I suspect my family is on to me. What should I do?

GoodnitesAreGoat said:
She didn't like the idea of "women whispering in my ear to calm me down." In hindsight, I should not have used the phrase "calm me down" when defending myself.
If she has a problem with asmr it doesn't seem likely she'll be cool with abdl 🤦

Literally why would you even have to explain that.

Seriously tho my mother's is awful too
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FluidDynamics said:
It can be very difficult to try to explain some personal, and seemingly bizarre, characteristic to others; especially when one probably doesn't have a clear idea what the root cause of the motivation is to engage in certain things. When people are not able to fully understand something they make things up to try to make sense of things. When confronted, one might come up with an array of excuses, probably none of them accurate. A valid and honest response for many might be the simplest, "I dunno. I like it". Of course that'll lead to an avalanche of questions with no clear answers. Sometimes some information from some authoritative might be helpful, at least as a starting point. This article, among others from the same place, might be useful in shedding light. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7068517/
WOW - I am glad I am just little and dont need to understand that stuff!
I explained it to my fiancee as that I had a wetting problem when I was younger and wearing them back then made me feel comfortable since I wouldn't wet the bed. As I got older I found comfort in wearing them again wether I used them or not. Thankfully she was understanding and did not make a deal about them and would only comment if I "forgot" to wear. Especially if I had trouble sleeping.
Somehow I think burn the house down is not a good answer however it will end any discussion or potential discussion in its tracks for a good 5 years , if you haven’t found better hiding spots by then “Pampers inquisition “ is a go ( you have to wait 10 years between err “house warmings “, it’s the law ) LOL
I do not see what difference it makes if you are over 18. I mean I know you are because rule number one is you must be 18. Right? If so it is none of their concern. They don't need to like it if they confront you but if it is your money buying them and you are 18 or older living at home then it is your business. It is not like it was a bag of meth! If you are under 18 then I can't give advise because we should not encourage minors to join or participate and certainly not give them advice how to deceive their parents.
If they haven't brought it up yet, and you're nearly certain that they found it, then I would relocate the stash to a location that you know they wont find it. (zip lock bag buried in the insulation in the attic?)

I don't know what your living situation is but hopefully you can find a place of your own. I personally would get the stash out of the parents house. Hopefully your stash is disposables, you could use them up, and don't restock until you move out.

Related note: My mother loved to snoop through my brother, and I's stuff when we lived at home. I think she found my stash at one point. Thing is I was a grown adult when this happened. I was visiting for the holidays and she likes to be "helpful". I think she went through my luggage and found them. She didn't directly confront me about it but when I was about to leave she tried to open the pocket of my bag that contained the diapers. There was no reason for her to do this. I think she was trying to catch me red handed or something? I quickly zipped the bag shut before she could finish opening it. When she asked what was in there I simply said there was nothing. "are you hiding something?" she said. I responded "nope" and that was the end of the conversation.

After that she stopped going through my things. I'm confident about it because she used to do small things to tidy up my room before. After the luggage incident she completely stopped touching anything in my room.

If I had to guess, she found them. Then told my father about it. He probably said something like "hes a grown man, you shouldn't be going through his things". But that's just speculation on my part.
GoodnitesAreGoat said:
I always cover my diaper stash with tee shirts in the back of my closet. I came home today and found the tee shirt placed to the side. I am pretty sure I did not leave it like that. This is the second time this has happened. I know if my parents knew I was a diaper lover they probably would not be happy. I have a history of bedwetting so there is a possibility they might think that I started to wet the bed again and did not tell them. What is your advice on handling the situation?
Just wondering if you got found out or not and if anything got said if u wer found out.... xxxx
DLJosie said:
Just wondering if you got found out or not and if anything got said if u wer found out.... xxxx
If I was nothing has come of it yet. I think I might just be paranoid. I will post if anything does come of it.
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