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  • M
    Icey...will you punish Pojo more for me?
    i dont like her trying to kill my Kenshin
    -wimpers- i really dont
    Thanks for your kindness Icey! It means a lot. Like i said im fine, and doin good. Thanks for the friend request.
    Glad to hear you're getting better. :) Try not to get a chill anywhere while you're recouperating. That just happened to our daughter and she ended up real sick the second time around with a 102 degree temp. She is finally getting better herself. Usually I get sick when the weather first turns really chilly. I've been that way since early elementary school years.

    Hey Icey! :) Oh....can't complain I guess. Doesn't do any good to anyway. ;) How's everything in your neck-of-the-woods?

    I found out today all this financial mess going on is also hitting me in my savings plan, unfortunately. :( Oh well, it's another 1.5 years before I can start drawing from it without a penalty, so maybe it will recover some by then. Times like this makes living in the adult world really suck. Makes you want to regress that much more to get a needed break from it all.

    Lonely. Not much else to say. Thanks for the hug.
    Hi Icey, I was glad I could get back onto the old forum at least a little. I was kind of surprised to not see Val around. When Ken asked about him he didn't get a very friendly reply from Vickie. I got the feeling it was a touchy subject with her. Do you know what happened there?
    Pretty good. It's been kinda boring, though.
    So, Icey. How's everything going for you?
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