Problems with diapers and scoliosis.


Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
Hi! I'm summer. Right now I wear diapers do to urinary and bowel incontinence. In a few days im going to start also wearing a scoliosis back brace. Does anyone have any advice on cramps changes and such things. I dont know any other people wearing diapers. I want to know if somebody is in the same situation as me. Thanks for all the replies.
I have scoliosis as well as degenerative disc disease that has damaged 11 disc’s throughout my spine and started having bladder and bowel incontinence issues about 6 years ago. I live in severe pain all the time and my doctors refuse to give me a back brace to stretch my back to get the pressure off my spine to reduce the pain. I wish I could give you advice, but I can’t because my doctors refuse to help me. They just keep wanting me to do physical therapy and get epidural injections which I refuse to do any more because those treatments don’t work for me and are very expensive. I am happy you have a doctor that is giving you a scoliosis brace. I wish my doctor would help me that way.
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