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  • Hey man, just registered on your site. Just have one quick question: How's RPing on your site? Good? Bad?
    Damn. If you don't want to type all the shit down, I understand.

    So, that link in your sig, what is it exactly?
    Oh cool! looking at RoninKagashi's deviantart and I love all the pictures especially The Luckiest Little Girl Alive! Awokes some like I dunno sweet/cute emotions in me! xD
    Hey. Sorry I wasn't online today, I just got home from college and have been spending time with my family. What times will you be online tomorrow?
    Mikeru u wouldnt happen to have another code u can PM
    Couldnt get Live today >.<
    Me nothing much other than searching for my damn Xbox
    and looking for cash for some Butane gas
    hey mike whats up buddy? You know I got halo reach right ^_^ its cool. I'm not amazing online yet but I am working on it.
    look i have nothing against you but you started picking on a devenseless girl,who had written a nice story,and because of you,she was not willing to write again.as for my spelling i have a disability.
    cyst? whats a cyst? Well what ever it is why?
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