What diaper are you wearing right now?

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Depend Maximum
A wet cloth diaper with plastic pants. I need changed.
Abuniverse SuperDryKids Pamper Replica
ABU Cushie medium with a Bambinos Duo Pad. first time trying this combo...must say its decent
Molicare Super small =]
bambino bianco large with totaldry booster, wore it to work, just arrived home dry despite my best efforts. One of these days I'll beat this inability to wet my diaper in a moving vehicle...
Abri-Form X-Plus with ABU Booster Pad
Pampers Underjams (H) 'Cause i'm cool.
Abena Super. I've been wearing a lot this week because most days I'm home alone.
abena xplus with an abena booster pad and plastic pants with my footed pajamas for the cold night and my nuk 5 with all my wolf plushes.
In a molicare super plus with a booster. 4-lead/electrode heart monitor, and hooked to my bipap/cpap for the night.
Abena X-Plus..only the best!
My last TENA Slip
I would email one across to you if that were possible, however the virus scanner might not allow it to 'slip' through!!! Wearing an attends flex air comfort diaper right now.
Wearing a Depends Fitted Brief at the moment.
Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max Size 6
Jeez, I wish I was skinny enough to fit into size 6 stuff =|
Right now, it's just plain old DryNites - the dude ones, might I add. =)
Same as above - nobody's in for the week so im gonna get some more tomorrow methinks :)
Depend fitted max protect.
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