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  • <--- I looooove to draw, sleep (with my Kit ^_^), play videogames, and drive. I can't wait to get my license!
    I'm pretty good, I guess. Not my best, but still good =D

    Typical generic question: What things do you like?
    hehe, I'm always open to new friends! ^__^ *hugs back*

    So, what did you find interesting in me in order to add me? :p
    I am doing fine thanks. Just avoiding having to revise for my exams coming up this week.
    Hope you have had a nice chirstmas and new year so far :)
    It sucks as you're borderline for it, the VIP system officially sucks :p. But being nice is something everyone can provide. Although yours always tend to be a little more special than everyone elses.

    People look for different things I guess. And people have generally been encouraged to change their repping habits. To keen the "reputation economy" running.

    *hugs* You've got my approval, you can count on that.
    How could I not accept a friend request from the friendliest person on ADISC?

    I'll keep it in mind, but at the moment I can't. :( I'm soooper busy and I don't even have the program on my computer anymore. Didn't the people running it this year make them? :(
    Heya Icey! Thanks for reaching out like this! :) Truth be told, (and I do feel that out of respect for you and our friendship I owe you that much, to be sincere I mean,) my life haven't exactly been going great this year around. Family issues, job rejections and mental health problems, all combined haven't made this a year worth committing to memory. Though now, my family are getting the help they need and I am moving away to another part of the country to attend school. So things ARE starting to look a bit brighter. Thanks for listening. :hugs:

    How about yourself Icey? Life treating you well, I hope? :)
    things are going great Icey, i got some new shirts, a capture device for my laptop, so i can record my video games to it
    hey Icey, how are things going?
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