Travelling to Developing Countries


Loving diapers since 1974!
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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
Hello Everyone,

I am going to be traveling to some countries that are poor/developing countries. I'm wondering how people handle disposal of used diapers/pads while traveling. In particular, it looks like I'll be going to Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. I am going to be staying in a lot of small guesthouses and Airbnb places. I know that in hotels it's fairly easy, just use disposal bags or find a trash can somewhere. In these countries, I will be staying mostly in small towns, and many of these places don't even have garbage pickup. Is there a good way to handle this?
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When traveling is poor countries, it will amaze you that they are more concerned about your wetting their bed they you wearing disposable diapers. I have always been open and honest with where I am staying and have found that near all placed night pads or plastic covers for the bed. Regarding the diaper, they simply requested it be placed in the trash can and they will take care of it!
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I used to travel for work to africa on a regular basis.

I would be in lets say not so nice accomidations most the time, and an airbnb would have been luxury. I'd often stay on the worksite on a blow up matress for the duration of the job, usually a week some time more/less.

I did have an assistant with for many things but they did help with disposal on many occasions, but many of my workers knew my IC issues so i wasnt really trying to hide anything, but my assistants did much more than that, and put in long days just about every day on-site doing logistics, documentation, scheduling of staff every day.

But, i shipped in all my supplies, including diapers, so i always had diapers available, only traveled with them on private transport where i might have 12+ people and maybe 6+ pallets of gear getting transported in, but that was less than 1/2 the time.

So, with the having diapers avaialbe being covered, pun intended.

Next was disposal, whic was not that big of a deal anyplace, I just put them in any rubbish bin or even burn barrel that was being used at the site as it was handled the same as any other garbage.

Now, on the hotel stays, places like Cape Town, Kagali, Kiev or alike they are all just usual business locations and have trash in the rooms and i'd use the trash cas as normal, and never got any questions. I think my assistant (Did 99% of my hotel booking) would notify them of my IC as i'd say 1/3 of the places in europe i'd be in a handicap room, and i'd say 75% of all the places would have a matress protector on the beds, now i think a lot of the places i did stay at not in big cities would have covers on the matresses as a usual thing, as been in many hotels with bedbugs and most likely worse creatures roaming around the hotel.

My suggestion is:
Let them know about the IC if you can.
Bring a matress pad/protector if you can.
Use the trash as normal, not going to be an issue.

Lastly is a warning for anyone traveling abroad, take all your luggage and leave it outside for as long as you can, and also immediatly wash everything in as hot water as possible. Other option is to drop your luggage off at a laundry for cleaning.

Last thing you need is any bedbugs or critters catching a ride on your suitcase or clothing and getting a ride in your house. I know some that have had this happen.

Oh, anytime in a hotel, bring your own sheets and blanket if you can, and some spray disinfectant...Unless you want to see things you dont want to, dont bring a black light.

Things like the comforter and blankets rarely get washed, and things like the phone and remotes are unable to be washed and are at best wiped off and usually not touched at all, save for light switches and such, you dont want to look at the bathroom lightswitches or appliances like hair dryers or plugins, they cant be washed and therefor are not washed.

Not to give you a reason to freak out, it's just the wat things are, and if by not using the comforter and blanket, wiping down some things, or even putting a clear ziplock over the remotes just might save your fun, as getting sick whilst traveling sucks. Also bring with and take Emergen-C or Airborne starting about a week before your trips, having some extra vitamins and such is usually a good thing (But check with your dr of course).

But, overall traveling is fun especially when its not work, and even when it is work, try to take some time to see things. I wish i did, was always going to go see chern, was in Kiev a bunch of times and always said, next trip, and well unlikely to be back there at this point in my live and seeing the exclusion zone or the city would be awesome...
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as mentioned above let the guesthouse and air B&B know about your special needs. they can advise you best. bring your own disposable plastic bags for disposal of your used diapers. the guesthouse and are b&b will have a means of trash removal. always tip extra to the for the additional house keeping required. and have fun on your trip.
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Maybe i can help a little with my experiences from the philippines.
I am not IC and we stay most time with our family and it is very hot so that i usally don't wear diapers on these trips, but it would easily be possible.

I found out that it is quite easy to buy medical adult diapers even in smaller cyties on the countryside and quite a good choice in the supermarkets.

Asian people are mostly very friendly and helpful and will certainly deal with your trash without making a big of a story about it. A litle extra TIP will make it perfect for both sides ;-)

On the negatice side has to be said that in these countries waste is often not treated like we are used to but sometimes just thrown into the sea or burnt somewhere in the forest. This is another reason why i don't consider wearing there - my used diapers would end up where they shouldn't :-(

So, if you really need diapers, it wouldn't be a problem in the philippines. I cannot give advise for the other mentioned countries but imagine that it will be similaire.

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In my many years of living and traveling in Asia adult diapers can be bought in many chemists and via on line stores. Many countries have aging populatioms and are aware of the need for adult diapers in major hotels and resorts.
Asia has a diverse set of countries at different level of development. Heat in SEA tends to be a big issue outside of aircon and sill not be a favoured option. Disposal also remains different in what happens after you place your used materials in a bin!
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I've spent a lot of time in Vietnam and it's pretty hard to find bins/ trash cans here. They're not as prevalent as one would expect, even in the cities. Many people just leave their rubbish in bags outside their front doors to be collected. If you find yourself in a similar situation and you want to be discreet, my advice would be to find the local spot where all the doorstep collected rubbish goes to (this shouldn't be too hard to find) and dispose of it there. That's what I do. On a side note, there seems to be a lot less stigma regarding adult diaper use in this part of the world. I regularly see people carrying bags of diapers or left out in people's front rooms on tables etc. Nobody seems to hide them. Anyway I hope some of this info is useful and good luck!
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