Carousel Diapers

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  1. Diaper Lover
I just got in mine and I am impressed. They're a bit of a hybrid between several different kinds of diapers, but appear to be based on the same design as ABU. The tape panel is softer and so is the shell, capacity is at least on par with space/simple, and the front art has more of a "diaper" look to it to me.

The only issue I have is that the entire run seems to have a manufacturing error with one of the top tapes not being applied right and so it's only 1/2 as long as it should be. But it sticks really well to the front panel so I didn't have any problems with it initially OR after moving it. (tapes seem to stick better to front panels that aren't quite as hard)

Padding performance is the same as abu, fast wicking, feels dry when wet, good capacity. Swells a little more maybe. Oh, they also cost a little less.

I might do a mini review tonight.
I just got mine in today as well. Haven't had a chance to try them yet, but I was surprised to see mine have a wetness indicator on them. It's the standard yellow line, but looking at the pictures on ABDL Shop I don't see one. Scrolling down on the page I now see "Note: Some of our stock features a wetness indicator. This isn't a defect, it's just a test run while we figure out what people like!"
Who makes them? I tried Googling for them but just ended up getting a bunch of baby shower gift how-to ideas.
Bugger about the tapes but great if they are on par with ABU Premium diapers.

Not a huge fan of wetness indicators myself, not a deal breaker but yellow stripes don't sound like they belong.
The design's pretty nice. It's a good combination of a print that looks like it could be on modern baby diapers without being too overdone.
I tried a sample pack. Both seemed awesome, absorbant, and tapes good. I like them.
Hmm. This is the first time I've ever heard of these Carousel diapers. I really like the way that they look. I'll have to try them sometime.
I've worn a number of them already, and the tape doesn't seem to be a problem. I have yet to pop even the "half tape" on the upper right.

I contacted them about the tape and they said this was the first they'd heard of it, so maybe it's not a defect that covers the entire run. Either way though it seems to be a non-issue. Ignoring whats turning out to be a minor cosmetic issue at best, I seriously can't find ANYTHING to fault on these diapers. And the shell art I think works really well to give them a "vintage diaper" look like the lightweight design on the Rearz Vintage. Comparing Carousel to Vintage, the padding is better, it's very similar to what ABU uses in their simple/paws/space lineup, with a better dry-feel when wet than you get from Rearz, without sacrificing wicking. Five stars from me.

Even if you prefer an all-white diaper, I think you should try these. It's also quite possibly the first time I've seen a new premium diaper released at a price below the price on existing premiums. It's about time we get to see some competition in this market start to drive down prices that so far have gone nowhere but North.
I got mine last week, and have been impressed with them as well. Capacity seems to be around that of the Rearz Spoiled, but quality feels like the ABU line. The simple design is a nice contrast to the other premiums which are beautiful. Sometimes you just want a simple, quiet design.

I didn't have any tape issues. My only issue was that they don't have a discount for cases, but at their price, that isn't a big deal.

Also, their pacifiers are fun! :D
I might have to keep an eye out for the mini review that you stated you might do.
This diaper's design is cute!
Argent said:
Bugger about the tapes but great if they are on par with ABU Premium diapers.

Not a huge fan of wetness indicators myself, not a deal breaker but yellow stripes don't sound like they belong.

I was thinking the exact same things.
Argent said:
Not a huge fan of wetness indicators myself, not a deal breaker but yellow stripes don't sound like they belong.

If my diapers need any yellow, I'll take care of that myself TYVM
Now that they're added to the list... tell me what you think...

Space / Little Pawz
Crinklz (rev1)

all based on the same model? (comparing nearly identical pad width, pad length, shell length, shell width, front/back elastic, tape panels)
These look like they would be great to try out, but shipping is too pricey to Canada :(
I just tried one out today. I'm IC, and my first one lasted pretty much all day (about eight hours), and I was wetting just as much as usual, as far as I could tell. The diaper is really nice looking, with large pink and blue stripes and a landing zone with a carousel theme, and its fit is...well, it is without a doubt the single best fitting diaper I've worn since I became incontinent. It is so comfortable that, if it were not for the bulk and the crinkle (which is, I must say, pronounced), I'd hardly know I was wearing the thing.

And about the capacity: all of that wetting for all of that time, when I took it off, it really didn't seem to be close to being full. And I didn't feel that "wet" feeling you often feel with less well made diapers. I have the rest of the bag to go through, but if it follows through on my initial experience, this brand will be a welcome addition to our choices, and one I will likely be adding to my purchase list.

BTW: Someone mentioned a problem with the tapes; I did not have anything like that.
I really like them but the tapes don't seem to hold well. They fit well and feel good, hold a lot too. I sent a message to them to ask about the tapes and never heard a response. I don't have the problem the OP does. Seems the right tapes don't hold well for me. A little duct tape works wonders.
footedpjs said:
I really like them but the tapes don't seem to hold well. They fit well and feel good, hold a lot too. I sent a message to them to ask about the tapes and never heard a response. I don't have the problem the OP does. Seems the right tapes don't hold well for me. A little duct tape works wonders.

What problem did you have with the tapes? Pull off the back? pop off the front? break in two?

I did experience a little bit of "pull off from the back" in a few of mine after wearing for awhile. Maybe they need to use a better adhesive on the tapes (if they add that during manufacturing) or use better tapes (that come with the adhesive on them already)
The tapes are a wee bit too high & bunched together for me. I'd like a lower tape or a 3rd one.
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