How do you organize your diapers?


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  1. Diaper Lover
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I tend to keep about half of my diapers and supplies in my dresser drawers and the other half in storage above my garage. There is a bit of inventory involved in the process so I don’t end up using up only one package.

How do you organize your diapers? Is there a particular way you like to sort or stash them individually or by pack?
I only have 1 type / brand of diaper so no real organizing (Abena L4)
I have a cupboard that holds several packages
the rest are in the cases in the storage room. When my cupboard is about half empty I'll restock from the storage room.
In all I have about 1000 diapers in storage. Use 4-6 per day
restock every 2 months

I keep a backpack of diapers in my car. with wipes & garbage bags for emergencies.
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I don't have room in my apartment to hide my stash so I just keep them in the bags and stack them up next to the dresser
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Since I mostly wear cloth, my organization is fairly simple. I keep my cloth diapers in my bedroom dresser drawer. They're divided between old and new as the new ones are more absorbent.
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We have shelving in my nursery that we store all my diapers and training pants.
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I have six big plastic tubs I keep in my closet. Two are for medical, one is for pull-ups and the other three are a mix of various ABDL brands. Me being the organizational nerd I am, I want to eventually separate the ABDL diapers by brand but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
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I have this huge bathroom closet with four shelves and I have about a years supply. Bottom shelf is pull ups which I use for work. Second up is tenas which I wear around the house most of the time. The top two shelves are full of abdl diapers. Rearz, Littleforbig, etc
PinkyJujubean said:
The top two shelves are full of abdl diapers. Rearz, Littleforbig, etc
Nice! Organizing by capacity from bottom to top is a great idea! 🤔
My main stash consists of 3 pallets of boxed, unopened bags of diapers, plus a few odds and ends sitting in the garage. I keep 3 plus dresser drawers full in our bedroom and a box for overflow in the office. 99% of my diapers are mixed ABDL.
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I have some hidden in plain site in my bedroom sink cupboard with wipes and diaper bags. The rest are stored behind a hatch in the crawl space behind the bedroom wall.
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Tenawearer said:
I have some hidden in plain site in my bedroom sink cupboard with wipes and diaper bags. The rest are stored behind a hatch in the crawl space behind the bedroom wall.
does having them in plain sight cause any raises eyebrows?
Not yet, but if questions are eventually asked by the kids then I am going to resort to the small active bladder excuse. Which is true but doesn't make wearing really necessary. My partner knows anyway.
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I keep 4 to 5 bags of diapers in my closet with only one bag open at a time to use .
Stack my diaper cover nice and neat in my top dresser door .
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I do use these Boxes, four of them, in my bedroom wardrobe, additional full packs are stored in my basement.


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I keep my cloth diapers and plastic pants on shelves in my bathroom Along with my other linens and towels.
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In my home office/gaming room. I use those ubiquitous fabric bins in the top of the closet, and I arrange my diapers in them so I can flip the down like they’re stacked out on the shelves and flip up to obscure them if someone opens the door. I have sliding locks outside the reach of the kids anyway.
When I buy a bunch of diapers first thing I do is package then in Ziploc bags of two each. And mark the ziplock bag with all the information of the maker the style the size. Then I enter in an entry journal I have so I have a inventory of all my stock. Then they get moved to storage. That may be my closet which I put shelves floor to ceiling or it could be in under bed boxes and then I also have some in my storage unit in the basement. But if I'm looking for a particular style I can look on my journal and see where ultimately they are being stored and how many I have left. That's the problem when you have 500 or more diapers.
I have to hide my stash. I keep them sorted in a black tote and pack a blanket on top incase someone removes the lid.