Would you rather....

I have told all mine.
When you don’t control your bowel ,bladder or diapers , honesty is best policy
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I’d rather tell them but I ended up with option one.
i think i would rather be discovered! i'm in my 60s and under the care of a urologist, so it would be pretty easy to explain...
I've had both. I told my mom about it, and she wasn't super critical about it, leaving the decision up to me as an adult. After I actually started ordering then, my dad naturally discovered my wet ones as he took out the trash. He has remained silent on the subject.
Since I had bw issues since age 5 and wore diapers and pp though age 10, my parents were supportive of my need. Even at age 8 after a friend's mother had put me back into a full diaper & pp at a sleepover (which I was grateful she did), I asked my mom if she was informed of this by my friend's mother. She said yes but that I had told my friend's mother I slept better the next night with this security. I sort-of mentioned it would be great to have that protection again and she said if I felt better with it that was OK. She ended up with the same undergarments my friend's mother had lent her and I was diapered that night. Several days later we had to return the undergarments but my mother bought me my own diapers and pp after that until about age 11; along with a plastic mattress cover on my bed until age 12 which she also asked me about being comfortable with it.

By age 13 I was dry at night, until age 17 and then it came back in college and I immediately bought my own diapers and pp again. My first summer back home I placed the plastic mattress cover in the closest back on my bed and even though I hid my diapers and pp beneath my regular underwear and mattress, my mom saw them when she changed the sheets or brought back my regular underwear after being washed and I noted my piles of undergarments had been moved around in the drawer. I kept all my security undergarments after that in my drawer with just one pair of regular underwear on top. Both my parents never made any comments about it but knew from my previous history that if I needed to wear these protective undergarments again, that was OK. I am sure I could have talked to them about it but there was nothing to really discuss.

When I finished college and officially moved out, one of my first trips back home to visit, my mom had the plastic mattress cover on my bed (she removes it for other guests from what I could surmise). She asked me if I was comfortable the way my bed was made up and I stated quite emphatically that it was, and appreciated it. I always wash my own underpants now but have no qualms about placing it casually in my bedroom drawers.