Why the Stigma to Adult Diapers?

Why the stigma for any diapers
Why did society decide that age 3-83 it was unacceptable to wear diapers.

Someone long ago decided the best way to get kids out of diapers past age 3 was teasing, bullying, belittling etc basically
everyone jumped on board with this system "only babies wear diapers"
it's alive and well today

I am IC and wear diapers full time
I've told a few people that I wear diapers and it's always the same response
What? diapers? what about surgery? medication? something so you don't need disgusting diapers
Have you gotten a second opinion? a third a fourth? what about other countries maybe they have a cure or a solution?

so the diaper stigma won't be going anywhere anytime soon unfortunately
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I miss here a second part of stigma or diaper dogma: Normal adult is controlling his esfinthers. Who not, is too old or too retard (ignorant vailnilla language) and for theese reason it's gross. And it stinks.

As to me - ICs has a green card, but nearly all of them wish getting IC off their lives. I dislike to call others atention because I'm stinky, so no public use for me. ICs are very bothered with their full diapers. Some non-IC ignorant jerks pretending walking around others in messy diaper and calling their atention, which I see as a minimum unacceptable. And the biggest non-IC idiots bring baby behavior into uninterested public... It's not only unacceptable - it gives the worst fame to our club.
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Well, it comes down to advertising i think.

The companies advertise for kids, yes old kids too, as this is a HUGE segment. Then other companies with adult products advertise to older women mostly, as its another large segment. Finally there is the medical system.

No company has unlimited ad funding. They shoot for the large segments as that will get the best roi.

If P&G as example spent money on a campaign for say 20-40 year old segment of the US. There is not going to be a good roi. If they are a medical need, most will get through insurance, which is a area they spend money on ads for. the rest are moslty going to be an extremely small number.

The only areas they dont advertise to is ABDL and/or recreational use of diapers.

So, for years and years the public only gets exposure to the areas that they see ads for, if they are ABDL they seek out what they want and is very niche market.

So, as John/Jane Q Public....You think that outside that area is some weirdo type of thing.

I mean back when i was a youngster it was still weird to most people the whole BDSM till like 80-90's started to become main stream, hell even as recent as the 50 shades movie was all "shocking" to see it protraied in a big budget film.

Now, i'd say the BDSM area both has overlap with ABDL and is also a much larger segment of the population. You dont see "real" handcuffs from places like S&W advertising for BDSM, although I'd say that there is a LOT of them in the BDSM world, yet if you had some even today, you'd be looked at a bit by the older generation.

Now, whilst it's not the ads fault, nor the mfg's fault, it's just the numbers game, and that biases the public by sheer quantity/exposure.

Now, how to overcome this, which is happening slowly as it is, is to support any places that do cater to the ABDL group and keep them around, I get MegaMax's on a regular order all the time, that said, I try to support them by my pocket book.

The time will see more and more exposure to diapers as a option, every year that we get things like covid19 and alike where shared spaces like bathrooms are getting to become risky to your health.

I've seen now some resturaunts where there is a bin right by the door, so you can use a paper towel for opening the door, which is a great thing, i've been doing that for years, and only use my left hand as much as possible in say a bathroom, as to not pick somehting up, and when out wear glasses to keep just the habit of rubbing my eyes at bay as that is a great way to get critters in to you.

But, if say the CDC was to actually publish the percentage of infected bathrooms with covid19, i think the public would first off panic and then maybe take measures.

I mean in all reality, why when this was at it's peak would you goto a place where you know people go to wash up, they have to touch the door you leave out of before they cleaned up, i don't really care about the amount of fecal matter as much as viruses.

But most the public doesnt even think of that.

I think the CDC should have given orders to use public/shared bathrooms as a last resort, and use other options, from diapers to a urinal in your car, or as amazon drivers, use old pop bottles. :)

Anyhow, there is a market there, and at some point the roi will be there for larger and larger mfg's to enter the DL space, or even do things like Pampers for adults (prob not :( ), but at least advertise for the other uses, like it's way cleaner to have some sterile urine in your own diaper, than to use a public bathroom where it's likely to have viruses you can easily catch.

I know that back in victorian times they used stale urine for washing clothes, and sometime after then to now we have been told that urine is somehow bad/unhealthy or akin. This i dont know how it was c=hanged, but i'm sure it has at least in poart to soap companies and/or bathroom companies...marketing again.

Enough of my rant, sorry if I went a bit askew there... :)
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Ceary said:
Even on Sunday at my work place (massage therapist spa), two of my colleagues were talking with me and one brought up how her friend wears diapers for her period and she thought that was weird. I told her I had wore diapers for several months just this year (it's hard to wear diapers in the heat with my gig work in Florida) and still wear pads. I said I had many friends who can't control the amount of volume their body produces and diapers are just the best thing.

People find diapers disgusting because it's soiled garments you walk around in and we have this conclusion that everyone who isn't clean smelling and able bodied is not fitting into standards. I don't care anymore about sharing information about myself and advocating. I have no shame in it.
I have never suffered FOOLS at all well! And, more than happy to bless them with a curse; that at some point in the near future, they will be faced with having to wear diapers 24/7. May they enjoy the lifestyle!

Idiots are idiots and if you let them get under your skin that's on you! Never let an idiot get under your skin.
FYI: Know that Life is Unfair and that one or the other or maybe both will have urinary problems by the time they are 55 years old.
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I'm incontinent and wear 24/7 i encountered a fair amount of bullying going through school, but now i find most people are busy doing their own thing to even notice. Either way i am too busy to engage with idiots attempting to humiliate me.

There are various ways to respond depending on the situation, but for the most part i'll tend to simply ignore them, people who like to draw attention to themselves hate to be ignored. Failing that the reverse "peace", gesture tends to work. :oops:😂
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Ceary said:
Even on Sunday at my work place (massage therapist spa), two of my colleagues were talking with me and one brought up how her friend wears diapers for her period and she thought that was weird. I told her I had wore diapers for several months just this year (it's hard to wear diapers in the heat with my gig work in Florida) and still wear pads. I said I had many friends who can't control the amount of volume their body produces and diapers are just the best thing.

People find diapers disgusting because it's soiled garments you walk around in and we have this conclusion that everyone who isn't clean smelling and able bodied is not fitting into standards. I don't care anymore about sharing information about myself and advocating. I have no shame in it.
That's the only way to de-stigmatize any condition. Talk about it, present it as normal, be forthright in doing so, and people will often come around. They don't have to share your interests or beliefs, just be willing to be open minded.
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JustMe said:
The title says it all. Why is there a stigma? Let me say why this question came to mind and then I’ll post my thoughts.

While YouTube surfing, I found a prank video where a young woman walked around the Florida beaches in a bikini top and a diaper bottom. The gist was to catch the reactions of bystanders; and they got plenty. Mostly snickering; some shock; pointing and commenting; etc. In one sense, she looked like any of the other gals walking around in their bathing suits. Only difference was her bottom attire. But it got me thinking … why the stigma?

I get it. A diaper is associated with one’s youth; and then we are supposed to grow out of it. And as we mature, we mature in what we present ourselves to the world with: in this rant, our clothing. But when we need an aid for living and we have to have a diaper on (or even if one chooses to wear a diaper because they like/want it), then why is there a shame? A stigma?

For me, it was that my nether regions were not working like they used to. And diapers, catheters, etc. was the inviolable proof. But I am not an infant. Nor do I want to associated as one. And frankly, while I miss my old continency there has been a heap of times where being diapered was the best thing (dare I say feeling) ever. And while 99.99% of the world doesn’t know what’s hidden underneath and while the few (family, medical) that do have no issues, when it comes out, there is still a very brief “sting”. Perhaps I am my own cause for the stigma?

Thoughts? Comments?
I saw that video. I'd bet my last loonie that it was from Just 4 Laughs, a Quebec-based comedy show. I am using comedy in the very loosest of terms. In addition to Celine Dion and Justin Beiber, this is another atrocity we have foisted on the world. On behalf of all Canadians, sorry.
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Yes, I'm incontinent. And yes, I wear diapers 24/7. To I share this information? No. Unless I'm seeing my internist or other medical workers. And of course I discus with my family, close friends and my partner. Beyond this, I don't fly the diaper flag. It's personal and private.
Ceary said:
I don't care anymore about sharing information about myself and advocating. I have no shame in it.
Fell free if you want to discus your own IC and the diapers you wear. I think the majority of non-IC people would not want a diaper conversation. I have a colleague (a teacher) who tells everyone (if interested) that he wears diapers (prostate surgery). Everyone loves this guy though I'm sure some of them prefer to not discus it. When I told him that I'm also incontinent and I wear diapers, I told him I would I like being on the down-low. He respects my position.

When I was in school, it wasn't my favorite place. Plenty of teasing but not really bullied. I think it's about younger kids who were too immature to understand what incontinence means. Most adults know that.

There're other people who are exhibitionists (select ABDL members). They get a thrill about wearing a diaper in public. They don't care. People who see it know they're not normal. When it comes with an IC person and have an obvious accident or leak, most simply walk away and feel how sad it was.

Stigma is real. Longtime IC people ignore comments. I'm in that group. The problem is there own. Not ours.
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I think it's multi-layered. We are told from the time we are toddlers that only babies wet/poop their pants/beds, "Don't you want to be a big girl/boy?" I certainly heard it. As a parent I used similar language. For those outside our community, that remains true -- for most people the idea of peeing, or particularly pooping, in some place they aren't supposed to, is mortifying. Even the use of a diaper, in that context, represents a failure to control your bodily functions.

I am a DL who has dabbled in AB over the years. The latter isn't my cup of tea. I have always drawn a clear line between my interests/hobbies/fetishes and the fact that my kids had legitimate need of these products when they were younger. Same as when my parents needed them towards the end of their lives.

In the case of my father, when he finished chemo 10 years ago, he made a passing comment that he was so glad that he didn't have to use adult diapers. I don't recall what prompted the comment but I do remember thinking that, to me, it seemed strange that he was more concerned with having to use diapers than the fact that his cancer could kill him. Well, jump ahead ten years and his cancer has reemerged. This time his body did not tolerate the chemo nearly as well as the first time through and he did need diapers. And it was not a big deal. For him, it was better to use the diaper and have it changed than to not have one and still deal with the same end result.

Finally, a doctor my wife works with has been given less than a year to live in her cancer battle. She has also lost the ability to control her bowels, and possibly her bladder. I don't know that she had previously given a lot of thought to wearing diapers but now she is open about it and treats it no differently than wearing socks.

Being forthright about the fact that some people need diapers for whatever reason is what kills the stigma. As much as the Depend Silhouette try on commercials were mocked, they were a net positive in terms of cracking the door just a bit to let light in on a stigmatized product and condition.
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Even nature teaches use that the weak and abnormal must be distoried.
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One thing that is in favour of reducing the stigma, is the overall demographics of our population. As the overall population ages, there is no doubt that the need for diapers will also increase (I've read that Japan now sells more adult diapers than for babies). While a general usage increase will lead to greater acceptance, I don't believe the stigma will ever completely leave us.
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@slimjiminy no it will not. However, as health issues leading to incontinence becomes more common, therefore more accepted, in one's age group, it progressively gets accepted or acknowledged.
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I wonder why members keep commenting about sometkhing we already know. It's fairly simple. Most don't care. Those that like to tell IC people are fools. I ignore them.
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needing to and/or wanting to wear a diaper starts with acceptance from within. letting go of what society imposes as the norm, for who truly has the right to say what is the norm. everyone is different and everyone has something, for some of us it stands out more. how you see yourself goes along way to dictating how others perceive you. if you act embarrassed and/or ashamed that is how others will most likely see it as well. as far as walking a public beach in a diaper to see reactions they were looking for the stock factor. a diaper in a public setting is still underwear at any age, so not the best idea to be that open with it. there are places where it is acceptable such as a clothing optional beach. i will say this there is more coverage to a diaper than the majority of beach wear i have seen in many places, and beach wear that leaves little to the imagination draws just as much attention and maybe even more so than a diaper would, and has the same stock factor. a woman in a thong bikini that barely covers her private areas will for sure get me looking as it will also everyone else. each to their own.
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I don't know but I think that is associated to weakness 😔.
(Sometimes it's kind of embarrassing and yucky 🤮 after having a full void bladder leak!. Just I feel a wet lump between my legs that's it's gonna fall on the floor!).
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Ceary said:
Even on Sunday at my work place (massage therapist spa), two of my colleagues were talking with me and one brought up how her friend wears diapers for her period and she thought that was weird. I told her I had wore diapers for several months just this year (it's hard to wear diapers in the heat with my gig work in Florida) and still wear pads. I said I had many friends who can't control the amount of volume their body produces and diapers are just the best thing.

People find diapers disgusting because it's soiled garments you walk around in and we have this conclusion that everyone who isn't clean smelling and able bodied is not fitting into standards. I don't care anymore about sharing information about myself and advocating. I have no shame in it.
When I was in college, I was having bladder I went to a urologist said I had overactive bladder with some urge problems She was very nice about it and said I could try some medication which ended up having side effects. She mentioned the condom catheter but that seems very uncomfortable. So I’ve been just wearing diapers at night and during the day for years now. I don’t feel uncomfortable or weird about it, I’m not nervous or worried about having an accident out in public which I did have for several times when I wasn’t wearing a diaper during the day. They’re comfortable and no one knows that you have them on even when you’re wearing a very bulky thick diaper like North Shore or better dry. People are so oblivious to everything they’re not gonna be staring at your crotch long enough to see that you might have a diaper bulge in the front and diaper butt in the back. Definitely good to wear and feel comfortable in, no worries about rushing to find the bathroom or limiting your intake of water or seltzer or whatever you like to drink if you wear a high-quality absorbent diaper
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AttilaThePun said:
I should add, it's tied to the very young, the very old, and the disabled being perceived as being in a state of helplessness because of needing to wear diapers.
Quite true acutally but sometimes i felt very helpless as well and kinda blame the world, flip the table..etc kinda mood.At times i just accept it and find peace and enjoyment of the situation im in. I think everyone who is incontinent should feel that too at some point and eventually learn to embrace it. Being young, we outgrow it , being old we kinda cannot help and have to accept it. somewhere inbetween the old nd young, we just have to learn to cope and avoid being too affected by the stigma.
I do feel there are still alot people around who are understanding of our situations. Be it incontinent or just a AB or a DL or what ever, its a state of mind and our mind belongs to us and not others :)
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Well, I am 3 years new to this Incontinence thing and wearing Diapers and Plastic Pants. As most of you know I came home from the hospital wearing diapers and had in a bag some Pull-Ups and diapers. :rolleyes: I have worn diapers and plastic pants now to the grocery store, target several, etc. several times and to work 3 days a week I think there are 3 of us that wear some kind of incontinence product and nobody cares or pays attention. :unsure:That being said yes I have heard all the comments in my 68 years. What would other people say or think???? I would rather wear my diapers and plastic pants than a catheter and bag attached to my leg or take another damn pill that has side effects.o_O So I have a diaper butt or a diaper bulge in the front of my pants. As K911 said I just accept my situation and move on with my affliction and the other people can go to hell.:oops::giggle:
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You want stigma? Have me walk anywhere without a diaper, clothed or unclothed, and with my dual ic you’re going to have a messy situation that makes a diaper look a VERY VIABLE OPTION within a very limited time period!!! It seems like a lot of this stigma comes from our society’s very prudish attitudes towards our bodily functions regarding eliminating our waste.
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Floodingpants said:
Even nature teaches use that the weak and abnormal must be distoried.
There are more than a few folks here that only a fool would want to mistakenly consider weak, hence unable to defend themselves. As I have stated so many times, 90+% of Stigma is what you hold regarding your wearing diapers! If Nature was so damning of those creatures that are incontinent, most of nature would be damned as so few are continent!
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