Diapered Elderly Caitian in 2024...

5/20/2024 - 9:24 -
Soon the MTA CART Paratransit Service will be taking me downtown for the day.
I am dressed and ready to go.
I packed spare diapers.
I also have my STAR TREK - TOS Type II Hand Phaser (toy) and my STAR TREK - TNG Tricorder (toy) for today's "away mission".
Plus a plushie.
All day while downtown I will "pretend" to be my "CAITIAN" Alter-Ego, "G'Tyrr", the "retired" Lower Decks Engineering Technician, who is "trapped in the past" on Terra Prime (Earth) in 2024.
"His" STARFLEET PERSONAL LOGS are on "Fur Affinity".
Some "creative" writing on my part.
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5/20/2024 - 16:21 -
A day downtown.
I got downtown via the MTA CART Paratransit Service.
On the shopping list was "Incontinence Supplies".
I am okay.
Today it has been "hot" outside.
I have my bedroom ceiling fan running.
Along with my bedroom window wide-open.
I performed a lot of walking using my chrome 3-wheel rollator walker frame.
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5/20/2024 - 20:50 -
I have been quietly watching television online.
I finished watching the multi-part documentary miniseries:
99% of the fucking mass-murderers never faced justice for their heinous crimes.
I have still been in "Adult" Mode.
I have been picking up "clutter" in my bedroom and vacuuming my floor.
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5/21/2024 - 8:50 -
I am okay.
I am up and dressed.
I opened my windows to get fresh air.
Today is supposed to be hotter than yesterday.
My bedroom ceiling fan is on.
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5/21/2024 - 10:07 -
I already watched on DVD:
The 1950's stop-motion animation children's cartoon.
I am not interested in the fucking news.
Pardon my language.
I am quite fed-up with listening to the elderly fat habitual liar's constant whining about being "persecuted".
I took out a full trash bag of my wet and poopy diapers and I put it into the communal dumpster in the trailer park I live in.
I have also assisted my roommate in installing the air-conditioner into my "front" living room window.
House chores have to get accomplished.
I can not be "Little" all the time.
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5/21/2024 - 10:34 -
Time to listen to some National Public Radio via WEVO-FM, 89.1MHz out of Concord here in New Hampshire.
Real News...
Not "whining" Bull Shit...
No "Persecution Complex" garbage...
I am waiting for the Meals on Wheels "Lunch Lady" to show up with "today's" Nursing Home "Take-Out" Lunch.
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5/21/2024 - 11:20 -
I was just outside to assist my roommate.
The GFI outdoor power outlet at the foot of my front steps had 0.0 Vac.
I told him how to "reset" it.
Now he is vacuuming his own BUICK.
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5/21/2024 - 17:45 -
Hot and uncomfortable this afternoon.
I was in the medical restraint mittens all afternoon.
I just had Supper.
There are thunderstorms coming through later in the evening.
The main news on the CATV is about that habitual liar.
I turned it off.
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5/21/2024 - 18:40 -
As always early in the evening I am watching a World War II Documentary.
A hyper-focused special interest as an Elderly Autistic.
Earlier I took out my large floor fan and I cleaned it.
I will have it ready to use tomorrow all day and for the entire Summer.
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5/21/2024 - 19:15 -
I am now watching online:
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5/21/2024 - 20:50 -
I am heading into Night Owl Mode.
I have been intermittently quietly playing with some of my children's toys to make myself feel better this evening.
I massively over-did-it yesterday with standing and walking with my Cerebral Palsy.
Today I have been in my wheelchair all day long.
I needed to undress to just an adult pull-up training pant.
I am now comfortable sitting in my wheelchair and watching more Science television programming online.
I do not watch filthy television programming about going pee-pee into grown up ladies to make babies.
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New Member here. For now, for my temporary avatar, just using a handy image that I created myself a while back. No copyright issue, etc.
5/22/2024 - 9:21 -
I am okay.
Quietly sitting here in my wheelchair at my computer.
It will be hot outside today.
Spring will not end for another month.
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5/22/2024 - 22:12 -
My day has been long.
I hobbled 1.9 miles to the Taylor Library in East Derry.
I left my Mobile Home at 12:30, and I arrived at the Taylor Library at 14:10.
After 17:00 when the library closed, I hung around to attend an important meeting at my church as a Deacon from 19:00 to 21:20.
JW, one of the other Deacons took me home.
Anyway, I am winding down for the evening.
I am in Night Owl Mode as usual.
Online on my computer I am watching:
I am back in my wheelchair.
Again, I over-did-it with respect to being as mobile as I could be on my spastic Cerebral Palsy affected legs.
5/22/2024 - 22:47 -
Earlier I took my evening medications.
I sincerely apologize.
Physically I am really hurting.
Even with Mild Spastic Diplegia Type Cerebral Palsy, my mobility is crap.
Ageing really has slowed me down significantly.
Here in my bedroom I have a fan in my bedroom window running on "HIGH".
My ceiling fan is also running on "HIGH".
5/23/2024 -10:50 -
I was just outside to mail off a medical bill payment in the outgoing mail slot in the cluster mailbox shed at the top of Lane #2 where I live.
My roommate is out.
As always I am on and off the toilet all morning.
Changing wet adult pull-up training pants.
I have 80 regular L/XL adult diapers.
I am trying to use up the 32-count package of adult pull-up training pants only during daytime.

5/23/2024 - 12:00 -
A short time ago I had today's Meals on Wheels Lunch for the elderly.
I am quietly watching a World War II History Documentary.
Earlier I watched:
I am okay.
I undressed to just an adult pull-up training pant and in I am in my wheelchair.
Outside the humidity is terrible.
But I am comfortable with the fans running to keep an airflow going.
5/23/2024 - 21:00 -
I am okay.
Earlier I had a meeting at the Marion Gerrish Senior Citizen's Center.
Anyway, I am back home.
Now I have time to watch television online.
Earlier today it was again hot and very humid.
I did have my nap in the afternoon.
5/24/2024 - 13:00 -
A quiet afternoon.
This morning I was in "adult" mode.
Another meeting at the church I belong to.
I am now undressed for my nap time.
Of course I am back in my wheelchair.
Online I am watching the public-affairs miniseries documentary:
When the shit hit the fan in a national emergency, "we are 100% on our own" as citizens of the United States.
Nuclear War
Dissolution of the Union.
The elite are saving themselves.
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5/24/2024 - 17:54 -
I did not take a nap this afternoon.
Just mostly deep in thought.
A short time ago I had Supper.
I have been in my wheelchair almost 6:00 hours now.
Earlier I did take out trash.
I admit that I am starting to feel another emotional crash coming on.
But, I have to be nice and friendly for another teleconference online this evening at 19:00.
I am avoiding the news of the outside world to not get mind-fucked by mis-information.
Too many people believe in made-up bull shit and outright lies.
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