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    Skype isint downloading man its starting to really piss me off.
    Well I'm not playing GTA with yallowmace catsrule13 and Llawddryll so ^_^ ha ha ha
    Eah killing people on reach Lol this noob kept running around with a shot gun and he would blow our shields away and pumble us. Well I was the only one he couldn't kill XD I feel like I'm getting better I just got 24 kills in 6 deaths and 7 assists so :D I'm happy ^_^
    Lol Its like we're cops and I see you rocking back and forth in the corner. I look at you then I look back at the other cops and say. "Hey whats wrong with him" Then he shrugs his shoulders. Then you said "So... Much Padding..." Then my face is all confused. LOL FUNNY!!!!!
    Lol I have a bad metabolism also. But I'm proud my my weight I use it in mt advantage in a fight. Anyway ya so XD I cant get over the though. XD the thought of having padding up to my chest lol.
    Lol thats epic. But I really dont have a 11 inch XD If I did I would consider a reduction. O_O Anyway lol bigger padding LOL
    Lol I know thats like impossible without a wheel barrel. Lol anyway ya funny. Lol how would I even get padding on with one that big O_O
    Hey shut up boy. Suck my 11 inch XD
    Lol thats no fun. I would have broken his nose. Lol I know for a fact that I can kick this kids ass EASY!
    Well theres this kid who is my age who beats up my little brother. So today I met him and he's all. "I'll kick your ass to" Then I said hey if you wanna fight I will fight you but I cant Garnette I wont break your nose. Then he was like why dont you say that to my face. So I walked over and repeated myself but I added. "Are you hard of hearing or something?" Then he backed up a step all speechless that I stood up to this kid who I'm not afraid of. Then I said "I'm pretty scary aren't I, Its real easy to beat up 12 year old kids who are 3 times smaller then your fat ass but when it comes to someone your size you puss out now dont you." Now he's all like man this isint worth my time. Then he walked away XD Today was awesome. Though I wish he would have hit me so I could kick his ass!
    Eah buddy whats up. Todays one of the few good days of my life ^_^
    So I've not been able to post on the site for several months due to a glitch. Then I come back, find I can post again, and suddenly BAM! There's a comment on the first blog entry I post. So cheers. :D
    Dude, I'm not doubting that Zuko is epically awesome, I'm just saying that I'd Zuko shot lightning at Toph, she could make a lightning rod with metal bending, therefore canceling the attack. Then she'd go qll'greatest earth bender in the world on his ass. HA! Suck it Trebeck!
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