Our rights as a different "community"

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chaochai said:
its very interesting how for most of us this fascination or whatever you would like to call it starts extremely young before we can even attach it to being aroused
It does start very young. I knew between 5 and 7. Didn't have a name for it, obviously. Just knew I was weird. It's not physically impossible for very young children to be aroused. They don't know what to call it, nor does it happen to everyone of us who has it in there so young, didn't with me, but it's possible.

Hang on, I shall find!
Et voila!


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Aby said:
some really terrible people have insulted me here and I have every right to defend my character, sorry if you think I am doing a poor job or that I should just take the abuse.
They try to put words in my mouth and change the argument to me asking for special privileges like having the right to walk around in only a diaper and poop oneself everywhere. That is not at all what I was talking about, that is there sick fantasy of who I am, based on? Seriously what do they hate so much about me? My profile pic? That I dare to say that any maligned group should have some very basic protections?
Again they will spin this into me wanting to have the right to jerk off in public, which is I guess what they think this is all about.
I get that dude. and I am just asking you nicely to take a quick break and like enjoy your life outside of the web.
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ThePaddedTurtle said:
I get that dude. and I am just asking you nicely to take a quick break and like enjoy your life outside of the web.
thanks man, didn't mean to be rude or short, was upset earlier, I struggle with civil discussions, I did remarkably well in this one, usually I resort to foul words and letting my anger get the best of me. I really have no social life offline, I live in a small rural conservative town and most of my friends are gone. Been in a type of isolation since November 2012. Sometimes I use arguments like this to work on self control, I need to be able to take some nasty criticism if I want to have more happiness and friends offline.
Anyways thank you I appreciate that you cared, I have been outside most of the afternoon playing with my dogs, and I spend lots of time volunteering doing photography and videos for a dog rescue, it gives me purpose, I don't have a job, lost my career because of disabilities.
SpAzpieSweeTot said:
It does start very young. I knew between 5 and 7. Didn't have a name for it, obviously. Just knew I was weird. It's not physically impossible for very young children to be aroused. They don't know what to call it, nor does it happen to everyone of us who has it in there so young, didn't with me, but it's possible.

Hang on, I shall find!
Et voila!


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Not to impressed with Kimberly, she focuses on this only being a fetish, again I see the kink and fetish aspects but it goes deeper for me, I have been a diaper lover since age 3 or 4, I wanted to be cared for like I was when I was a baby, I did not like the trauma and family drama that was unfolding. I remember wanting diapers since I was potty trained and when I finally had access I tried one on at age 3 or 4, and that was a very traumatic period in my life, it again did not start out as a sexual thing, and I won't accept that answer.

I find it demeaning to be identified as someone that gets off on diapers, its not taking in consideration the desperation to be loved and cared for as a little, it doesn't have any room for the feeling of being little itself which is not a sexual feeling, its a feeling of being hugged and loved unconditionally.

I do thank you for the polite discussion and sharing the links. I am finding more solace in Dylan Lewis's book, not sure about the dissociative spectrum playing apart, but I do kinda have a little me alter ego, so hes on to something. I have one little friend that's in the mental healthcare profession and poo poos on the hypothesis that this is related to the dissociative spectrum.

My little me is more emotionally available and much more vulnerable, I have recordings of me crying like a baby in my sleep, sometimes I use a little voice and I cry for my mom.

There are other times I talk in my sleep and its more sexual in nature, I use different voices though in my sleep, when its sexual stuff its more of adult voice, and it may involve diaper play, other times though its a little voice and it just wants its damn mommy, and its very sad.

Also I know its not impossible for babies to get erections, the first erection I ever saw was on a baby that was getting changed by the sitter, she was kinda rude about it, I think she kinda slapped in with her fingers or something to make it go flaccid. At least he was gettin attention, I was negated to a spectator and I didn't get much attention. I wanted to be held and picked up like the babies.

I got to stop now I am getting to depressed, I get angry because when I turned 6 my parents got sober and eventually never wanted to talk about anything in my life before age 6, so I never got the help I needed, I never was able to process any of that stuff, and I am now dealing with it at age 43, no one remembers my early childhood, and it makes me very angry, I remember being in special ed till the third grade, and that included physical education as I was deemed behind developmentally, I had PE with all the kids with cerebral palsy or other physical or mental disabilities. I know they tried to test me for everything but this was 83-85, ADHD was only Hyper kids. Its more than likely I was on the ASD spectrum or had ADHD, brain injury has only exasperated the symptoms I had as a small child, which in turn made me feel regressed and confused.

I need to stop now before I get more depressed, I am very blessed at this pint in my life. I was very lucky in my accident to not die, be completely blinded, or paralyzed from the neck down. I am a little crazy maybe from this life of mine and spending most of the last 9 years alone, very very alone, but I am working on that, and I have a find now that makes my life much better, its long distance friendship, but it beats being alone.
I rewrote the last comment twice, I get to into my own pity party, I know I am very fortunate and should not feel sorry for myself, but I have had legitimate wounds and suffering, I get defensive about that, as some people dont think people like me know anything about suffering.

I can write a novel on pain, judge not a book by its cover, or a person by their group identity.
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SpAzpieSweeTot said:
It does start very young. I knew between 5 and 7. Didn't have a name for it, obviously. Just knew I was weird. It's not physically impossible for very young children to be aroused. They don't know what to call it, nor does it happen to everyone of us who has it in there so young, didn't with me, but it's possible.

Hang on, I shall find!
Et voila!


And separately
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I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reaching out and sharing some videos, and being kind. I remember your avatar and that you were kind in the past, but my memory of the last 9 years is hazy to say the least. I am doing better in some ways, emotionally anyways, but memory is still a huge issue, and why I gave up on trying to return to college a few years ago. These days I just volunteer at a dog rescue, and help dogs get homes.
So either you missed what the town council said in response to Tykables store location or didn't watch it all cause triggered. Little tid bit about how some towns in the chicagoland area operate, the use of zoning allows places to keep out tattoo parlors, gun shops, strip clubs, generally what ever they view as undesirable in their city. Seems like that power was of no use and the brunt of the issue here is, your kid doesn't need that smart phone for their 10th birthday. What likely started as a small party raising the issue's they had with the shop turned into the whole town and it was probably all they were talking about after a few googles.

Town raises hell to their council members and demand they remove the business from the area etc...

Props to the lawyer, he has to explain the same thing over and over and over. Goes on to elaborate his due diligence in how the laws apply blah, blah, blah, then explains more overall legalese outside of the business regarding concerns about clients who shop there etc...

The unsung hero's are the Chads who stand up to explain the concerns of the town, their perspective and you know provide some context.

So yeah, no government witch hunt and the other fears you have mostly you thinking about all the negatives that have a snowball chance in hell occurring.

We have no rights that are being denied and if somehow special legal magic happened for abdl because reasons....

It will be abused.

Take a break from news and the screaming heads they pay to make you feel angry.

Maybe have someone proofread before you post
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🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 Please know i would never tear you down. I was worried about getting dumped on by others, not you. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Okay, Aby, sweets. My brain had about a thousand communication errors, yesterday. Let's try again, and my apologies. Firstly, humans are of interminable interest to me, I'm a science nerd, and I find information to be armor.

I talked about Siggy, not for right or wrong purposes, but because, if one understands it, and believes it to be right, congratulations to them. They can now understand why they're called something they don't think fits. If someone understands it, and believes Siggy to be the world's most incorrect human ever, they can at least understand it, enough to mount a defense against it.

I do this a lot. I have to, being disabled.

I get called less than savory things, and I know enough about them to turn whatever is said on it's ear.

Handicapped originally means," those with captive hands."

I respond with, "Only one hand is a pain in the butt. The other one only acts up when I put words to page."

Dumb originally just meant unable to speak.

"Oh come on. You know I can talk," works like a charm, because I can imply the person calling me dumb is actually so stupid as to not know dumb doesn't mean stupid. Well, maybe now, but not originally.

I've been here long enough, and grown enough, and studied, and science nerded out enough, that as long as no one calls me a pedo, or late for dinner, they can call me a fetishist or a kinkster if they want, because at least I get why. It can help to be sad for them, for being so far behind.

What happened with Todd, should not have happened. He had a social blunder, not knowing how people would take him saying stay and play. That's one of the things that makes being on the spectrum so hard, having to be constantly aware that NTs, and sometimes even the neurodiverse, will completely misconstrue what you say. We ADISCers, Spectrumites or not, know he didn't mean play as a euphemism for boink, but most people don't.

There was wrong on both sides of that. He should have been very careful what he said. Yes, I know that can be crazy difficult to do. He's still responsible for what he says. I will say, if you're big enough to be in the legal field, you're big enough to watch a video that might pleeb you out, if it helps you understand the case.

Pissed off spouses shouldn't be able to tell judges we aren't safe around children to get custody. Our lawyers need to be informed. That being said, I don't think protecting us as a class is a necessary thing. Yes, I know that's not what you're asking for.

Diapers on the beach has happened. The guy was IC. The cop defended him, and the guy who was pleebed out by seeing the diaper went off all mad. On your own property, I bet your fine, legally. If someone were going out of their way to peep at you, with binoculars or something, they'd get in trouble.

Here's the deal, sweet boy. People are afraid, legit phobic, even. It's not our job to give them exposure therapy they didn't ask for, because when you try, it doesn't work.

I think it's sad that the love language I use offputs people, but flooding fearful people with too much, isn't helping anyone.

I'm not going to deny myself the chance to feel comfortable in my own skin, either, though. It's a balancing act.

Sometimes I wish the world would take a healthy dose of get over it. I understand.
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TeddyBearCowboy said:
There are already medical supply stores out there that offer ABDL products that don't have the stigma that Tykables has had. These are both online and even brick and mortar locations. Northshore, XP-medical, and others are an example of online success stories. I live in the Rocky Mountains, USA and there is a store within 200 miles of me called KAL medical and they have all sorts of ABDL diapers, onesies, pacifiers and bottles too that are mingled right within other medical supply products. I haven't heard of any of the outrage that happened with Tykables as a purely ABDL store. I think they even now have two stores.

Gradually, and slowly there is a greater understanding of our community. This is the same steps that have happened with other often misunderstood or discriminated against groups. Throughout all of recorded history, it seems that people have had a tendency to look at others who are different than they are, or who believe or act differently as something to not only be avoided, but perhaps shamed. Many of these previously discriminated against groups have made some progress, but still a great discrimination remains. I do not think that will ever completely go away. But there is hope that things can become better.

I highly doubt that being ABDL will ever become a "protected class" such as ethnic, religious, gender, age, etc. But, I do think that as society sees more of things such as ABDL themed products out there, not just in a fetish way, but offered in a legitimate manner, such as is being done in the online and actual on-the-ground stores as mentioned above, there will be less stigma associated with it. Also, I think even the marketing of incontinence products such as has been done with Depends and other companies lowers the stigma associated with adult diapers and makes it less unacceptable, as people stop thinking it is so "gross" to wear a diaper, as many people need them. And, as this happens, then the thought of others wearing them who might not have to, also is less such of an issue.

Have you seen how many stores now have footed pajamas that are on their clothes racks? This certainly used to be an icon for a baby, but now they are offered mainstream in stores and becoming a popular product!

Also, (and I'm sorry, this is still stigmatic for me, so it seems a bit of a shock) what is up with all of the "poo" icons :poop: and products that are now out there? This used to be something that would have totally been unheard of, but you find all sorts of products out there that have "poo" as an image or even plushies (HEAVEN HELP US) that are of poo. **See, even for me who is ABDL I still have my own stigma thoughts of it being wrong to have a poo plushie. For most of my childhood and even adult life, you simply didn't talk about poo and sure as heck wouldn't have it on a keychain, or on your t-shirt, or use it as an emoji! My point here is that even talking about poo is becoming less gross and stigmatic as a whole. I mean, come on, you can buy these things now at Walmart!

Aby, from your posts you have said you are 43, and as such, you have been around a while. But think back to when you were a teenager and look at the differences around you as to how things that are somewhat, or evenly blatantly ABDL related are now more accepted than before.

There will always be those who do not accept ABDLism, the same as to any other group that is different than the "norm". But I would suggest that there is much less stigma and more tolerance for our community than there was even a decade ago. But in your quest for being accepted, you have to also reach out and look through the eyes of others who may not be accepting of you. And as such, be willing to accept them for their own perceptions and lifestyles, which may include not understanding of us or thinking we are a bit off because of our interests.
Responding a bit late to this; however, the poop emoji completely disgusts me. I have also recently seen a high end cake maker that offers this in cake form. Gross. Agree with the rest of your thought.
Criticalthinking said:
So either you missed what the town council said in response to Tykables store location or didn't watch it all cause triggered. Little tid bit about how some towns in the chicagoland area operate, the use of zoning allows places to keep out tattoo parlors, gun shops, strip clubs, generally what ever they view as undesirable in their city. Seems like that power was of no use and the brunt of the issue here is, your kid doesn't need that smart phone for their 10th birthday. What likely started as a small party raising the issue's they had with the shop turned into the whole town and it was probably all they were talking about after a few googles.

Town raises hell to their council members and demand they remove the business from the area etc...

Props to the lawyer, he has to explain the same thing over and over and over. Goes on to elaborate his due diligence in how the laws apply blah, blah, blah, then explains more overall legalese outside of the business regarding concerns about clients who shop there etc...

The unsung hero's are the Chads who stand up to explain the concerns of the town, their perspective and you know provide some context.

So yeah, no government witch hunt and the other fears you have mostly you thinking about all the negatives that have a snowball chance in hell occurring.

We have no rights that are being denied and if somehow special legal magic happened for abdl because reasons....

It will be abused.

Take a break from news and the screaming heads they pay to make you feel angry.

Maybe have someone proofread before you post
Not sure what you're saying. Tykables eventually had to move due to the pressure, despite having covered windows and a locked door that customers had to ring in to enter, keeping minors out. They probably will save money in there new less busy location. Not sure what moving ended up costing them. Not sure it was a good idea to open the store where they original location was, I do know that they were pressured to leave, I am not sure if any protections would have helped them, they had the law on their side and still were pressured to leave, by a mob of angry townsfolk conceded we all want to abuse their children or that ABDLs were having parties in the store in private and how dare they!

I would add you are making some huge assumptions about me, they are negative and false.
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I used to think that people who were ABDLs/babyfurs/littles would tend to be a different group much like LGBT because we didn't really choose to become one at all. Much like how they didn't choose their own sexuality when they were born. My view on that tend to change when I started to say this kind of stuff on purpose on YouTube comments when I was 15. It got me a lot of harassment during that time, to the point where somebody put me up on a Skype call and recording it for 20 minutes, while putting it on YouTube. For a while, I was scared that people might think I'm that vile like the guy projected in the video (even though I was only a minor when that video was made).

I was so desperate for friends that I thought some communities would understand me being an ABDL, but that turned out to be wrong. I've had a few servers on Discord that I was in raided while being called a nutcase. It sucks knowing that I just want more social interaction, albeit with hiding my own fetish knowing what I did was probably skeptical at best. The only problem is that there isn't a lot of ABDLs that I know on the Internet and many people whom I befriended think it's strictly a fetish. Despite living in one of the biggest cities in America, the area where I live in doesn't seem to think kindly of ABDLs, let alone babyfurs.

I'm not sure if it was for the fact that I was depressed during my adolescent years, mostly because I thought nobody would ever hang out with me due to how I acted and what my interests were. I tried very hard to mask myself, all while hurting myself on the inside. My psychiatrist thinks this is expected because I'm on the spectrum (autistic), but I don't think it really helps to know that I went through some emotionally traumatizing stuff on and off the Internet. One of which happens to deal with somebody I knew who hung out with Internet tryhards. In which they listened to white supremacist/neo-Nazi rock music for some reason. In which I found out that they were okay with saying the N-word loudly on Skype calls.

My mom was aware of these people that my "friend" hung out with Skype and thought they were no good. I should've trusted her and just stood up to myself, but I didn't because I was afraid of getting harassed and doxxed by them. This also made me shy over at my high school, despite being more social in my preschool, elementary school, and early middle school days. I had to go to counseling because of this and it just made me feel like I was a big fat joke. All of which hurt me way more on the inside than ever before, which ruined my mental health.

I wish I could just find somebody who would help me feel more comfortable on my ABDL side, without trying to say that I'm disgusting. It's just not helping and I think it's not giving me that much hope in my life. I'm not sure if anyone could help me find somebody who won't make me feel like crap most of the time, since these past few years made me an empty shell out of my identity. It also sucks that I had to say way more about what's wrong with me here, because I'm worried somebody in my personal life might take it the wrong way if they found out.
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SpAzpieSweeTot said:
🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 Please know i would never tear you down. I was worried about getting dumped on by others, not you. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Okay, Aby, sweets. My brain had about a thousand communication errors, yesterday. Let's try again, and my apologies. Firstly, humans are of interminable interest to me, I'm a science nerd, and I find information to be armor.

I talked about Siggy, not for right or wrong purposes, but because, if one understands it, and believes it to be right, congratulations to them. They can now understand why they're called something they don't think fits. If someone understands it, and believes Siggy to be the world's most incorrect human ever, they can at least understand it, enough to mount a defense against it.

I do this a lot. I have to, being disabled.

I get called less than savory things, and I know enough about them to turn whatever is said on it's ear.

Handicapped originally means," those with captive hands."

I respond with, "Only one hand is a pain in the butt. The other one only acts up when I put words to page."

Dumb originally just meant unable to speak.

"Oh come on. You know I can talk," works like a charm, because I can imply the person calling me dumb is actually so stupid as to not know dumb doesn't mean stupid. Well, maybe now, but not originally.

I've been here long enough, and grown enough, and studied, and science nerded out enough, that as long as no one calls me a pedo, or late for dinner, they can call me a fetishist or a kinkster if they want, because at least I get why. It can help to be sad for them, for being so far behind.

What happened with Todd, should not have happened. He had a social blunder, not knowing how people would take him saying stay and play. That's one of the things that makes being on the spectrum so hard, having to be constantly aware that NTs, and sometimes even the neurodiverse, will completely misconstrue what you say. We ADISCers, Spectrumites or not, know he didn't mean play as a euphemism for boink, but most people don't.

There was wrong on both sides of that. He should have been very careful what he said. Yes, I know that can be crazy difficult to do. He's still responsible for what he says. I will say, if you're big enough to be in the legal field, you're big enough to watch a video that might pleeb you out, if it helps you understand the case.

Pissed off spouses shouldn't be able to tell judges we aren't safe around children to get custody. Our lawyers need to be informed. That being said, I don't think protecting us as a class is a necessary thing. Yes, I know that's not what you're asking for.

Diapers on the beach has happened. The guy was IC. The cop defended him, and the guy who was pleebed out by seeing the diaper went off all mad. On your own property, I bet your fine, legally. If someone were going out of their way to peep at you, with binoculars or something, they'd get in trouble.

Here's the deal, sweet boy. People are afraid, legit phobic, even. It's not our job to give them exposure therapy they didn't ask for, because when you try, it doesn't work.

I think it's sad that the love language I use offputs people, but flooding fearful people with too much, isn't helping anyone.

I'm not going to deny myself the chance to feel comfortable in my own skin, either, though. It's a balancing act.

Sometimes I wish the world would take a healthy dose of get over it. I understand.
I like the way you talk, mmm hmmmm.

I predict at some point in the future my secret is outed and my public image will be affected, so I get a little paranoid about the future. A part of me just want to scream out like a character from the Tell-Tale Heart, I have lived with a good chunk of fear, and a part of me wants to just rip the bandage off and say screw it.

Anyways think you for a good conversation, you are probably right any legal protection are probably not required, and they probably wouldn't work well anyways.

Thank you for reaching out, its a good reminder to me that I am not alone in my ability to confuse and be completely misunderstood by the vast majority of the public, including my peers in the abdl community.
PhilanderNita said:
I used to think that people who were ABDLs/babyfurs/littles would tend to be a different group much like LGBT because we didn't really choose to become one at all. Much like how they didn't choose their own sexuality when they were born. My view on that tend to change when I started to say this kind of stuff on purpose on YouTube comments when I was 15. It got me a lot of harassment during that time, to the point where somebody put me up on a Skype call and recording it for 20 minutes, while putting it on YouTube. For a while, I was scared that people might think I'm that vile like the guy projected in the video (even though I was only a minor when that video was made).

I was so desperate for friends that I thought some communities would understand me being an ABDL, but that turned out to be wrong. I've had a few servers on Discord that I was in raided while being called a nutcase. It sucks knowing that I just want more social interaction, albeit with hiding my own fetish knowing what I did was probably skeptical at best. The only problem is that there isn't a lot of ABDLs that I know on the Internet and many people whom I befriended think it's strictly a fetish. Despite living in one of the biggest cities in America, the area where I live in doesn't seem to think kindly of ABDLs, let alone babyfurs.

I'm not sure if it was for the fact that I was depressed during my adolescent years, mostly because I thought nobody would ever hang out with me due to how I acted and what my interests were. I tried very hard to mask myself, all while hurting myself on the inside. My psychiatrist thinks this is expected because I'm on the spectrum (autistic), but I don't think it really helps to know that I went through some emotionally traumatizing stuff on and off the Internet. One of which happens to deal with somebody I knew who hung out with Internet tryhards. In which they listened to white supremacist/neo-Nazi rock music for some reason. In which I found out that they were okay with saying the N-word loudly on Skype calls.

My mom was aware of these people that my "friend" hung out with Skype and thought they were no good. I should've trusted her and just stood up to myself, but I didn't because I was afraid of getting harassed and doxxed by them. This also made me shy over at my high school, despite being more social in my preschool, elementary school, and early middle school days. I had to go to counseling because of this and it just made me feel like I was a big fat joke. All of which hurt me way more on the inside than ever before, which ruined my mental health.

I wish I could just find somebody who would help me feel more comfortable on my ABDL side, without trying to say that I'm disgusting. It's just not helping and I think it's not giving me that much hope in my life. I'm not sure if anyone could help me find somebody who won't make me feel like crap most of the time, since these past few years made me an empty shell out of my identity. It also sucks that I had to say way more about what's wrong with me here, because I'm worried somebody in my personal life might take it the wrong way if they found out.
while i dont think inserting yourself into lgbt+ spaces if you arent queer is the way to go, those things never should have happened to you, thats awful and im so sorry.

as someone who is queer + autistic + little if you want someone to talk to my inbox is always open 🖤
PhilanderNita said:
I used to think that people who were ABDLs/babyfurs/littles would tend to be a different group much like LGBT because we didn't really choose to become one at all. Much like how they didn't choose their own sexuality when they were born. My view on that tend to change when I started to say this kind of stuff on purpose on YouTube comments when I was 15. It got me a lot of harassment during that time, to the point where somebody put me up on a Skype call and recording it for 20 minutes, while putting it on YouTube. For a while, I was scared that people might think I'm that vile like the guy projected in the video (even though I was only a minor when that video was made).

I was so desperate for friends that I thought some communities would understand me being an ABDL, but that turned out to be wrong. I've had a few servers on Discord that I was in raided while being called a nutcase. It sucks knowing that I just want more social interaction, albeit with hiding my own fetish knowing what I did was probably skeptical at best. The only problem is that there isn't a lot of ABDLs that I know on the Internet and many people whom I befriended think it's strictly a fetish. Despite living in one of the biggest cities in America, the area where I live in doesn't seem to think kindly of ABDLs, let alone babyfurs.

I'm not sure if it was for the fact that I was depressed during my adolescent years, mostly because I thought nobody would ever hang out with me due to how I acted and what my interests were. I tried very hard to mask myself, all while hurting myself on the inside. My psychiatrist thinks this is expected because I'm on the spectrum (autistic), but I don't think it really helps to know that I went through some emotionally traumatizing stuff on and off the Internet. One of which happens to deal with somebody I knew who hung out with Internet tryhards. In which they listened to white supremacist/neo-Nazi rock music for some reason. In which I found out that they were okay with saying the N-word loudly on Skype calls.

My mom was aware of these people that my "friend" hung out with Skype and thought they were no good. I should've trusted her and just stood up to myself, but I didn't because I was afraid of getting harassed and doxxed by them. This also made me shy over at my high school, despite being more social in my preschool, elementary school, and early middle school days. I had to go to counseling because of this and it just made me feel like I was a big fat joke. All of which hurt me way more on the inside than ever before, which ruined my mental health.

I wish I could just find somebody who would help me feel more comfortable on my ABDL side, without trying to say that I'm disgusting. It's just not helping and I think it's not giving me that much hope in my life. I'm not sure if anyone could help me find somebody who won't make me feel like crap most of the time, since these past few years made me an empty shell out of my identity. It also sucks that I had to say way more about what's wrong with me here, because I'm worried somebody in my personal life might take it the wrong way if they found out.
Being who we are is not a choice, and you are not disgusting. I have had similar feelings in my life, the best thing I have found for them was self love. I hated myself and wanted to die many times for my irrational need to be diapered and babied. Being with another person in ABDL mode really helped me accept myself more, so I want you to eventually do that, even if its just a munch and your having dinner with people from something like fetlife, seriously that's a great way to meet people offline and to become more comfortable and accepting of yourself.
You might not find a mommy or daddy or what you want, but you may find what you need, in order to get you what you want.

For me the more positive and outgoing I am the more friends I make, sometimes they are more of acquaintances and sometimes, rarely, they become close friends or confidants.

Being in the neurodiverse spectrum, does not make this easier, but surprising many or us are on that spectrum, so you might find someone that really gets you in the future, but you got to keep your chin up and love yourself, accept who you are.

This is a good site, there's some arguments and conflicts at times, but overwhelmingly its a positive and safe space, you are cared for here by other members, I don't know you that well but I care for you, and you are not disgusting, no one here is. The world would be so awfully boring without people like us in it.
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chaochai said:
landlords cannot actually evict you for wearing diapers, contrary to popular belief landlords can only evict people for a certain set of reasons and wearing diapers isnt one of them XD

im not aware of anyone losing their jobs over diapers but i am less familiar with this scenario

as for court, i certainly dont think "they wear diapers!" would hold up in any situation where it isnt directly relevant

abdl people arent going to get refused healthcare, adoption, jobs, custody of their children, their homes, etc if there arent specific protections for them
While you are correct in that it is illegal for them to discriminate. ABDLs can and have lost their jobs as I have seen on this site from others. In fact not too long ago an ABDL supplier here in Australia sent an email around discussing OUR struggles as ABDL. Here is the extract that you can read in the attachment. To put it bluntly his ex has used his ABDL side against him in a custody dispute court case for their kids. His ex also thinks he needs to be "fixed" if he ever wants to see his kids again. This is discrimination. Also consider how the courts will address this case? Will they be fair and research ABDL to understand it? Or will they jump to conclusions based on how their initial negative/repulsive prejudice makes them feel?

A lack of understanding and prevalence in normal society leads to ignorance and ignorance leads to bigotry in rentals, custody, jobs etc. Although this might be illegal for them to do it won't stop employers/landlords/courts etc. from making up reasons to get an ABDL thrown out of their rental house, lose custody of their kids or sack them from their job due to a complete misunderstanding of what ABDL actually is and sadly the initial wrongful association with pedophilia.

ABDL is NOT the same as LGBT but that doesn't mean we don't have our own discrimination issues that we can face. If we as a community have a lesser degree of experience in discrimination it may also just be because it is lessor known and therefore also less understood. If no one knew gay people existed would there be any bullying, discrimination or prejudice? No. How can you discriminate against someone who is gay if you don't know they are gay? To use another example, in a Brony doco I saw a man had his car smashed up merely for liking a "little girls show". This is violence. The moment Bronies became mainstream and started being heard, it increased the risk of violence and discrimination. This is therefore not a wild expectation to occur with ABDL also.

We as ABDL's hide ourselves quite well and still have not stood on stage in front of a large audience to be accepted other than maybe as a creepy web doco that gives them a laugh and no one thinks 10 seconds about after watching. There are no ABDL parades or politicians talking about discrimination against ABDLs because no one knows about us. We are then relegated to the back seat when discriminatory prejudice really does occur like in the attachment or Tykables or in losing our jobs. No one knows about the discrimination and talking about it is embarrassing for a lot of us so it goes unheard and unchallenged in the courts. And even if it is challenged in the courts will the courts still be fair? Will they understand?

Just to be clear. This is not LGBT levels of discrimination but liking anything that is outside the norm does and can lead to discrimination experienced by that person. Whether it be a fetish, kink, interest, anything that is outside the norm will bring discrimination due to purely a lack of open mindedness and understanding from others who have no knowledge about it.


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Sadly the only thing we could do is to hide our ABDL interests in front of people in public, much like closeting them. I find that slightly unfair because the friend that I mentioned earlier was happy with talking about people and their fetishes on DA, but I can't mention mine unless I wanted to get harassed against. And be called some pathetic creep that should be "fixed" like what some people in the ABDL community had to face.
chaochai said:
as for court, i certainly dont think "they wear diapers!" would hold up in any situation where it isnt directly relevant
I'm not so sure. In custody cases the fitness of one of the parents could come into question, and I don't believe all psychologists are in agreement yet that ABDL behavior is not due to some kind of mental defect. A judge in those cases is charged with the responsibility of deciding what is best for a child and, if there is conflicting psychiatric testimony, the judge would most likely go with what appears to be the safest route: award custody the parent that appears to be free of potential mental health problems, or award custody to a 3rd party.
Drifter said:
I'm not so sure. In custody cases the fitness of one of the parents could come into question, and I don't believe all psychologists are in agreement yet that ABDL behavior is not due to some kind of mental defect. A judge in those cases is charged with the responsibility of deciding what is best for a child and, if there is conflicting psychiatric testimony, the judge would most likely go with what appears to be the safest route: award custody the parent that appears to be free of potential mental health problems, or award custody to a 3rd party.
Psychologists and psychiatrists in the UK know very well that 'infantalism' is a paraphilia that cannot be changed but does not affect the ability of AB's to be parents. Not that there might not be AB's that are for totally different reasons unfit to take up parenthood.
messydiaper said:
I will speak from my perspective as a white, hetero, cis, married male well into middle age whose wife plays along with my DL side. I can now buy really good diapers discreetly. There are two physical stores in my area that carry tremendous selections of ABDL diapers and clothing. I view my propensity like any other fetish and that unless I choose to go to a private event, I keep ABDL in my home and have no need for it to exist outside of that.

If I were into enemas and bondage, I wouldn't have any expectation for enemas and bondage to somehow be accepted in a public way. ABDL is similar. I am free to wear diapers in public, but if I begin to make public wearing a sexual thing, that wouldn't be okay.

I feel like our community has all the acceptance it needs to practice a wide variety of preferences discreetly.
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SweetPrincess said:
We as ABDL's hide ourselves quite well
I know some people are offended when anyone makes comparisons between gays and ABDLs but, to me, this is the single biggest difference between the two: it's much easier to keep diapers hidden in a closet than to keep a life partner hidden. The reading I've done on research related to social/sexual desires and behaviors leads me to believe the cause of homosexuality, and heterosexuality too, for that matter, is the same process that causes ABDL desires as well as many other deeply embedded, social/sexual desires. Obviously gays can also have ABDL feelings. The point is, the first six years of a human life is a real crapshoot when it comes to assigning the social/sexual desires that will affect that person, either immediately or later in life. Just like in the game of craps, the game of life has some possibilities that are more prevalent than others. Heterosexuality is the odds-on favorite of evolution, but it's still a crapshoot and countless other possibilities exist.
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