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  • Yep, needed to freshen things up. My new one is just something I found on Google images; a soldier firing an M16 with the spent shell still in the air. I thought it was cool so I made it an avatar.
    Too lazy to give everyone a separate detailed account of my trip. I'll tell you when my blog post is up about my trip. lol
    haha, oh my god dude, my mom has a mini cooper with THAT EXACT PICTURE on the back cause she named it bloo!
    What? :p It did! It was some clever wit!

    ...And nice avie btw; haven't watched that show in ages!
    Your "sucking" comment literally had me LOLing IRL...really. I thank you sir! XD
    Thank you for noticing. :)

    Fun with Photoshop but well worth it. Possible future ink too, figured this would be a good test to see if I ever get bored of it. I don't see that happening though. Thanks again.
    You need to go out of your way to find something completely original for an avatar.

    Like a Rorschach test.
    Dude, you get OBSESSED with cartoons.

    It's weird.
    Still within three months, sadly.

    I'm still brainstorming a good name, anyway.
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