
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Nowididit said:
God created man in the likes of him. He brought us into the naked and sinless. Would you feel the same if God was to return while you were in the shower.
When Adam and Eve were caught eating the forbidden fruit God punished them. One of the punishments was they were made to feel shame when naked, therefore Adam and Eve would no longer be naked and unashamed. They needed to cover themselves to rid themselves of the shame.
A diaper is a form of concealment of your nakedness. How can one feel ashamed if God was to see them wearing something to conceal ones nakedness? After all it was God that put the punishment of shame upon us, how can God judge one for following and adhering to his punishment.
None of us know why we are ABDL. Now if you are this true believer that you say you are then surely you believe in creation. God created us so therefore he created you and this is what he created for you. He created you and everything about you including you being an ABDL. How can you as a believer of God and all he creates feel you are not honoring God when God made you this way? I mean isn't that God's intention? For you to be happy with what he gave you.
I believe if you truly believed in God you would honor God by being happy with what he gifted you. Denying oneself happiness is not what God intended.
Stop being so hard on yourself and enjoy what God has given you.
Paul speaks of a thorn in his flesh that God would not remove. This is sexual degeneracy in my life. I should not be seeking motherly affection in a derogatory way from something imaginative. And diapers as a segue into that mindset are not good for me. I can't get it out. I just want to honor God and have a wonderful family with a girl who shares my point of view.
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SparkyDog said:
you're not gonna like the answers im afraid.
Its basically engrained in you.
Just as if you were gay but didn't want to be.
Im a Christian my self and enjoy diapers but not for ABDL they help me with anxiety & ptsd
Maybe need to look into why you want a diaper? Maybe it not for abdl
maybe you need them for comfort or to help you feel safe in a stressful life
i need mine for physical & mental reasons.

PS if you like diapers doesn't mean you are going to hell.
It is okay. I expect the majority of answers to question my worldview, rather than seek solutions to removing an ingrained preference. I don't know why I am the way I am, but I want it gone. And by the way, your PS is right. All things are good, Scripture says, but the manner in which they are used is not always good. Anything helps. I want it gone.
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LittleMaya said:
God gave you urges that are sexual. The ability to get aroused wasn't crafted by Satan.
Correct. But there is immorality in these urges. It is depraved and does not crave that which is objectively good. Again, I don't want to come here and outright fight and insult all you guys because.... this is your territory obviously. I would just think that there was a way to choose not to want to be an ABDL. I am ashamed of this. And women who are objectively worth having to me do not encourage the kinds of thoughts that I have about being ABDL.
ForTheKing said:
Good afternoon everyone. I'm not going to remain here very long, but there's something I need help from from you all regarding Adult Baby things. This post may anger or infuriate some of you all. I just ask that you would hear me out. I joined today for answers.

I'll preface this by stating that I am a 23 year old, heavily conservative, heavily practicing Christian male. I hold to a worldview that my God and King are sovereign. There is nothing more that I want in this life than to be of use to Him.

With that being established, here's my problem. I am an ABDL, and it's keeping me from God. I don't want to be one. I've tried for a decade to get rid of every inkling of ABDL tendencies, thoughts and cravings, but nothing has worked.

I've been obsessed with diapers since I was 3. I did chronically bedwet, and I still do about once or twice a month, but I don't wear any incontinence products for that. I'm come from a very disshelved family life and I suspect at least one of my other family members is also in the same position as me.

I bought size 7 pampers when I was 16, threw them out, did it again, threw them out again, and that continued on for years. I got into this very deeply this past year. I ordered Bear Hugz from CTDC earlier this year as I began travelling down the rabbit trail... Then realized I didn't like plastic backing after getting Bunny Hopps, and the timing was too perfect where I just got cloth-backed Little Kings from ABU, which was the most babyish adult diaper out there. I threw everything out, and that's been a trend. I threw them out because I realized I couldn't stand before my God if He were to return while I was in such a state of being diapered. So I no longer wear diapers and just can't.

So yes, I'm not just here to troll. I know what it is to be an ABDL.

BUT I don't know WHY I am an ABDL and HOW TO STOP BEING ONE. Sincerely. I've tried everything from psychotherapy, to accountability, to eating certain things, to always keeping myself in company, to always ensuring I have work to do, to attempting hypnosis, to continual prayer.... I can't get rid of the want to be in a diaper or to be mothered by something imaginative.

I do not like looking at pictures of my fantasies played out, and in fact they infuriate me. That's why it's always been some mental, imaginative thing. A formless, faceless, figureless, voiceless, mother figure who puts me in diapers. It angers me to even type that.

Additionally, I do not have much of a social life due to working constantly, but I'm trying to work on that.

It could very well be something socially learned at the age of 3 for me, or it could very well be something I was born with. I told you I'm a reformed, heavily conservative Christian male. I do not like abortion. I do not support gay rights (I don't hate them. In fact, I have gay friends who I hope come to Christ one day). BUT, it is because of my being an ABDL that I come to understand the potentiality of the general argument of "I was born this way" .... I empathize with it.

That being said. You all know my question at this point. How do become not an ABDL? How do I not want to be in diapers? How do I not want to be mothered in the way a mother treats her infant? How do I get rid of these thoughts? I want them gone. Please. I want them gone because they will ruin my marriage one day. And I want to have a big family and be an amazing dad and raise lots of children to come to love God with all their being. And I never want my wife to have to live with the kind of doubt that I might be retreating to some place mentally to receive attention from some imaginative mother figure. I want to be the man God made me to be. Therapy hasn't done anything. The woman at the end just asked if she could get me to be aroused to graphic lewd pictures instead of diapers if I would consider that a success.... NO... IT WOULDN'T. Please help me.

I aint the best at givin advice, and It sounds like this is something that's just ingrained into you so there isn't anything you can do to stop being a ABDL. That said ill just leave it at this.

Nowhere in the bible does it say if you wear diapers you are going to hell
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LittleMaya said:
Aside from what everyone else has said, I thought the Bible tells us that "all things are possible through prayer".

That is a basic Christian belief. So rather than seek the advice of sinners, why not pray more and if it's God's will, it will happen.

AAAAAAAAND with that, @WetEmily drops the mic and walks off the stage. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
You are right. Of course. For 10 years I've asked this to be taken away from me. I figured this may have been a "pray the cancer away" sort of thing.

The old joke is there was a pastor on a boat that started sinking. He was urged to get on the lifeboat but he said "no. I'll pray for God to save me." The boat went down and he's in the water, and a lifeboat comes by and someone throws a life preserver to the pastor, but he says "No. God will save me. I'll pray for it." As he's struggling to stay afloat, a helicopter comes by and offers to pull him up. With the last of his strength, he says, "No. I'll pray for God to save me." The pastor drowns, and when he gets to the throne of God, he asked God why He didn't save him. God replies, "I sent you the lifeboat, the life preserver, and the helicopter. Why didn't you take them?"

I figured I'd continue to exhaust all possibilities while I ask God for help.
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parcelboy2 said:
I’m gonna call you out with this statement !
You’re trying to convert US the forum away from diaper wearing and acting like a child , not rid your self of such thoughts
Not all of us on here wear diapers because we want to but because we have to and for some acting like a child is a coping mechanism for it
Ok. I don't mean to shame folks who use diapers in a non-sinful way. I do, or at least mentally I do. If this were to be some sort of weird hobby like metal detecting, or fishing, or stamp collecting, it would be fine for me, but it's not. It's the want to be regressed and diapered. This is arousing. And I don't want it to be. I want to be disgusted by it, but I legitimately cannot stop. The onslaught of thoughts is just immense.
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LittleMonsterUK said:
Explain this then…

The bible contradicts itself so much

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.
Unless your faith in God is like that of a little child, who trusts his parents wholly, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
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sbmccue said:
I think those of us who have been around awhile will tell you that ridding yourself of the AB desire can’t be done. You may think you’ve beaten it for a time, but it will return. My infantilism has effectively sabotaged almost every adult relationship I’ve had. I view it as a curse. And yet, here I am, in my 60s, still wearing diapers and being babied.

I honestly believe God made me this way for a reason … although just what the reason is surpasses my understanding. I try to balance my infantilism by being productive and contributing to the lives of others.

I don’t think an enjoyment of diapers makes anyone a bad person.

In any case, as I’ve often said, I imagine God is too busy to care what sort of underwear I have on, or who bathes me, dresses me, changes me or feeds me. That’s the sort of rationalization that’s kept me going for 40 years, although I can’t recommend it.
I understand. Sorry my guy.

And your story makes sense to me. I don't imagine anyone wants to be infantilized as a means of coping, it just is a way for most, especially if they're incontinent, and again, I empathize with that. Especially the sabotage part..... it sucks. I'm young and it sucks too.

I wish you all the best, brother.
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Anemone said:
Needs are not negotiable. You can seek to understand them and, if so, to find alternative satisfaction.

You can embark on a journey of self discovery and find out why would feel a need which is served by either nappies or else one met through catholic guilt but the answer will likely not be the simple one you desire.

The answer, in either case, is to learn. What we here can teach is not what you have asked for but possibly is what you know yourself to need.

The theologian in me would ask: If you, who are beloved of GOD and created in His image, cannot love yourself as you are; is it not your attitude towards yourself which is the sin against creation?
Many times the apostles state "Wretch that I am. Who will rescue me from this body of death. My flesh clings to death."
ForTheKing said:
Many times the apostles state "Wretch that I am. Who will rescue me from this body of death. My flesh clings to death."
How many?

Rather irrelevant to my point either way.
Anemone said:
How many?

Rather irrelevant to my point either way.
At least twice. Though I quoted David in there too. Regardless, it is normal for men of God to hate what they do, and not themselves.

I'm just in pain from this, and I want to be rid of it.
ForTheKing said:
At least twice. Though I quoted David in there too. Regardless, it is normal for men of God to hate what they do, and not themselves.

I'm just in pain from this, and I want to be rid of it.
We're getting back to the point of my initial post.

To dispense with the pain the source must be determined.

That requires a willingness to accept uncomfortable truths.
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Anemone said:
We're getting back to the point of my initial post.

To dispense with the pain the source must be determined.

That requires a willingness to accept uncomfortable truths.
Indeed. I've been looking for the source for 10 years. It might've been something with my mother, as I believe my sibling also is leaning towards being an ABDL. It could have easily been something I was born with. Is it a coping thing? I don't think it is. At least therapy didn't prove it was.
ForTheKing said:
Good afternoon everyone. I'm not going to remain here very long, but there's something I need help from from you all regarding Adult Baby things. This post may anger or infuriate some of you all. I just ask that you would hear me out. I joined today for answers.

I'll preface this by stating that I am a 23 year old, heavily conservative, heavily practicing Christian male. I hold to a worldview that my God and King are sovereign. There is nothing more that I want in this life than to be of use to Him.

With that being established, here's my problem. I am an ABDL, and it's keeping me from God. I don't want to be one. I've tried for a decade to get rid of every inkling of ABDL tendencies, thoughts and cravings, but nothing has worked.

I've been obsessed with diapers since I was 3. I did chronically bedwet, and I still do about once or twice a month, but I don't wear any incontinence products for that. I'm come from a very disshelved family life and I suspect at least one of my other family members is also in the same position as me.

I bought size 7 pampers when I was 16, threw them out, did it again, threw them out again, and that continued on for years. I got into this very deeply this past year. I ordered Bear Hugz from CTDC earlier this year as I began travelling down the rabbit trail... Then realized I didn't like plastic backing after getting Bunny Hopps, and the timing was too perfect where I just got cloth-backed Little Kings from ABU, which was the most babyish adult diaper out there. I threw everything out, and that's been a trend. I threw them out because I realized I couldn't stand before my God if He were to return while I was in such a state of being diapered. So I no longer wear diapers and just can't.

So yes, I'm not just here to troll. I know what it is to be an ABDL.

BUT I don't know WHY I am an ABDL and HOW TO STOP BEING ONE. Sincerely. I've tried everything from psychotherapy, to accountability, to eating certain things, to always keeping myself in company, to always ensuring I have work to do, to attempting hypnosis, to continual prayer.... I can't get rid of the want to be in a diaper or to be mothered by something imaginative.

I do not like looking at pictures of my fantasies played out, and in fact they infuriate me. That's why it's always been some mental, imaginative thing. A formless, faceless, figureless, voiceless, mother figure who puts me in diapers. It angers me to even type that.

Additionally, I do not have much of a social life due to working constantly, but I'm trying to work on that.

It could very well be something socially learned at the age of 3 for me, or it could very well be something I was born with. I told you I'm a reformed, heavily conservative Christian male. I do not like abortion. I do not support gay rights (I don't hate them. In fact, I have gay friends who I hope come to Christ one day). BUT, it is because of my being an ABDL that I come to understand the potentiality of the general argument of "I was born this way" .... I empathize with it.

That being said. You all know my question at this point. How do become not an ABDL? How do I not want to be in diapers? How do I not want to be mothered in the way a mother treats her infant? How do I get rid of these thoughts? I want them gone. Please. I want them gone because they will ruin my marriage one day. And I want to have a big family and be an amazing dad and raise lots of children to come to love God with all their being. And I never want my wife to have to live with the kind of doubt that I might be retreating to some place mentally to receive attention from some imaginative mother figure. I want to be the man God made me to be. Therapy hasn't done anything. The woman at the end just asked if she could get me to be aroused to graphic lewd pictures instead of diapers if I would consider that a success.... NO... IT WOULDN'T. Please help me.
What sucks is any and all folks who I have told and asked for help in real life have just asked me if it was pedophilia (obviously not) or something prn related and if not, they say they can't really help or do much..... This sucks....
ForTheKing said:
What sucks is any and all folks who I have told and asked for help in real life have just asked me if it was pedophilia (obviously not) or something prn related and if not, they say they can't really help or do much..... This sucks....
The big question that you need to ask your self is what is at the root of your shame? If you're disgusted with wearing a diaper isn't the obvious solution to no wear. Or are you afraid you will be found out by your church and outcast?
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SparkyDog said:
The big question that you need to ask your self is what is at the root of your shame? If you're disgusted with wearing a diaper isn't the obvious solution to no wear. Or are you afraid you will be found out by your church and outcast?
I am legitimately disgusted with wearing a diaper because it is unbecoming of me as a man and stands in opposition to me drawing near to God. The diaper is a segue into being made helpless and weak before something else, mentally. I have told my church my problem. They have recommended therapy... And therapy has failed.
ForTheKing said:
Indeed. I've been looking for the source for 10 years. It might've been something with my mother, as I believe my sibling also is leaning towards being an ABDL. It could have easily been something I was born with. Is it a coping thing? I don't think it is. At least therapy didn't prove it was.
You're looking in the wrong places.

If you want to not suffer you have to determine the cause. If your starting assumption is that ABDL is the cause then you will only go around in circles.
ForTheKing said:
Unless your faith in God is like that of a little child, who trusts his parents wholly, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
And yet there are over 4,000 world religions and over 40,000 denominations of Christianity alone. Clearly one’s parents can’t be trusted. :)

I don’t reject the notion of a god, but if we’re all children to a deceitful god who’d make us one thing and then ask us (very indirectly) to be another, I think we’re all fucked, whether we believe or not.

I’d rather have a condescending god who scrawls his/her/their commandments on the moon with a big red crayon for all to see. Equal opportunity. If it was actually important for me to believe, something like that would have been done.

But it wasn’t.


I wish you the best in reconciling your being and your beliefs.
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Last time I checked no bible liberal conservative communist socialist etc etc said anything about ABDL for or against , it was simply not in the covered teachings of Christ ,that make up the actual bible ( they say there are old manuscripts that were left out of the Bible for clarity, I have checked nothing there either!)
There are hundreds of millions of everyday modern issues the Bible doesn’t speak to .

You maybe confusing or conflating your ABDL “interest” with some other known “ sin” and if there’s something inherently bad about diapers does that mean as an incontinent person I am going to hell or absolutely not welcome in Gods kingdom ? I say no

And from my own life experiences I offer this :
When something in your life seemingly conflicts ,people assume something in there life must yield to religion , when in reality it’s there interpretation or practice of relegion that needs to yield , but few see that until many years are wasted trying to change what didn’t need to be fails .
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