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  • B
    So, uh, you been working on your novel then?
    Hi dogboy just wanted to say thanks for your supportive comments. I do appreciate it and you've made me that more confident!
    Haha...I had a dog at church follow me today. I walked out of church (I'm the music director there), and there was this little Scotty dog wearing a dog sweater. I looked at him and he at me, so I walked up to him thinking he might run. Instead he let me pet him. I just stayed with him for a while and then a boy on a bicycle came riding into our parking lot. I called him over, and sure enough, it was his dog. Amazing, isn't it!

    We also have across the street neighbors who were visited by someone who owned a pit bull. The dog would constantly get loose. I walked out of my house one day and there he was, in my driveway. I thought, oh no....a pit bull. But he came up to me and I scratched him under his neck. He loved it. He would constantly get loose and come over to the house. I think the owner got rid of him, however, because I haven't seem him in a long time. You should always love and take care of your animal friends.
    It's too bad you had to leave and the breakdown, but at least you were able to make new friends. ^ ^ So did dogs continue to follow you even though you moved?
    That's such a cute story ^ ^ Wow, I can honestly say I'm a tad jealous :tongueout: Did you continue to spend time with him afterwards?
    Ohh maybe, but that's cool that dogs seem to like you ^ ^
    I know it's a question out of no where, but do you know why dogs follow you?
    Aww! Fanks! ^^ I really like to talk to you, you are one of my favorite people on here.

    Nothing really new for me, i just recently became a babyfur, but besides that, nothing. Can't wait on school to be out for Christmas! Only 2 more weeks, for me!
    Oh wow! We've actually had 3 or 4 gang fights at my school since the start of the year. Who wud'a though there were gangs in Mississippi!
    That's just how we handle holidays, i guess. We get off on like the 21st and then go back on the 6th for Christmas holidays. :D What about you guys?
    It's almost the holiday season, my favorite time of the year, hehe. We get out all next week so i'm pretty happy for the long break from school.
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