Here is the Real Me...

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Sissy
  5. Little
  6. Incontinent
This is the real me, and I am just a disabled Senior Citizen who happens to have Autism and Cerebral Palsy.
Being an Adult Baby is only one aspect of my life.0817161954 (2).jpg
You've got a lot on your plate my friend. My wife spends most of her time in her wheel chair, and when she gets out, she has her prosthetic leg on. Life can find a variety of ways to throw crap at us! The important thing is to go on and get as much out of life as one possibly can. It's good to see you up and around and outdoors. Life is for the living.
Thank you for sharing, I know the bravery that it must have taken to post it. The main reason that most people are so free to share things is because there is such a thick layer of anonymity on-line. I am pretty open with my little side but I'm still a really long way from feeling comfortable enough to share a picture of myself just with that slight chance that someone I know may stumble upon it. I may be cowardly but I am still eternally grateful for people like you that make me know that I am not alone or a freak.
I just want to sit on your lap and tell you what my Christmas wish's
Little friend hug's
caitianx said:
This is the real me, and I am just a disabled Senior Citizen who happens to have Autism and Cerebral Palsy. Being an Adult Baby is only one aspect of my life.

I didn't realize you were in your senior years, then again I've always pictured everybody on the Internet to be around my age group. I'm not brave enough to put up a picture of myself here since I know that ADISC gets indexed by search engines. I'm still closeted as a DL, and I wouldn't want anybody I know to find a picture of me here. On the whole DL/Diaperfur part, I accept it as just one aspect of myself personally, but I'm not sure if friends/family would be as accepting.
I am emotionally comfortable with me being myself.
At my age I have lived long enough to be comfortable in my own skin to use the old cliche.

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