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  • :p I see what you mean, cheeky, how do you know about things like that at such a young and innocent age! I need to get a picture, I've never had one but I don't know where to get one from help!!! Oh no to the lying thing, hope that gets sorted :S. Are you in Year 9? X
    ahhh yay! i dont have to go to the store:)
    nice, im watching Basketball, talking on adisc, and sadly going to the grocery store real quick for my mom,uggh brb
    hey man, i havent talked to u in a while....wutsup?
    You forgot the prefix: the AHMAZING growyoung.

    The one with all the RPs and stories and junk.
    The guy who cohosted as GLaDOS and parodied Still Alive for the Roleplay board awards.

    But enough about me, go buy the freaking potato sack.
    Yea i have a skype im kittytod on there, im on skype anytime im on my laptop.
    Hey its been awhile sence you got on MSN, is everythin ok?
    It gets updates straight from the wiki, Sandy's blog posts, and twitter feeds of everyone.

    Yeah, me too. :D Just got the app for the ARG. Pretty convient. And it's preeety obvious that GLaDOS took over Hubert's twitter.

    All I do is sit around in my test candidate hood and read updates, usually.
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