Random sensory hell at bedtime


  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
Sometimes when its time for me to go to bed I get randomly overstimulates. The fans that I always have going are suddenly too loud, my pillow is uncomfortable, my sheets are both too hot and not heavy enough while being too constricting. I can barely stand wearing clothes, and have to sleep either naked or in just panties. My sleep mask is suddenly sufficating, and the room is too bright and too dark. I have to spray my self with water because I am too "dry".

Nights like that are truly hell, and I don't wish them on anyone. Does anyone else experience these nights? Do you know what triggers you or what helps?
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i have a similar thing happen to me, where when i'm ready for bed, i'll get way too hot and overheat no matter what, sometimes turning on a fan doesn't help because then i get too cold. i also get overwhelmed by how dry my skin feels, i usually use lotion to try to help, sometimes just applying it to my hands is enough to get the feeling to calm down. sometimes taking a bath or shower helps, but bathing always makes me feel better

i'm not really sure what causes this, it seems to happen to me at random- maybe there was another trigger i wasn't aware of, or maybe i skipped a part of my night time routine without realizing it, it's hard to say, but i think i get what you're going through. at the very least you aren't alone!
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During the day, too.
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Little sounds wake me up , or I find myself playing on my phone for too long
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Yeah, happens to me quite often
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Hi Little101, I have that happen quite abit, sometimes I will have hot flashes out of nowhere, the position of my body pillow bugs me, certain background noises drive me nuts, I will have dry mouth at night, have to drink large amounts of water and some Chamomile tea to help me relax.
I use a combination of airconditioning and small fan to make some white noise to help me sleep.
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I've had this for as long as I've lived in the UK, I find it's always triggered by the cold.

The only thing I've found to help is to have a big glass of water and a cigarette outside, just taking in the fresh air and decompressing for a few minutes before returning to bed.
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I have certain routines to help me settle down before bed. I avoid screens half an hour before, I always go for a walk (if I haven't exercised that evening), I usually eat a banana, and sometimes drink milk. I use a scarf to blindfold myself for the night.
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Yes, really struggling with that at the moment especially the heat part. Was considering whether I need to see the doctor as my hands, face, feet and groin area get really baking at night which means I can't sleep in a diaper at the moment
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I have really annoying nights where one blanket's too cold but if i get another i start to overheat. I'm also in desperate need of another weighted blanket. I hadn't really realized just how much one helps me sleep until I went a year without one. 🥲
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Wow. I know some people, especially neurodivergent people, have to deal with a certain amount of this stuff, but this is much more extreme than I've ever heard. I have no idea what causes it, or how to help, but hugs all around. That sounds miserable.
Sometimes my bed feels uncomfortable for some reason. Nothing wrong with it. Just doesn't feel right. Not sure why. I'm not on the spectrum and I don't have any sensory issues. It seems so random. My biggest issue is turning off my brain. Having a mind that constantly moves is a curse.
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I know one of my triggers are coffee after 18:00. Not eating a little before going to bed is one, I feel hungry and then it just adds on.
Another is heat, sometimes a problem in the summer and always at a holidayin a warmer country.
I need to have a thick enough bedsheet (duvet).
If I get trigged, I can stay awake almost the whole night, feeling discomforted by everything.
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little101 said:
Sometimes when its time for me to go to bed I get randomly overstimulates. The fans that I always have going are suddenly too loud, my pillow is uncomfortable, my sheets are both too hot and not heavy enough while being too constricting. I can barely stand wearing clothes, and have to sleep either naked or in just panties. My sleep mask is suddenly sufficating, and the room is too bright and too dark. I have to spray my self with water because I am too "dry".

Nights like that are truly hell, and I don't wish them on anyone. Does anyone else experience these nights? Do you know what triggers you or what helps?
Lots of folks have to deal with this. You have to experiment with various techniques till you find one that'll work for you.
I learned that having some sort of background noise is necessary. At first, the 'Tick-tock' noise of my wind up alarm clock annoyed me, till I replaced it with a silent digital. That lack of noise meant my mind would then wander too far down dark roads or into crevices inside my noggin' I did not want to dwell on, trying to find sleep.
Too much of course will do the opposite. I've never enjoyed a night in any hospital for instance. Far too many things making noise, and then you have the human population adding to it? How anyone ever gets restful sleep in those situations amazes me. Same with cities. I can't stand them in the best of times, but if you've ever been made homeless and forced to exist on them you'll find out more than you ever want to know.
I thrive in natural environments. I enjoy hearing the whisper of a good breeze through the tree limbs, or barren desert canyons. The sound of birds, moving water, etc.. To me that is the best Song ever.

Then, as you're drifting off under your blanket/inside your sleeping back, you hear a loud *SNAP* of a fallen branch as something gets close(r).

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