Soap for your spots....


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Other
Hi all,
I have a disability and have to shower sitting down. I am able to get myself relatively clean but no matter how much soap i use on my bottom it allways seems to just have a twinge of smell coming from it.

what kind of soap is good for those parts of the body? Because i feel like sometimes certain soaps make things smell worse (add a diaper to the mix) after a shower and it’s disastrous :(

sorry to get kind of personal or gross but i need some help or recommendations
No soaps are really any good for those sensitive areas and should be thoroughly rinsed off. That said, 'soap substitutes' such as aqueous cream and emulsifying ointment can be used and left on, so long as they don't contain nasty irritants, like perfume, and they may help prevent 'stuff' sticking, but only in the context of a regular rinsing off.

What kind of seat do you use? Does it allow rinsing 'down below'?
I saw,
Although it only has a narrow gap for showerhead access. A toilet-seat type may work better.
(I'm guessing that you have a detachable showerhead?)
On a similar note, portable and diy bidet attachments are also available,
Japanese ones are supposed to be the best, but mega expensive.
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