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  • I have it, but I've been drinking with pills that should NOT be mixed with alcohol... Not exactly up to Skyping right now. >_
    you keep saying :p do it, do it, driving's easy and fun! but of course, learn properly, yeah? don't wanna be a statistic, blah blah blah...tho it is true :S
    Ouch! Rather a serious injury just for an akward landing. :hug: But, as your countryman Baz Luhrman famously said "Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone"

    What game has gotten you and your friends excited? I'm waiting for Arkham City to come out on the PC, with Mass Effect 3 to look forward to in March.

    Not been up to a great deal recently. Went to one of my old school friend's 30th a few weeks ago. Visited my sister and parents, respectively. Bought an Apple TV2, which I immediately jailbroke :p . It's been fairly quiet.
    hey hey, you're back! Not too much happening down in my neck of the woods...I've started working at a cafe, that's about it :S how you going these days? mad stressed about school? :p
    Mean?!?! me?!?!? naaahh...maybe you were talking to my evil twin... Jamal? orr maaaybbee.. you were drunk, and didn't realise that actually you were mean and i was the perfect little angel o:D.
    Sorry I haven't been on much. Been out with Lupan and Alu all week.

    I guess you haven't been doing anything other than having surgery and laying around the house :( How long have you been told it will take to get back to normal?
    Nice! I got 95 pray a while back. Turm. Kicks. Ass.

    Nothing better than wrecking havoc at clan wars while wearing a diaper tbh lol
    Yeah I'm on every day. I'm going for completionist cape with a few friends. Will be a long time before I finally get it but I will. My dream is to trim it.
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