Snuggies Overnights Tapes - focused feedback

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
I've read some problems with the tapes, and wanted to share my method for making them stick. I've been wearing the same diaper for about 12 hours now, and the tapes are in the same place.

The key is to rub the tapes until they get warm from the friction. It appears from my preliminary testing that the heat activates the adhesive. Also, I think one fastening is All you get.

Anyone else have experience to share?

(Also thought it'd be helpful for Snuggies to have one focused feedback thread)
The tapes got a little loose after sleeping 9 hours. One stick is all you get so make it count. Also, rubbing does help the adhesive. I haven't rubbed to your extent but I always rub my tapes in
I've also found that the order in which you tape helps. I usually do bottom tape first but because of these I've been forced to experiment. I now do the top tape first so i can get it all well cemented. My main problem has always been the bottom tape coming off so in doing that tape last I can position it better with the knowledge of how much landing zone I have left.
Only issue I have had was on the only 2 I have warn so far. The bottom tapes popped off from the backsheet. They stayed stuck to the panel in the front but came unstuck from the back. One was one I wore at night an another was during the day. Both did the same thing. Hope the rest of em aren't the same way.
You really shouldn't need to crank those tapes down quite so tight that they're breaking. They've got excellent leak guards and wick well, so the lowers can be comfortable, and the good waist elastic front and back should allow the uppers to be kept at a comfortable tension also. They're really some of the most comfortable diapers out there for those reasons. So try applying the tapes maybe 1/2" back from where you had been previously and see how that works out.
I found that placing the bottom tapes slightly higher helps alot, for me at least when i place them to low they become pinched when i walk or move around. Now that only fixes the issue if im sleeping but if i sit in a chair for a long period the tapes pop after 30 minutes regardless of how i place em, rub them or otherwise.
thatguy46 said:
I found that placing the bottom tapes slightly higher helps alot, for me at least when i place them to low they become pinched when i walk or move around. Now that only fixes the issue if im sleeping but if i sit in a chair for a long period the tapes pop after 30 minutes regardless of how i place em, rub them or otherwise.

Diapers with good front and back elastic require you to tape down looser, since the elastic is placing a continuous pull on the tapes. Try looser. Have faith in the elastic preventing the leaks
I had a problem with the bottom tapes losing their adhesive stick rather quickly also. I did 2 things to counter act is. First i started making sure my hands were free of baby powder, then i also started taping my snuggies on a little bit looser at the bottom. They tend to wear out faster if you tape them too tightly, you need to give them a bit of room to compensate for both leg movement and for the expanding padding after you wet. Especially if you have a stuffer in there, from my own experience a snuggies overnight paired with a goodnites trufit pad will swell up enormously.
Almost through a full package now. I'm pretty satisfied with the taping method I've outlined. It works to keep them mostly secure. Definitely make sure you tape them right the first time. There are no second chances with these tapes.
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