Just tired of it...

Sorry to hear you are struggling, think it is so common with all people who have incontinence. It's not spoken about much as it so many of us are more used to hiding it than sharing it with other people. I also get tired of never waking up dry, feeling soaked in the morning, knowing I smell, but I try and not beat myself up either. It's not easy but I found sharing my experiences on here and other forums helps and I have one other incontinent friend who really helps me feel less alone.

I hope you're having better days this week and that the comments here show we are a bit of a community, even if we don't know each other in person.
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georgianchants131 said:
TDR - I really don't have psychological issues. My thinking just doesn't work perfectly. I'm kind of slow for almost everything. Mentally I sometimes feel emotionally sad and frustrated. And yes, sometimes mad at myself. Mostly because my friends and family are doing everything they can to help me. Believe me, I feel much better than I was from Wednesday. It was just a really "shitty" day.
Good to hear! You are allowed to feel like that at times, shitty days are just that. Good your day was better today!
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DiaperDiva said:
I know the feeling. Incontinence doesn’t take a day off, even when you need a break.

I’ve been there. Feeling so low I just lay in bed, in a wet and messy diaper. Not wanting to get up and deal with it, not wanting to sit in my mess, just wanting to be “normal”. I won’t tell you that it gets better, but I will tell you not every day is so low.

You can’t feel despair, you have to push through it and keep goi

DiaperDiva said:
I know the feeling. Incontinence doesn’t take a day off, even when you need a break.

I’ve been there. Feeling so low I just lay in bed, in a wet and messy diaper. Not wanting to get up and deal with it, not wanting to sit in my mess, just wanting to be “normal”. I won’t tell you that it gets better, but I will tell you not every day is so low.

You can’t feel despair, you have to push through it and keep going.
You're right. Not everyday is that low. When I posted this I really was thinking to...no, I won't do that. But I was pretty low that day. And I've had other days just like that. From someone like you who has been dealing with this for more years then me, I realize it comes to just push through and keep going.

But I also realize that it's relentless. especially when I don't have a girlfriend . I've had one before and I think it gave me motivation. Now I'm kind of in a rut. I need motivation. And I need to try to be as normal I can. Maybe that's the key.
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Unfortunately Incontinence issues can depress you once in a while it happened to me I remind my self having to wear and use a diaper is a minor medical issue compared to what else that people have to deal daily. Its been 7 years for me next month and being diapered 24/7 no longer depress’s me (other then the costs 🙂) its simply become part of my daily life.

Try to look at the benefits of being diapered it may help you accept your need to wear 24/7 since you have no choice but to wear.

No more racing to the bathroom
being stuck in traffic and you need to pee is now a non worry :) unless your diaper is approaching saturation then thats a different stress point :)
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Even for someone like me, who only has nighttime issues (NE), I know it really can be exhausting.

I'm in college, yet I feel like I'm being cheated out a normal young adult life. Forget relationships, I’m not even comfortable inviting others into my room, and I hate feeling like I'm sneaking around when it comes to supplies or laundry or trash.

Lean on your support structures and family if you have them, and know that you aren't alone.
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georgianchants131 said:
Today is why the reason I'm so tired with wearing diapers. I'm tired of cleaning and changing. Day and night. I'm really tired of messy accidents. I hate when people write or tell me that it get's easier. Easier? Really? It's never ending. It's been for 6 years now. I'm 41. What do incontinent people do after 10 years? 20 or 30 years? I wake almost everyday having with that ordeal of cleaning and changing. I hate to say this but today I just won't get up and change my diapers. I won't go to my studio. I'm just watching TV and posting this instead. I'm wearing the same diapers.The disposables are saturated and loaded. The cloth diaper is wet. I'm tired of cleaning them and me. It's the afternoon now. I guess I'll have to clean and shower eventually. Get a clean and dry diaper. What the f**k. It's just one of those days. Crap.
I'm profoundly IC since the beginning. I'm 32 now and I've had to wear diapers for ever. I'm not going to say that it get's easier because it doesn't.
But not everyday is a crusher. Hopefully you have family support. I see that you have been IC for 6 or 7 years. I never had the chance to be "normal."
When I was younger I hated IC and I really hated diapers. My mom knew I was struggling about having to wear diapers. She quickly put me with a wonderful therapist. And I still see her to this day. I don't hate myself like I did when I was a kid. I certainly don't love diapers but they do help me. Without them life would be intolerable. If I can say anything I would say "Get some therapy." Really.
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Keeping a good attitude makes even the unpleasant bearable for me. If I let my attitude sour it takes me a lot of mental effort to bring it back to the positive side of things so I do all I can to avoid that. When I first became incontinent, a little over 6-1/2 years ago, apparently about the same time as you but later in my life at age 60, I was expressing the same feelings as you are now. Knowing myself well enough to understand that this attitude would make IC a royal pain in my posterior I realized that I needed an attitude adjustment if I was going to be dealing with this for the rest of my life. Since then I’ve actually come to enjoy my diapers and I’ve had an affinity for plastic pants as far back as I can remember so they were just icing on the cake. As someone who likes to develop a system to deal with things it took me a little over a year to start to get a system down for diapering, cleaning up, laundry, and traveling but now that I have it makes things quite manageable. I’m old enough to remember when IC meant that you smelled like urine, or worse, and there were few products available to deal with it and society’s, and the medical profession’s attitude towards it wasn’t nearly as enlightened as it is today. When most that were IC were nearly confined to home with little contact with the public so I consider myself very lucky to have this condition now instead of the dark ages back then.
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