What triggered your desire to wear diapers/nappies?

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WBxx said:
Are you saying you had orgasms at age 6 or 7? Ask because in conjunction with wetting I began to experience pleasurable “spasms” at about that age which many think is impossible.

There is a different between pleasure spasms, excitement and ejaculation. I thing my first ejaculation I had with 12 or 13 years. How ever, im pretty sure that I was in that age when I began to experience pleasure spasm, because it felt together with my start at the primary school (that I started with 6). With 7 I started writing a dairy and I mentioned that earlier experience.

I don't know why many people think this is impossible. Newer research shows, that even babys can feel an sexual excitement when it have enough dexterity to play with there genital (and even earlier).

Unfortunately there's not that much reliable research available - especially if it comes to fetisch and it's genesis. How ever - I'm pretty sure the people who start experimenting pretty early with there sexuality are much more likely develop a fetisch then others. The opposite side are sexual traumata that also may cause later disposition for bed wetting or wetting (because wetting had some kind of a protection function before).
WBxx said:
Are you saying you had orgasms at age 6 or 7? Ask because in conjunction with wetting I began to experience pleasurable “spasms” at about that age which many think is impossible.

IIRC there's a specific name for it, but that's aka a "dry orgasm". They happen before puberty so none of the organs that contribute to the semen are active yet, so you just get the involuntary muscle contractions that drive the ejaculation but with nothing to pump out. Not everyone experiences them, though probably a lot more had them than know it, experiencing them overnight similar to a wet dream, that doesn't wake you and doesn't leave any "evidence".
A lot of people will answer this question with specifics, but the truth is, most of us don't and can't actually know. "I potty-trained early," or "I potty-trained late," or "I was a bedwetter," or ...etc.; they're all just guesses, and probably wrong. You have to consider that things like bedwetting and whatnot are surely far more common than ABDL, so the idea that these things are basic, causal factors just doesn't make sense. Not, that is, unless you also factor in some sort of predisposition--e.g., a window of opportunity like the "imprinting" thing Drifter mentions, probably in conjunction with some other psychological trigger. ("Imprinting" by itself is also uninteresting as a cause, by the way. One might argue that I hurt my knee because of gravity, but the fact that I tripped on a rock is going to be the more telling reason.)
bambinod said:
IIRC there's a specific name for it, but that's aka a "dry orgasm". They happen before puberty so none of the organs that contribute to the semen are active yet, so you just get the involuntary muscle contractions that drive the ejaculation but with nothing to pump out. Not everyone experiences them, though probably a lot more had them than know it, experiencing them overnight similar to a wet dream, that doesn't wake you and doesn't leave any "evidence".

At least for me, the so called “dry orgasms” were addictive. Got to believe experiencing them in the fashion I did (after wetting) cast the die for my lifelong fetish.
It's fascinating reading all these posts. As a young child with undeveloped analytical ability I never wondered why I had these strange desires. I just knew they were part of me and that they were so evil I could never tell anyone, ever. You know how hard it is for a 4 year old to keep a secret. Having such a serious, deep, dark secret at 4 years of age must have had a psychological impact on my personality.

Trauma is often cited as a possible cause for these desires, but this never made much sense to me. Psychology isn't an exact science when it comes to figuring out why people think the way they do. A great deal is known about brain structure and neurobiological influences on thinking, but the mind is complex and not easily pinned down to some specific psychological theory. This makes it possible to get creative when coming up with psychological explanations for behavior. It's entirely possible that early childhood abuse could lead a child to seek some kind of comfort by regressing to a baby state, thus making this behavior psychological in origin, but psychological problems, even deep ones, generally have psychological cures. I don't rule out the possibility that this caused ABDL desires in some people, but I think most of us feel, from personal experience and our understanding of mental illnesses, that what we have goes deeper and is beyond a 'cure'. We sometimes liken it to the nature of homosexual desires. Although the gay community in general may not like the comparison, I believe our desires are similar to theirs in that they are an intrinsic and incurable part of who we are.
I was out of diapers around age 2 - 3 per my mother when I asked when I was around 5. I had been wearing plastic underpants over my training underwear from age 4 and then training underwear only up through age 5. A few wet spots in the morning were never a big deal. The summer of age 5 I wet my sleeping bad three nights straight at a family camp. I was placed back into plastic underpants over my training underwear and I do not recall wetting my sleeping bag after that. Up through age 6 I had two pair of plastic underpants in my drawer but I honestly do not recall how often I wore them. I may have been wearing them each night but it became so common I never thought much about it as I was out of them during the day.

Age 7 my plastic underpants were gone one day from drawer and I recall thinking about asking my mom where they were but if she had forgot to put them in my drawer after washing them, I was just going to let it go. So I was finally in big boy regular underwear and had my first sleep over at my best friend's house at age 8. Big humiliation as I soaked the bed that night. Next morning nothing much was said but I said I was sorry to his mom and she said no big deal basically. For some odd reason I mentioned I had plastic underpants at home but my mom put them away a year earlier and if I would have had them I would not have wet the bed. She calmly said I could wear my friend's plastic underpants that were stored away as they probably would fit me next time I slept over. My parents said nothing about this incident and I happily pushed this event into the forget-about-it pile.

Oddly, a few months later my mother told me I was sleeping over my friend's house again as she & my dad had to go out of town for a weekend. The first night his mother had me wear plastic underpants to bed and strangely I did not mind as they were beneath my pajamas and over my underwear were not that noticeable. To my further humiliation I wet heavily that first night and leaked out a lot. My friend's mom cleaned me up the next morning and really noticed how upset I was and said it would be better the next night and not to worry. That second night she put me in a full diaper and plastic underpants; I felt like I had lost any hope of not being teased by my friend but he was in the shower and I quickly crawled under the sheets before he came back in the room.

The next morning I was soaked but the bed was dry and his mother explained to me how nice it was only wetting myself and not the bed so no one else would notice. My fiend was at church and she had me sit at the table and eat some breakfast before she had me change out of the wet undergarments and into the bathtub. I honestly remember how great it did feel to have this much protection along with my plastic mattress cover up to age 11. My friend never said anything about this though he must have known something (a good friend). When I began to have wet dreams I misunderstood and thought I was wetting at night again so I rode my bike to the local store and bought the large size Gerber plastic underpants. Wearing these gave me a lot of confidence again at night and not worrying about having any type of accidents. I think my mom found them beneath my mattress once but did not say anything (she must of seen my wet spots in my underwear and probably realized I felt more secure wearing protection).

I was fine without any type of protection until I started college and began to heavily wet my bed at night. I immediately decided to go back and wear diapers and plastic underpants again to gain back my security I remembered as a kid. Thankfully my roommate understood and did not make a big deal about it. It became my standard at that point and even though I rarely have accidents now (maybe 3 - 4 times per year), I still wear training underwear and plastic underpants to bed each night. Security is my biggest factor and I like to credit my friend's mother for helping me back in to diapers at age 8 and my mother for understanding when I was 12 - 14 and buying / wearing my own plastic underpants.
What triggered me, I think, is the potty training. I didn't like it. I didn't understand why I needed it. I didn't understand why my siblings were put in charge of it. I didn't understand why neighbor kids still got to wear them.

All of this confusion, I'm fairly certain, led to an early interest in getting one (diaper) back on, at about 3. It was all cloth, back then, and, even though I had a brother three years younger, I still couldn't risk messing with, or wetting his. I started stealing (pocket change) about this same time, rifling family purses, etc. The secrecy of that, and the secrecy if wanting to be back in diapers just fueled more and more of the desires. Plastic pants we're easier to find & wear, and that became my obsession. The stealing went on until about 12, at which time I discovered self pleasures. Plastic pants became a huge part of my sexuality, and the ability to start to wear diapers again became a reality. The diapers & plastic pants became my one and only "life secret", and satisfied whatever demands I had to express personal control over a "secret life". They didn't impede my progress with girls, but they certainly became an adjunct to my sexuality, oftentimes becoming my one and only true love, when relationships didn't work out.

The rest is history.
Cottontail said:
("Imprinting" by itself is also uninteresting as a cause, by the way. One might argue that I hurt my knee because of gravity, but the fact that I tripped on a rock is going to be the more telling reason.)

True, but a lifelong desire to trip on rocks would be more in line with the idea of imprinting. (not that this would be a likely scenario :smile:)
I had normal potty training wasn't a bed wetter but remember when I was about 4 stealing nappies from my nan as she was a child minder few years later found sanitary towels then went to my cousins and found her good nights was tight but fitted and felt amazing then few years later I turned 16 and got a moped got out to shops and bought my first tena pants then upgraded to slips now love loads of different abdl nappies as well as tea slips
I can't pinpoint exactly what it was but all I do know is that I've been "interested" in diapers and being little for as long as I can remember.

One of my strongest early memories in life is from when I was 4-5 years old and I just "let go" of everything in my pants just to feel little again. What I've learned about this behavior later on is that it is often induced by different kinds of trauma in kids, but I distinctly remember doing this just for the satisfaction of feeling like a helpless baby rather than coping with something. I was never traumatized.
I also remember being really envious all the times I slept over at a childhood friend's house who wore diapers for bed wetting around the same time.

My theory is that all this started due to my mom speeding up my potty training process. She has said in passing that I was "Unusually quick" to stop wearing diapers at daytime, and I have memories of wetting the bed relatively frequently without any protection when I was about 3-4 years old. Based on that and the fact that I have no memories of wearing diapers as a child I think that she rushed things too fast for me and triggered my regression.

Not that I mind :smile:
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I was wore diapers at night until age 6 or so because of bedwetting. I am pretty sure this is the reason I am a DL. On those occasions when I was dry in the morning I kept them on and linger in my bedroom. These were the 50's so cloth diapers and plastic pants. I know they were thick because I tried putting my pants over them and couldn't come close to zipping them up.
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