Need help with diaper design

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Happy baby boy
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
Hi Everyone.
I want to order some of the ABU Peekaboo diapers, I was telling a friend online but get got upset and started bagging me saying your not a fur baby, your an AB, these diapers are only for fur babies, I should stick to AB diapers. I felt a bit upset cause of the way my friend was acting towards me, even though I am not a fur I have no problem with furs in fact I think a lot of fur characters are awesome. Take for example the little paws diaper from ABU, the characters on the diaper are great.

Even though my friend was being horrible to me, I thought any one could wear cute diapers. I told him a lot of people wear little paws diapers who are not fur babies. He blocked me and wont talk to me now.

He's wrong isn't he? anyone can wear a little paws diaper?
or have I got it wrong and should appologise to my friend?
I'm really confused, I didn't want to upset him.

Also I thought ABU designed the Peekaboo diaper as a fun diaper for all ABDL's wether your a fur, little, AB, DL it's for everyone?

Have I got it all wrong? Should I appologise?
Please help
Sorry ABdrew, sounds like your friend is having a meltdown and you were just the convenient outlet.

Of course you should buy whatever nappies you want, no one group has a claim to a design or style that would be crazy and I can’t imagine any other babyfurs actually being bothered by non furies wearing nappies with a taping panel showing cute critters on it.

Hugs and sorry for what sounds like the loss of an online friend.
Thanks Argent, he made me feel like I was a bad person. I would never hurt anyone. I love our community and everyone in it. I think we are all the most special people in the world.

Thanks for your support and kindness
Wear what you like. They're your diapers. You (possibly with input from a caregiver) decide what they mean.
Wow, for someone who identifies as an anthropomorphic animal, regresses and wears diapers, your former friend sure sounds quite judgy and snobbish. Having a Babyfur say that PeekABU diapers are for Babyfurs/Diaperfurs only would be akin to an AB telling a DL that printed diapers like Cushies are for ABs only and that as a result, they shouldn't really be wearing them... something tells me an inane statement like that wouldn't go over well and really shouldn't be taken seriously.

Like you, I am completely fine with furries, Babyfurs, Diaperfurs etc. I've met a few Babyfurs at local munches and they were great people. I don't think any of the Babyfurs I know would judge someone and block them because of their choice of diaper. Bottomline cute diapers are fair game for anyone who wants to regress and feel little, be they a Babyfur or a human AB. Oh, and it should go without saying, cute diapers are fair game for DLs too.

I'll say that you're not in the wrong at all, I've worn Little Pawz and PeekABU's and I'm not a furry. Lots of ABs wear those particular brands and many of them aren't babyfurs or diaperfurs either. Furthermore, ABU markets their diapers as AB/DL diapers, not Babyfur diapers, in fact, a lot of AB companies have diaper brands with cute, furry friendly designs, but that doesn't mean they're catering to that community outright.

As far as apologizing, I wouldn't, you have nothing to apologize for, your friend is the one who got their diapers in a bunch over nothing. For now, I would simply suggest you leave things well enough alone. If they're a true friend, they'll realize that they jumped the gun, acted in the wrong and will apologize, most good friends do.

If you don't get an apology, move on, there are plenty of other accepting and friendly ABs, DLs, Babyfurs and Diaperfurs out there to be your friends :)
Thank you Poofybutt, you made me come to tears with such an increadable post.
I feel so better.

- - - Updated - - -

Trevor said:
Wear what you like. They're your diapers. You (possibly with input from a caregiver) decide what they mean.

Thanks Trevor, your right.
I'll second what PoofyButt said. I wear PeekABU myself and I'm not furry or even AB. I'm IC and barely DL. I wear PeekABU because they perform the best for my needs in terms of not leaking. I got the printed version because it gives me a reference for taping, plus I simply find them cute -- on a completely vanilla level.
No one should be deprived or shamed from buying and wearing the diaper design that appeals to them. That just doesn't make sense to me. I might add that no one has ownership on a commercially produced item. Things are manufactured to be bought by anyone who has the money.
ABdrew said:
Have I got it all wrong? Should I appologise?
Please help
No, sweetie. :grouphug: Get what you like. There are people out there who feel the PeekABUs are, "too furry," but, others find it a really baby-diaper-like print. It's a matter of what you like. This is sheer, drama bulls hit, on your former friend's part. It's not your fault.
Really? REALLY?


A hooman is wearing a cute animal on their diaper. OMG. I am so. I can't even. I literally can't even.


You get those PeekABUS and rock them my friend. :3 And if anyone gives you any guff about it, tell 'em that another babyfur said they should pull the diadee out of their butt-crack and calm down. :laugh:


(PS: They're made for whoever thinks they're cute. That's all. ;) )
Agreed ware what you want I to am IC and not a DL or AB and I wear crinklz diapers when thwy are on sale as they are the same diaper as my Betterdry (plain white version) I wear 24/7 to manage my ic issues.

Some times its fun to wear a cute diaper I know my wife likes it when I switch to the crinklz
ABdrew said:
Hi Everyone.
I want to order some of the ABU Peekaboo diapers, I was telling a friend online but get got upset and started bagging me saying your not a fur baby, your an AB, these diapers are only for fur babies, I should stick to AB diapers.

I think our seeing a lot of babyfur diaper designs is a result of the designers trying to come up with designs that have fairly universal appeal and are the least likely to "weird people out".

Showing people using your product is a well-known advertising technique, and also presses the button a lot of us like for "reinforcing we're wearing a diaper" just like everyone else is on the front of the panel. But there's also a fairly strong distaste for associating actual human babies with our fetish. So unlike a lot of baby diapers we remember from years ago, printing actual babies in diapers on an ABDL diaper is pretty much impossible to do.

So what do you do then? The easiest route left is anthropomorphic, and so they go with babyfurs instead. No one's going to look at a diapered cartoon tiger and think "pedophiles!" So manufacturers seem to go with that, and it seems to be pretty popular with the crowd. Those that don't all see to fall back to some more abstract concepts or some theme, but when you do that you really start to narrow the appeal and shrink your customer base.

Babyfurs on diapers are going to continue to be a popular design choice. There'll be options available, but that's going to be the 75% of it. Some of this is going to be strictly (or mostly) furry though, as a theme, simply because there's already an established association with furry via the babyfurs. That's where we get things like peek-abu, safari, crinklz, etc. (and those have all turned out to be popular designs)

That's pretty general reflection though. Paying more attention to your specifici issue... a person limits their optoins for companions in life the more intolerant they are of others being different from them - acting different, having different likes and dislikes, or having other friends that are too different. There's no reason to apologize to a companion for being different. If they can't handle your differences, they need to find new companions more similar to them, more "in their comfort zone". I don't think it's something you should hold against them - the size of a person's comfort zone really isn't a "problem" or something that can be or needs to be "fixed". It's a part of their personality just like any other personality trait, and isn't something you should strive to change or "help them with". Just because you're comfortable with their differences doesn't mean they are or should be comfortable with yours. In that case, you two just "aren't compatible", and that's life. Just walk away on good terms, and continue to find others you are compatible with to spend your time with. They may change on their own in time, or maybe never. Don't expect it, and don't wait for it. If they change in time, maybe they'll appear back in your sphere sometime down the road and you'll get along better. But don't dwell on it.
Wow, I am amazed that we are even having this conversation. No one handed me the AB book of rules when all of this started. What we do is certainly out of the mainstream. There are no rules for what diapers you choose to wear. If that were true, just the fact that we are wearing "DIAPERS" and many of us do not need to; and generally only "REAL BABIES" get to wear diapers makes his whole argument crazy, as I do not think that he is a "real baby".

As "CuddleWoozle" so delicately stated, he needs to get his diaper out of his butt crack!
They're diapers meant for people who like or need diapers. No one owns a design or look. Your friend seems to be venting their frustrations on you and frankly you don't deserve that treatment one bit.
More important than how they look is how they function. PeekABU's are in the absolute top bracket for function. So is Crinklz, which also have furry prints on it. Their function is reason enough to justify wearing them, especially if you don't want some plain white diaper.

And for what it's worth, parents by their babies diapers that have cute prints on them. And I'm pretty sure a vast majority don't buy them specifically for the printed designs.
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