How bad are pacis for your teeth, really?

DLForever99999 said:
My overall point is that no fetish or indulgence should be done to the point where it impacts your health.
I agree, but I don't use a paci for a fetish. It helps me to relax so I can sleep at night.
I dated an orthodontist who specialized in prosthetics and her father was a maxillofacial surgeon. They had what was basically a 3d printer (but at several orders of magnitude more expensive) that did their wax castings for the lost wax process they used to make teeth. Fixing it on the side was fun, anyway.

Both of them, qualified dentists, actually recommended pacifiers to parents with thumbsuckers. Toddlers with good fitting pacifiers have perfect little teeth that aren't misshapen in any way. Pacifiers that fit correctly are technically orthodontics, it's a bulb that sits behind your teeth and done correctly you could straighten teeth with a properly made pacifier. Apparently in Germany Nuk sells them as orthodontics, I only sorta asked but 2 dentists at dinner one night they just went on and it's exactly as noted in here already. If you are sleeping with your teeth on the bulb that's meant to be behind your teeth your front teeth will start to impact upwards and hurt. The bulb shouldn't make you gag but should be wide enough and far enough back to brace the teeth from the inside.

Part of what makes thumbsucking so bad is the thumb itself, because pacifiers don't move around on their own, they aren't a strong muscled opposable thumb, they don't cause near the damage and can be useful.

edit, hadn't looked in a while
They are considered orthodontics here, the name isn't an accident, it's a dental support the same way a retainer is.
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My tearz is a size 6. I think. It’s not hurting my teeth the way my previous size 5 did. I just wanted to be sure that it was safe and wasn’t going to cause any permanent damage.
never had an issue maybe a bit sore some mornings but only if im up against my stuffie & its being shoved in...I was always told as long as its an adult teat its good just not 24/7 lol
Personal experience from using every night for about a year.

It hurt at first, but over time you start feeling that gum pain less. Now i basically don't notice it. I pretty much only use the standard orthodontic type (my main is the littleforbig bigshield v2), and since I started and have gone to the dentist a few times, my teeth have not gotten worse. On the contrary, my teeth have actually gotten BETTER since I started, making my teeth straighter and helping close the gap between my front upper teeth which had been present for about a decade (likely from making the gums more malleable combined with moving the teeth around every day?)

If normal pacis could mess up one's teeth, I would be an example of that by now.
I' haven't had any problems so I guess it's fine.
gnd567 said:
That’s a relief. I’d probably also probably use mine more if I had privacy. This one doesn’t hurt my teeth at all and it’s very soft.
Stop chewing it.