If you could wear any diaper, which one would you wear?

That's a pretty tough question. 😅

If I had to choose, I would say the girl's Underjams- don't really matter which designs or year (I mean, the original design with the light purple and the one with the eagle on the front were always my favorites). Just a shame I never gotten to try them at all. But I probably would definitely love to try a girl's Underjam any day. ☺️
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Rearz Lil Squirts, in size small. The design is top notch adorable and no other printed diaper can out-kawaii it! 😝

Now if only they would come out in my size already 🙄
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I am a huge Power Rangers fan I would love to see an adult diaper with Power Rangers print.
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Pampers Cruisers, size 6 or 7 (if they could fit me, alas, I'm not THAT skinny).

I remember watching commercials for Pampers cruisers when I was a kid/youth. They're the quintessential baby/toddler diaper for me. For when you're big enough to run around and play, but not big enough to be ready to go potty. There's a good chance lots of kids who're late potty trainers in the 'you're too old to still be wearing diapers' category is wearing them.
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KCA said:
A difficult choice between these-plastic backed Huggies of the 1990s:

View attachment 61386

and the modern Huggies with super cute Minnie Mouse designs:

View attachment 61387
Was that one from the 1990s an Australian pack? Interesting if it was. I wish there was more info on Australian nappies from that time.
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SweetPrincess said:
Was that one from the 1990s an Australian pack? Interesting if it was. I wish there was more info on Australian nappies from that time.
Yes it was an Australian packet. It's a shame there aren't more images from that time. So many seem to have been kept from the US and the UK.
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KCA said:
Yes it was an Australian packet. It's a shame there aren't more images from that time. So many seem to have been kept from the US and the UK.
I totally forgot about this one I found. From a BIGW Ad in Australia (1997). Found it one day searching through old Aussie adverts on Youtube. This image is very nostalgic to me. That boy was on Huggies nappies for years later too and so was the boy I looked at dreamily as a kid, wishing I could wear nappies like him.


  • Huggies_Australia_toddler_boy_1997.jpg
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Luvs Barney!! & the 2008-2017 Luvs 😊 I miss that purple monkey
also the white cloud baby loony toons pullups the web wants to pretend never existed.
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I would take the Babylove Sleepy Nights Pants paw patrol, the Huggies platinum pokemon, the Sleepy Nights Pants paw patrol, Little Angel's first Pants paw patrol, the Parents Choice Training Pants paw patrol boys and also like the girls and the Pampers Easy Up Hello Kitty
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Pampers Baby Dry from 2009 or 2007. Those were some of the cutest designs I think
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Prob those huggies with pikachu prints
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PrettyLilPrincess said:
It can be considered child abuse to willingly not potty train a child just because you don’t want to.
Whether one is correct may be debatable. Nevertheless, according to the Child Abuse Prevention Centre, "Failed potty training" is one of the leading triggers of child abuse. Every week brings more news reports of children injured or killed by parents out of frustration over potty training. Typically, potty training "failed" because the children's training happened too early.

Why Training Diapers Are Good For Sales and Bad For Toddlers


According to the Wall Street Journal, a significant diaper brand has launched a campaign to promote earlier potty training, reportedly so parents will speed up the switch to their brand of underwear-like “up and down” training diapers, which cost twice as much as diapers. Of course, from a medical perspective, this is a terrible idea. However nevertheless, from a marketing perspective, it is genius. This campaign will work better than the diaper brand ever imagined because children trained earlier are more likely to develop enuresis (daytime pee accidents and bedwetting) and encopresis (poop accidents). Furthermore, since kids who have accidents need daytime and nighttime protection, this diaper brand — and its parent company — will score big-time. More 5-year-olds will have to wear these “training diapers” to kindergarten. More 10-year-olds will wear have to wear “youth pants” to bed. Meantime, kids will suffer — embarrassment, low self-esteem, discomfort, rectal damage, and all the rest.


An inconvenient fact for this diaper brand is that kids trained earlier are more prone to developing chronic constipation. Constipation, in turn, is the cause of virtually all bedwetting and accidents. As one explains in detail in one’s book: The M.O.P. Book, when poop piles up in the rectum, it forms a large, hard mass that presses against and aggravates the bladder. The stretched rectum may also lose tone and sensation, so kids cannot sense when they need to poop, and the stool falls out without the child noticing. Holding pee exacerbates the bladder problems created by holding poop. As this one’s published research shows, children trained before age 2 have triple the risk of developing constipation and daytime wetting problems down the road. Of course, that does not mean training a 26-month-old is a good idea — it is not. However, it means children trained before two are the most likely to land incontinence clinics like mine. Of course, not every child trained early will become constipated, but children trained as toddlers are more likely to become habitual holders than children trained around age 3. In our study, 60 per cent of the children trained before age two were shown, via X-ray, to be severely constipated. When one encourages children to train as toddlers, even when one does so “gently,” you ask for trouble. Yes, toddlers are physically capable of using the potty; the problem is that they lack the judgment to respond to nature’s call on time. Toddlers tend to become so engrossed in their fort building and finger painting that they ignore their body’s signals, holding their pee or poop until they absolutely cannot. The holding habit can become deeply ingrained in children and persist for years, even into adulthood.

One treats children of all ages — 4-year-olds, tweens, teens — and this one’s patients’ difficulties usually date to potty training. Constipation is already epidemic in developed countries, due primarily to our highly-processed diet, our rush to potty train, and misguided school bathroom policies. So this major diaper brand is making a bad situation worse by shifting the timetable earlier. The diaper brand insists the company is not pressuring parents. One executive told the Wall Street Journal: “We would never tell mom implicitly when to start. It is a hard journey, and it is messy and time-consuming. We are trying to help educate parents on the signs of readiness to help moms get comfortable with the training.” That sounds benign, but it is not. Putting a toddler in training diapers to help mom (and presumably child) “get comfortable” with training is misguided. Simply switching to training diapers sends an inappropriate message for toddlers: One wants one to try to stay dry! In other words: One wants one to hold one’s pee and poop.

Nevertheless, toddlers are not mature enough to receive this message. Staying dry is not vital; heeding one’s body’s signals — emptying promptly — is what matters. That is a more nuanced message, one more suitable for children closer to age 3. Deciding every day when to poop and pee is a decision with consequences. The most seriously constipated among one’s patients are those who trained earliest. In other words, they have been in charge of their potty training — deciding when to hold and when to let it out — the longest. Often it takes [two] or [three] years for the holding habit to catch up to these kids, and that is when they land in my clinic. The diaper brand’s entire potty-training campaign — “Diapers are for babies. ‘Training pants’ are for big kids” — has an underlying message that pressures children, subtly shaming “big kids” who might not be ready to use the potty. Their website describes the training pants as a “symbol to your child that it is time to potty like a big kid.” For an insightful explanation of why this message is so damaging, read Chapter 2, titled “Who is My Big Boy?” of ParentSpeak, a new book by child advocate Jennifer Lehr. Reflecting on how she nudged her daughter to use the “big girl potty” too soon, Lehr writes: “It is easy to cave to the pressure to do what everyone else seems to be doing.” It is straightforward to cave when a corporate giant like this brand, with 53 [per cent] of the market, has made a strategic decision to apply pressure. Geez, parents, today are under enough pressure to train their children early! Celebrities get fawning press for putting their 4-month-old on the potty.

Furthermore, numerous preschools require 3-year-olds to be potty trained, which prompts stressed-out parents to start training their children far earlier to be potty pros by September. Nevertheless, these mandates often backfire, and schools blame parents and children for accidents. One routinely writes letters to school directors and principals to support children threatened with suspension or expulsion for having accidents at school. Nevertheless, these kids have accidents because schools pushed them to train before they were ready! The diaper brand insists they are just trying to help families ease a “hard journey” that is “messy and time-consuming.” However, they have it backwards. Potty training is a harrowing journey only when children train before they are ready. One of the signs of constipation is difficulty [in] potty training. (Download our 12 Signs a Child is a Constipated infographic.)

On the other hand, a child ready to train feels no pressure and shows no constipation can quickly transition to underwear within a week or two. What does “ready” mean? One’s definition is different from the diaper brand. One advises potty training only when a child:


• Can dress and undress without help.
• Shows interest in using the potty.
• Notices when she has a wet or dirty diaper.
• Tells one when she needs to pee or poop.
• Is willing to interrupt activities to use the potty.

Willingness to interrupt activities is the most important. One may not know whether one’s child is willing until one starts training. If one starts and discover one’s child seems too preoccupied, back off and return to diapers. The diaper brand would have one believe switching back is harmful to one’s child. However, its website states: “Going back and forth from diapers to training pants can lead to confusion, and consistently putting them in [product name] will help make his potty training journey a more successful one.” That is an unfounded claim. What makes the potty-training journey successful is a child’s maturity, not the design of the child’s undergarments. One’s child must be the CEO of the potty-training enterprise; one is just the support staff. Therefore, one’s child — not one, not the diaper brand managers — should decide when to leave diapers behind.

The stakes are higher than most adults realize. Not only do many kids suffer from the embarrassment and discomfort of accidents, but many of them are shamed or even physically abused by frustrated or enraged parents. Many of one’s patients are labelled as “lazy” or “behaviour problems” by their parents or school staff, who cannot believe a 9-year-old could pee or poop in their pants. (I often heard that I wrote Bedwetting and Accidents Are not Your Faults.) One is a fan of products like Huggies’ Pull-Ups and Pampers’ Easy-Ups. One wishes more preschools would allow kids to wear them to school to ease the pressure on mandated kids to stay dry. Nevertheless, One does not think their brand managers should be telling parents, as the Wall Street Journal report, “Hey, we want children to start training earlier.” Our culture needs to temper our expectations of toddlers and delay potty training, not speed it up to sell more expensive products.


Steve Hodges, M.D., is an associate professor of pediatric urology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and co-author of Bedwetting And Accidents Are not One’s Fault, It is No Accident M.O.P. Book: A guide to the only proven way to STOP bedwetting and accidents. His website is BedwettingAndAccidents.com.

From: https://foreverymom.com/family-pare...r-sales-and-bad-for-toddlers-dr-steve-hodges/
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If I could I'd wear the original style goodnites or even the new style goodnites
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Pampers Swaddlers. I love the quilted fabric inside. It is so super soft to peepee and poopoo on.
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The late 80s early 90s luvs for girls pink striped diaper
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I know everyone has the nostalgia of baby diapers but for me i would like my secondary school / high school days diaper , which as most of you know tena has different versions in most different countries so mine would be tena super plastic backed and theres this asian brand called dr p adult diapers which is what i wore during my secondary school days . They were discreet and held up well enough for me to wear them to school under my school uniform.
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BobbiSueEllen said:
What I would give to wear those Pampers again! They were amazing...the quintessential diaper: white, fanfold, thick and that amazingly sweet, babyish smell out of the box. Those were the days!

The Pampers version Kitsune shows are the pre-1985 fanfolds...these:

These were so perfect and comfy to wear! Thick, soft, cushy...I miss 'em. :cry:
Boy would I love to see a larger replica made of these nowadays. All the ABDL diapers today are great but they focus too much on cartoony animal prints. Id love to see more nostalgic ABDL diapers
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MikeDJ said:
Boy would I love to see a larger replica made of these nowadays. All the ABDL diapers today are great but they focus too much on cartoony animal prints. Id love to see more nostalgic ABDL diapers
Only a very few companies make fanfold sposies but they're too thin and prone to leaks - essentially «Chux» bedpads someone had put side sticky tabs for optional use as a non-fitted adult brief. Best suited for light and moderate incontinence.
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