How was life back then?


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
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How was your ABDL life back then? I'm talking like 1970s and before.
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I don't imagine you'll find many folks here who had active 'ABDL lives' back in the 1970s. I'm one of the older folks here, and I didn't really start until the early 1980s.

Here's hoping I'm wrong!
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I wasn't alive in the 70s untill mid 90s I thought I was the only person who liked diapers on earth
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I was a teenager in the 70’s but I had not discovered that part of me until fairly recently. I did have a stuffies collection though.
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I started very early, aside from my knowledge of liking plastic pants as a toddler. Later, 5, 6, I would put multiple pairs of underwear on at bedtime. Then I started using old towels & plastic trash bags as makeshift diapers. Also I would put 2 pairs of toddler size plastic pants together, to make a larger size. Mind you, I had no idea anyone else was into this, or doing similar. Had no way to know of it. Not till my early 20’s, or around the early 80’s did I find a magazine with abdl content in it. A magazine called Nugget, opened my eyes to others with similar feelings, a revelation to say the least. In the 90’s I further explained my consciousness with the internet.
That’s a small snippet of what it was for me.
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For me it was mostly pants wetting. It wasn't until the '80s that I started buy cloth diapers and plastic pants.
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I was born in 65, also a pants wetter and bed wetter, sometimes on purpose. I never really tried to make my own diapers. The closest I ever came to that was putting a paper towel or two into the back of my underwear to poop into. I don’t even remember disposable adult diaper until the late 80s. I remember cloth reusable adult diapers from the Sears catalog, but I never really had any way to get them.
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Yes there was an ABDL existence back in the 1970s (when i was a teenager), but it was not much of a life, I can tell you.

The desire to cross dress and be in cloth nappies and plastic pants (bearing in mind that I and my younger sisters were all potty trained before disposables came onto the Australian market), was over whelming to say the least and knowing that you were the only warped kid in the world, (there was no internet), that wanted to do this, compounded the shame beyond measure.

You had to make do with 'borrowing' your sister's clothes or wetting and soiling your underwear (or some home made diaper substitute) on the few occasions when no one else was home. Plus the constant fear of someone founding out and then being exposed, was unbearable.

Those were lonely days, disliking myself so much, because I could not change for the better and grow up 'normal', (whatever that means).
I am glad that that part of my life is gone and dusted many years ago and will not return.

Happy days are here again !!
Thank you ADISC.
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I was born in 57 when I was 8 I saw my cousin who was 5 get diapered at bedtime. Cloth diaper and plastic pants. I had never thought about diapers until I saw him in one. Days later I took a towel and made a diaper out of it. I never wet it but I liked how it felt. I only did it a few times because I felt ashamed about it. Then when I was 18 I saw a magazine that had stories about adult babies. That's when I realized I was not alone in my desire to wear diapers. I wished I had the Internet when I was young so I wouldn't have felt ashamed. There was no cool adult baby stuff back then.
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LittleLuke said:
I was born in 57 when I was 8 I saw my cousin who was 5 get diapered at bedtime. Cloth diaper and plastic pants. I had never thought about diapers until I saw him in one. Days later I took a towel and made a diaper out of it. I never wet it but I liked how it felt. I only did it a few times because I felt ashamed about it. Then when I was 18 I saw a magazine that had stories about adult babies. That's when I realized I was not alone in my desire to wear diapers. I wished I had the Internet when I was young so I wouldn't have felt ashamed. There was no cool adult baby stuff back then.
Same birth year LittleLuke and similar experiences.
We were NOT alone !!
puddlefeet said:
How was your ABDL life back then? I'm talking like 1970s and before.
I was born in 63, I wore Terry nappies and plastic pants. I do remember when I was 4/5, my cousins mum, for some reason, kept his popper sided plastic pants and inserts called Paddy Pads, these were all I wanted to play with when I went to their house. I really wanted to put them on, I’ve loved nappies and the thought of wearing ALL my life.
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Happy2BeInNappies2 said:
Same birth year LittleLuke and similar experiences.
We were NOT alone !!
It was a different world we grew up in. If you weren't all maco back then you got your ass kicked. I wonder what the future will look like. Adult babies out in public excepted as who we are. Oh to be young again. We were definitely alone back then. By the way I like crossdressing also. I would try on my sister's panties and bras. Also was ashamed of doing that. You know catholic school upbringing l was going to hell. Lol 😆
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Because I was such a cowardly sissy, the boys in Primary School used to bash me up on the way home to try to make me hit back in order to toughen me up and make me more like them. (And they were supposed to be 'my friends' I don't want to think of what my enemies would have done).
Of course all I could do was to try and find other safer ways home and learn to run very fast.
If I had only been born a girl just like my younger sisters, I would NOT have to fight. (Still long to be female even today nearly six decades later).
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Happy2BeInNappies2 said:
Because I was such a cowardly sissy, the boys in Primary School used to bash me up on the way home to try to make me hit back in order to toughen me up and make me more like them. (And they were supposed to be 'my friends' I don't want to think of what my enemies would have done).
Of course all I could do was to try and find other safer ways home and learn to run very fast.
If I had only been born a girl just like my younger sisters, I would NOT have to fight. (Still long to be female even today nearly six decades later).
I'm sorry you had it so bad 😞 as a kid. I hate to say it but I would have been one of the boys beating you up. I was not a leader just a follower to afraid to do the right thing. I was so ashamed of my own feelings. I just want to apologize to all the people I hurt.
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A kid of 1964, and a DL from my first memories, for me the 70s consisted of makeshift towel and plastic carrier bag combinations to keep the urge at bay.
I also used to ‘borrow’ my big sister’s frilly knickers on occasion to wear over the top of the above.
I’d avidly search for the occasional advert in the Sunday red top newspapers for pants with pads and wished I had the money and means to get some.

If I thought I was the only one that liked this lifestyle I don’t remember it bothering me.
Just happy to be in a nappy 😊
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I’m a bonified 70s ABDL. I awakened to diapers in the 1967. Along with puberty came the overwhelming desire to wear diapers snd plastic pants like a baby.

Also bc at that time my little brother started wetting the bed and was put in diapers and rubber pants ( ans we all called them) back then. When he was quickly “cured” by having to be diapered, the rubber pants in his drawer became available to me. I was in heaven till I wore them out. I’m sure mom had an idea what I was up to but nothing was ever said.
Anyways, back then I thought I was the only weirdo in the world playing with diapers. It wasn’t till the 80’s when I happened across an article in Playboy about a guy who wore diapers for fun. After that I pored thru every adult magazine I could find for any other hints of like minded people.

Once on my own, I found that Sears anb JC Penney carried flannel lined plastic pants. YAY!! They fit over cloth diapers the way rubber pants were designed to fit. Elastics on the it and legs that fit comfortably snug while the plastic fit loosely. Ballooning over my thick diaper. I’d remove the liner for “real “ Baby pants experiences.

Diapers were easy. Curity 27x40 flat diapers were sold everywhere. It was what nearly every baby my age grew up in. So I always had plenty of the very best diapers I could ever dream of. .

I was married in 78 and my diapered life continued along with kids making us a family

Nothing much changed till the 90s when the internet came along to open up a whole new world of ABDL lifestyles. Diaper friends and all sorts of amazing baby things for the big people diaper lovers.

For a while there were tons of places that sold plastic pants and cloth diapers on the web. But unfortunately the numbers are slipping. I imagine there will come a time where plastic baby pants, like me, will be a thing of the past.
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I was born in the mid 70s and was playing with diapers by the early 80s. My ABDL life back then? As closeted as possible! And lonely. I basically wore diapers in my bedroom whenever I thought I could get away with it, and that was all. I expect most of us who were into this stuff in the 80s and earlier will say that the Internet was a major turning point. Late in 1994, as a college freshman who'd just gotten internet access, I scrolled down the list of groups on Usenet and found Until that moment, I'd assumed I was the only person alive who was into this stuff. It took a while for me to really process that there were others, but the effect was ultimately very positive.

There are things about my adolescence that I'd return to if I could, but hiding in my bedroom with a bag of Pampers and feeling disgusted with myself isn't one of them!
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I knew I was different but I didn't understand. I was attracted to teenagers or adults doing baby/toddler things like fitting in a stroller, riding a tricycle or any riding toys. I would go by pacifiers at stores and wanting one. I wanted white baby shoes. I was sick once around 13 and my mom brought me pampers, I kept looking at the box thinking those were actually mine I brought my first pacifier at 28 still not knowing what an adult baby was.. I thought I was the only one
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I was born in the early 70s and I've told the story of how I got into diapers here on a few threads.
I thought I was the only one for the longest. Oddly I heard an snippet of audio from a TV on A Current Affair or one of those type shows. All I heard was "adults who dress in nappies like a baby". From the scant details I picked up, I think they were doing some kind of shock story from a story overseas.
I really didn't want to ask anyone in the room what that was about.

Just knowing I'm not the only person in existence into this and that there were adults who were into it gave me hope that it's just not me.
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All these responses has made me think back to when I was a kid. For the most part, I was a follower. I played with my cousins who lived two houses over, a row of houses and a row of cousins who enjoyed brutalizing me. They, like my dad, were Lenni Lenape indians but I was adopted so I had trouble fitting in. We would move several times, the first time was because my mom wanted to get away from them. I think that in part, she was trying to protect me. I was 6 - 8 years of age at the time.

We would move again and when we moved once more, I had a psychotic break and had the 1000 yard stare for about a week until I came out of it. After that, I was different. We moved to a rough neighborhood and I became a gang leader. We had countless fights, some which included knives and once one of my members brought a 30 06 to the fight and I sent him home. I was in 8th grade.

So into this intense mixture, I was making diapers and using them. I was convinced I was mentally ill as this was 1960 - 61 and no internet, just as others have shared. My mom would try to keep me busy, making me take classes at the high school in the summer so I wouldn't be out on the streets, stealing things from stores, setting things on fire and of course, more fights. But late at night, I would be wetting my makeshifts and then trying to hide the evidence so I wouldn't get discovered.

When I wrote "Asylum" for this site, the ghost boy was really me when I was that age though my mom didn't commit me and unlike "Bobby", she loved me unconditionally. My life was a constant desire to wear diapers and to be tough, standing up to all the crazy kids who would fight. This all changed when I got hit by a car running a red light and I found new friends to hang with, but the diaper desires never went away and I continued to wear and use makeshift diapers in the quiet of my bedroom which was the attic in my parents' house.
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