How were you finally potty trained, and what was it like for you?

Changed my life for the worst
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According to my mother, they didn't have to potty train me, an awful case of chicken pox did it for them. I got the chicken pox all over my body and it was so bad my mom couldn't put a diaper on me so I crawled around naked all day. My mother was terrified that I would piss all over the house but, it never happened and I used the potty for everything afterwards or so the story goes, I don't remember much from that time hehe 😅
Str88jacketabdl said:
I was almost 5 by the time they finally got me out of diapers. I fought hard.
Me too I just didn't care
Lyric said:
I wasn't daytime potty trained until I was 7 and felt quite happy I didn't have to wear diapers during the day anymore, especially to school. But I continued to wear diapers to bed because I still wet my bed and didn't stop completely until I was 17. Mostly I stopped because I was going to go on to college soon and my mother encouraged me, or nagged me might be a better term, until I finally stopped, but afterward, I felt like something was missing in my life. I was so used to wearing diapers and using them to pee in, or able to sleep through the night and not worry about having accidents. Eventually, I returned to wearing diapers when I could, like coming home for holidays and felt much better.
I really missed my bedwetting when I finally became dry at night.
Elhon said:
I was never fully potty trained so I remember when I was out of daily diapers at around seven. I had an accident until thirteen or so about twice a month but I knew what caused them so I was in diapers/training pants at the time. when I was a kid I wet myself at the grocery store and was back in diapers had the same happen at 21 and as a lifetime bedwetter went DL
I was out of nappies during the day just in time to start school but was a bedwetter right up to my early 20s I often wet myself during the day until I was 10 years old
Serendiapity said:
Like many of you, I’ve long been captivated by questions about my ABDL origin story, and of course that means thinking about how my earliest years shaped my future development. At least for me, I have to think potty training, along with its related trauma, was a main fulcrum in this process.

I was originally potty trained when I was 2 or 3; I actually don’t remember it very well at all, or how my parents achieved it. But due in part to the fact that my sister was born not long after I turned 3, I started to significantly regress soon after that point, much to my parents’ ire. (One of my earliest memories is my mom screaming “god damn it!” at me for pooping my pants.) Despite their reluctance and anger, I had to be put back in Pampers until I was about 4.

I remember their frustration trying to retrain me, especially because I would always treat pull-ups just like they were diapers. After a while, I guess they had had enough, and the way they finally got me to potty train was by forcing me to sit on the potty all day long for about 3 or 4 days until I got the hang of it. I was miserable, and in hindsight would go so far as to call it a traumatic experience, but I guess it got the job done.

I feel like potty training is supposed to feel like a happy, proud accomplishment for the kid, but to me it just felt like a result of being punished. I never felt any boon to my self-esteem, and it wasn’t long at all before I wished I could be diapered again. Even to this day, I have a fear of failure that I have to think stems back in some way to the fiasco that was potty training for me, and that’s not even getting into my ABDL side.

Do any of you remember how you were finally trained, or how you felt when you were? Was it traumatic for you, and do you think it’s affected your development, either as an ABDL or otherwise?
i really don't know how to use the potty. I thing potty training is kind of dumb potty traing is overrated af
Wetshisbed said:
I really missed my bedwetting when I finally became dry at night.
I felt the same. Really missed having a diaper and rubber pants on when I went to bed. I missed it so much that my mother let me wear diapers when I came home from college on holidays. I seemed to sleep better when I wore diapers to bed. They were usually at least a little damp in the morning when I woke up, sometimes actually soaked. I also agree with you that no one notices I have diapers and rubber pants on when I'm around other people unless they already know about me.
I seem to have a different story than most of you. My parents tried and tried and failed and failed. They gave up when they found out I wasn't lying when I said I could not feel when I needed to pee or poop and that it comes out and I can't control it. As for the ABDL side, I didn't really discover that so much until I was about 19.
I don't remember anything about being potty trained, but I do remember having an interest in diapers since I was 7. I have a brother who is 6 years younger than me, so maybe that's where my desires came from. I once stole one of his diapers and hid it in my room, but didn't know why I even did it at the time. I can also vividly remember the scent of Johnson's baby powder from back then, as it's what Mom used. Maybe that's why I like the scent now! Mom used baby oil in the bath water for me growing up, because of my dry skin. I still use it today and love the scent! Maybe having a younger brother in diapers imprinted these desires on me, or maybe I always had them and rediscovered it when he was born. I do remember being jealous of the attention my new brother was getting at the time. I can't explain it for sure, being AB/DL is just something that makes me who I am. :)
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Potty training didn’t happen to me until after I was 5. My mom tried at age 2, but I was going during the middle of a diaper change completely unaware. After going to the doctor and finding out I had a underdeveloped bladder and bowels they kept me in diapers

I first noticed, when I was pooping my diaper because before I never had to grunt or actually concentrate, just came and couldn’t Shortly, I started to have dry diapers longer than two hour where before I couldn’t stay dry. My aunt who watched me during the day noticed my dry diapers then about 30-45 mins later I would have a very full wet diaper. This happened for a few days. Then one day after I was changed into clean diaper, I felt the urge to pee for the first time and lets my mom know. We hurried to the bathroom and made it time. She was very proud and it went from there. I was nighttime trained a few months after when I started have consistent dry diapers after I work up.
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I don't remember much about my potty training. According to my mom, I took longer and was harder to potty train then my younger sister who was trained at 2 while I wasn't trained until I was 3. I'm going to assume that's because I didn't want to give pull-ups/diapers up.
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I don't remember at all but likely potty trained at a normal age like 2 or 3. My mom recently told me that a nanny potty trained us since both my parents worked a lot. The nanny was a neighbor, but I don't think she did a good job because my twin ended up with Encopresis until age 10 and wore pull ups and here I am age 30 and deeply regret my potty training and have both been messing myself intentionally since age 9 and also am voluntarily back in diapers 24/7 and not using the potty at all. I deeply regret being potty trained and am trying to untrain now. Potty = yuck. I belong in diapers. :)

Oh, and I've also thrown out all my undies as well. Diapies are my new undies. :)
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Omg301 said:
I don't remember at all but likely potty trained at a normal age like 2 or 3. My mom recently told me that a nanny potty trained us since both my parents worked a lot. The nanny was a neighbor, but I don't think she did a good job because my twin ended up with Encopresis until age 10 and wore pull ups and here I am age 30 and deeply regret my potty training and have both been messing myself intentionally since age 9 and also am voluntarily back in diapers 24/7 and not using the potty at all. I deeply regret being potty trained and am trying to untrain now. Potty = yuck. I belong in diapers. :)

Oh, and I've also thrown out all my undies as well. Diapies are my new undies. :)
I'm so happy for you. Nothing better than to be in diapers all the time and use them rather than a toilet. I threw all my undies out long ago. Needed space for my cloth diapers and plastic pants.
draconem said:
I seem to have a different story than most of you. My parents tried and tried and failed and failed. They gave up when they found out I wasn't lying when I said I could not feel when I needed to pee or poop and that it comes out and I can't control it. As for the ABDL side, I didn't really discover that so much until I was about 19.
i couldn't toilet train because it's my kind of medical condition still in diapers got into abdl when i was 13
I was born in 1947 and according to my baby book trained by 2. Now being a baby boomer I saw lots of kids potty trained in the 1950s. Moms when they thought the kid was likely to go, strapped them on the potty chair until they went. 5 minutes, 50 minutes didn't matter, sit until you did you thing. pee or poop your pants, a spanking was standard procedure.
BuddyBoy said:
Adam and PrissySammy, your recollections remind me of one of my own. Occasionally one of the neighbors would have a party for her toddler who was out of diapers and "able to stay dry" at night. My mother sometimes took me to these and I was expected to give them a present and congratulate them. Of course, I was much older but still in night-time diapers myself.
It was embarrassing still needing nappies around younger children who don’t, wasn’t it?
PrissySammy said:
O wow really? That must've felt weird :eek:
Kinda can say I do relate with this because I started being potty trained when I was already 4 if my memory serves me right, not the sibling part tho since I never had any
It was certainly embarrassing. I was supposed to be the big brother, and yet it was me who still needed nappies.
My mother felt that seeing children who had achieved dryness would increase my motivation. I had to accept that my status was more juvenile than theirs in spite of my being older. Everyone was nice to me but it was obvious that in the women's eyes I was a little boy.
Ali123 said:
It was certainly embarrassing. I was supposed to be the big brother, and yet it was me who still needed nappies.
I felt the same way. I was the big brother to my two sisters at a time when neither of them wore diapers any longer or wet their beds but I did-wet my bed and had to wear diapers and rubber pants at night. My sisters were pretty nice to me nonetheless, but I did at times feel embarrassed, even ashamed about being a bedwetter with my mother pinning my diapers on at night with my sisters watching.
I was about 3, I recall, I wasn't exactly a problem case, according to my mom, I just didn't show any interest for a while, and so eventually she just made me. I got the basics down quickly but needed pullups for a little bit after. I didn't ever wet the bed past that age though.

I remember being 4 and intensely jealous of a peer who wasn't yet potty trained though, I think because they got all of the attention. I also wonder if that's also why 4 is about my "little age".
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