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  • O
    Yea I am a big Elliott Smith fan. Nice picture of Ceviche :)

    I hafta design a pirate flag now... Hmmm...
    I was thinking of adding a rainbow in the background. The flaw is that pirates and rainbows don't mix.
    I'm alive but deprived of any signs of the life
    that's trapped attacked by my own act, i'm indecisive.
    Right then, I'll get back to my this writing.
    Seek help from someone else cause my mind is in a strife and
    I wanna write to make you understand my psychology but
    but just can't seem to find the right pen to write down how I see it.
    Feel like happiness is a drug, everyone's got some but I'm feenin
    dreaming, damn i just want to be able to smile and mean it
    Sorry, Ovechkin is the captain of one of the Thrashers' biggest rivals. I used to hate his guts (for 'stealing' Kovalchuk's Hart trophy in 2008), but now I see him better for the great athlete that he is.

    But still, I will only change my name to Thrashers players' names.
    Thanks! I'm waiting for a name change (My parents found ADISC) before I post any comments or an explanation thread. I'm glad you noticed, though! :)
    It was beautiful. It didn't stick at all, and tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny and nearly sixty. So happy.
    Ahh, I see :]
    And they brought it back, did you hear!? :D No new episodes, but it's on Nick again every night :D
    Oh hey there :D
    May I ask what it is though? haha
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