First accident in nappy

I wonder if that trick I saw in an ad video, where a girl poured cat litter, would work for this as well šŸ™„

Yea, I recall my first time as an adult, it took me a long while to get clean, and even after becoming faster and much more efficient with the cleanup, it depends on the consistency of the mess... and how mushed up it is, so it's even worse with limited mobility šŸ˜

In my case, I ended up liking the cleanup because of all the caressing and grooming I do, and I even got used to the smell, but I understand it isn't for everyone, so well... thou triedst! šŸ˜Æ
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So my first accident was after my op I was using a wheel chair and when was out two disabled toilets was out of action at the shops. I needed the rail and room to help do my business, it sort of got to the point I let a little out and then it all came out. After the dripping stopped on the side of the chair I just covered my front with a jacked. It wasnā€™t fun really embarrassing i was with a good friend at the time so that helped. Recently now I am semi mobile and using diapers I woke up did a pee then was watching rubbish on YouTube. After a hour I thought better get up and get sorted. I knew I needed to do a number 2 but it only really felt urgent when standing up, I was using crutches down stairs taking my time and it just came out. This was my first mess and like others say preparation is good for clean up. Well as it wasnā€™t planned I struggled to get clean until I showered. Thing is accidents happen itā€™s life being diapered can be helpful. Take care
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BrokeBoy said:
So my first accident was after my op I was using a wheel chair and when was out two disabled toilets was out of action at the shops. I needed the rail and room to help do my business, it sort of got to the point I let a little out and then it all came out. After the dripping stopped on the side of the chair I just covered my front with a jacked. It wasnā€™t fun really embarrassing i was with a good friend at the time so that helped. Recently now I am semi mobile and using diapers I woke up did a pee then was watching rubbish on YouTube. After a hour I thought better get up and get sorted. I knew I needed to do a number 2 but it only really felt urgent when standing up, I was using crutches down stairs taking my time and it just came out. This was my first mess and like others say preparation is good for clean up. Well as it wasnā€™t planned I struggled to get clean until I showered. Thing is accidents happen itā€™s life being diapered can be helpful. Take care
THIS has been happening to me with alarmingly increasing frequency (so far the worst was 4x in a month) and GOD! PLEASE NO! I am not at all certain I can live with this IF it develops into a regular issue! That may be a "bridge too far" for me. I already am NOT happy with my life as it is and THAT may drive me over the egde!

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First time, and so far only time, I truly had a real accident in a diaper was once when I was building with some LEGO. Felt like I had to fart and pushed a bit to relieve the gas. Next thing I know, the butt of my diaper felt warmer, heavier, and mushier, and my butt felt like it was sitting in mud or something. I felt very small and embarrassed, feeling like a real baby. Was also first time i think I'd messed my diaper. Was a unique and oddly nice experience. Clean up was a pain given it was a cloth diaper.
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skylanderpamp said:
First time, and so far only time, I truly had a real accident in a diaper was once when I was building with some LEGO. Felt like I had to fart and pushed a bit to relieve the gas. Next thing I know, the butt of my diaper felt warmer, heavier, and mushier, and my butt felt like it was sitting in mud or something. I felt very small and embarrassed, feeling like a real baby. Was also first time i think I'd messed my diaper. Was a unique and oddly nice experience. Clean up was a pain given it was a cloth diaper.
I'd forgotten....I had this exact thing happen at breakfast one time awhile ago. I was padded, so it wasn't a big deal, but that could have been a lot worse!
CptKirk said:
THIS has been happening to me with alarmingly increasing frequency (so far the worst was 4x in a month) and GOD! PLEASE NO! I am not at all certain I can live with this IF it develops into a regular issue! That may be a "bridge too far" for me. I already am NOT happy with my life as it is and THAT may drive me over the egde!

I understand and hopefully things improv for you, could just be one of them things with time gets better. I hope anyway for you take care.
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