Earliest memory in a diaper?

I can remember doing a poo in my nappy from before I was toilet trained, so I guess around 1 or 2.
My earliest memory was when I used my sister's Cabbage Patch doll diaper for fun. I was 7-years-old.


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I actually remember my grandmother removing one diaper as a cool draft caused me to pee everywhere.
when I was in my teens and back around her , I had always wanted to apologize to her for soaking her and everything.
i wish that I had been able to have that discussion but I was so shy and embarrassed. I couldn’t have been a year old at the time.
I remember being a toddler getting my diapers changed by my older sisters. Crying cause it was cold.
I find it amazing that so many of us remember at such an young age. My first memory of being wearing diapers was at 4. My mom divorced my dad some time around that, and she was raising me and my two older sisters. She would drop me off at a babysitter's that watched several kids that I recall. This day in particular was close to hollowwee be cause I recall my pumpkin I decorated was smashed by some kids around the neighborhood. What I can remember is that she was getting some kids around for bed at was diapering them in her living room. This must have been a norm and it did not sink in till later in life for me why I was diapered, but when it was my turn I recall lifting my legs and she slid a diaper underneath me, not sure what kind other than it being plastic and required safety pins like the old pampers. When she brought the diaper up between my legs and started to pin it she poked her fingers and was very mad. She began to rip the diaper to pieces with her red long nails. I remember being very sad for the diaper all ripped up around me and somehow this burnt the memory in my brain, Later I learned that I was incontinent.
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My earliest memory comes from when I was about six to eight years old, but I'm not totally sure. By this time, I already knew I wanted to wear diapers again and my brother wasn't potty trained yet, so I thought it was a good opportunity to explore this desire. My bladder was full, and I was ready to begin the 'ultimate' heist.
I snuck into my brother's room, grabbed a diaper, and not-so-subtly scrambled back to my room with my ill-gotten goods. Once inside, I locked the door and had a look at the diaper. I remember it was a Luvs size 5 with some kind of Barney the Dinosaur print on the landing zones. I knew what I wanted to do with it, but I didn't really understand how to put it on at first. I did eventually figure it out and taped the diaper snugly against my waist. It fit pretty much perfectly thanks to my slim body.
Then, for the first time since potty training, I finally let go and started wetting my diaper. I was in absolute bliss the whole way through and from that day on, I've been hooked.

In retrospect, I kinda wish I was smart enough to wear diapers at nighttime since I desperately needed them. Or even if I was smart enough to realize I could wear them without a full bladder to wear the diaper longer. Oh well.
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My earliest memory of my life was when I was around 1 (plus or minus some, not quite sure), I had just been given a bath and my parents placed me on the bed to get dressed/diapered. Instead, I crawled around the bed naked (so technically, not my earliest memory in a diaper but instead outside of a diaper :LOL:). I remember being very entertained by this, and so were my parents. They eventually got me corralled and diapered (I assume, although I do not remember that part).

My earliest memories actually in diapers were probably when I was around 3 or 4 (maybe 5?). I do remember getting my diaper changed on the floor of the bathroom. I also remember, after my parents had successfully potty trained me (a little late), I refused to wear underwear because I didn't like them, so I just wore pants without any under garments (neither diapers nor underwear). My most vivid memories in diapers, or actually pull ups, were when I was in day care around this era, I remember being changed by the daycare workers. I also remember peering in the window to watch other kids getting their diapers/training pants changed. I saw others getting changed on the floor like a usual baby, I think because they had pooped themselves, and getting jealous of them. I do not remember getting changed like this, so I think I only had wetting accidents around then. Or I just wanted to wear the training pants/refused to be taken out of them and didn't have accidents.

After I had been potty trained, I still wanted to wear and use the diapers that we still had in the house. I think I even told my parents this. This must have been when I was around 5, 6, or 7. One day, they told me to close my eyes as they "hid" the remaining diapers, and I being that young, complied. I never saw those diapers again (and they even said that I would not find them). My best guesses, to this day, are that they either threw those diapers away (tragic, since I believe they were the plastic Pampers, but then it would make sense why they were so confident I wouldn't find them) or hid them in the attic (I believe I spotted some packs of Pull-ups up there one time when we were fixing some leaks, but my parents didn't let me take a good look up there). Over the years, I have checked pretty much every possible nook and cranny around my house, except the attic, since it is kind of difficult to get into, especially discretely.
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Either being diapered for bed by my grandma at my cousin's house or getting a diaper put on by my mom. Both were at really young ages not sure which was first.
Believe it or not but I have vivid memories of diapers going all the way back to my first christmas. I remember sitting on my dad's leg in a shirt and diaper. I remember just examining the diaper which I can remember so well I can describe it and have since found the exact version of Pampers that it was. I was uncomfortable on my dad's leg and slipped down and tried to go to the christmas tree which was being decorated by my siblings. My oldest brother stopped me and returned me to my dad.
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About age 6.
I can remember being put in night time diapers by setters.
My parents had me put on my own diapers but when they were not home and setters were taking care of me and my sisters they always wanted to diaper me and i liked getting diapered by them.

The last time i got diapered by a setter was about age 11.
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Recovering from 3rd and 2nd degree burns, over 1/2 of my body, as a child (best-guess, 4 years old?)...
And the rude/cruel nurse, who ridiculed me for wearing them.
While under heavy sedation/medication, and a body that was immobilized.
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I remember when I was being babysitted when I was five that I had a problem with wetting myself. So my babysitter had to put me in a diaper some nights if they thought I was going to wet myself. I remember even taking a nap in the afternoon after falling asleep watching a movie that i woke up and had soaked the blanket.
anned said:
About age 6.
I can remember being put in night time diapers by setters.
My parents had me put on my own diapers but when they were not home and setters were taking care of me and my sisters they always wanted to diaper me and i liked getting diapered by them.

The last time i got diapered by a setter was about age 11.

I had a similar situation with my sitter around 5/6 and always remember feeling ashamed/embarrassed.
SydDLBoi said:
My earliest memory is my aunt leaning over me and changing my nappy while I lay on the spare bed in my cousin's bedroom. He was on the bed next to mine and he was smiling as he looked across at me because he didn't have to wear a nappy to bed like me. I was saying/arguing that I didn't need a nappy but once my aunt had taken the last safety pin out of her mouth, she told told me that I was going to wear a nappy to bed, like it or not. I remember the cloth nappy being pulled up between my legs and my aunt pulling the corners tightly together and pinning them. She bunched up a pair of semi-transparent white plastic pants and fed my feet through the leg holes, then pulled them right up and over the nappy. After checking the elastic of plastic pants (or pilchers as she called them), she pulled my singlet down from where it had been pushed up under my armpits and tucked me into bed. After I woke up, she came and checked my nappy (which was wet of course), then changed me into a new nappy while my cousin climbed out of bed and put his pants on and ran into the TV room. I think I was 3 going on 4, as I hadn't started pre-school yet.
That totally brings back memories of me staying at my aunt's place! She used to make us take naps in the afternoon (even when we were older...probably to get us out of her hair LOL). But because I was diapered at night, I had to wear diapers for naps. So same deal. I'd have to strip and get on my changing pad and lift up for a cloth diaper. Plastic pants and the works. My cousins loved watching their older cousin being treated like a baby. I always hated naps but always fell asleep. And always woke up needing a diaper change.
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I have no recollection of ever wearing diapers as a kid, although I remember my Grandma reading me bedtime stories pointing out how the characters didn’t wear diapers. As far as I know, I was potty trained by the time I was 3 and I don’t recall ever having bed wetting issues or anything like that. Part of me feels like some of my fascinations with diapers as a kid actually comes from not remembering what it was like to wear.
Mine was 5 yrs old. I fell down a flight of steps, and broke my leg and bladder damage. I have not been out of diapers since.
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DiaperedWolf said:
Recovering from 3rd and 2nd degree burns, over 1/2 of my body, as a child (best-guess, 4 years old?)...
And the rude/cruel nurse, who ridiculed me for wearing them.
While under heavy sedation/medication, and a body that was immobilized.
wow, who'd have thought they could be so unprofessional, you'd think that they must see this often enough to not really take notice anyway.
I remember a few times back when I was a baby still in diapers. I could remember this one time I was wet, and I touched my diaper to see how wet it was. I also remember the other time I was in pull ups and I kept saying burrito, and I tripped over. Later when I was five or so I had a couple dreams that my kindergarten crush was in diapers and so was I and my feelings for diapers started to grow. Then I was eight years old, I wanted to try diapers again so I put on some of my brothers pull ups training pants to see. And I loved it. Those are some early memories of being in a diaper and being a diaper lover
I think I must have been about seven watching my mum changing my younger brother’s nappy. Back in those days terry cloth nappies worn with plastic pants were still very common. I remember asking mum if she would put one on me before I went to bed that evening...she duly obliged!! The memory is still so vivid it’s as if it was yesterday. The feeling of warmth and coziness was absolute bliss and I think she recognized this, because a couple of evenings later I discovered she had left a little stash of both nappies and plastic pants in my bedroom. Today I’m a 59 year old man and mum is still going strong ...sometimes I wonder should I tell her I’m still wearing😀😀
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I can remember one point when I was 3, my 9 year old sister put a diaper on me because she thought it would be cute or funny. I suppose that I only remember it because I was supposedly potty trained by that time. The memory stuck with me though and possibly was one factor that lead to me to wanting to try diapers again when I was 8.
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