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Danger of hiding who you are

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Just saw the TED Talk, and the whole thing was very interesting. I did not know the statistic about being in the closet shortens your life for 12 years.

As for the comparison of being ABDL to LGBT, I don't think its a fair comparison. There isn't a history of oppression in the ABDL community, there's no laws against ABDLs, there aren't any suicide problems of ABDLs (that I know of). As far as stress goes, I don't think its not nearly as bad for ABDLs as it is for those in the LGBT community. The only way that being a DL has caused additional stress in my life is through thinking about future relationships. When I think about getting in a serious relationship that could result in marriage, the thought of telling my SO does induce anxiety in me. I'm terrified of telling them and then having them freaking out and leaving me, and I'm even more afraid of keeping this a secret and then one day, having them find my stuff, freaking out out shouting "What the fuck!? Why is diaper porn on your computer!? What's wrong with you!? I don't know who you are anymore!!", ending in an ugly and terrible divorce. Every time I do this thought experiment, it totally causes me stress that could potentially shave years off my life.

But aside from that, I can't think of any other ways that this causes me stress. I certainly have no need to tell family, friends, or co-workers. Me being a DL doesn't effect me in any other ways, there's no laws oppressing me for this fetish, and nobody is harassing or threatening to beat me up for this fetish since not only does nobody know that I'm a diaper lover, but most people don't even know that this community exists at all. I do wish that this fetish was more accepted so I could tell a partner without this looming fear of them freaking out, being turned off, and winding up alone. However, I'm pretty certain that that stress from being a DL doesn't come close to the stress and struggles that a gay person has to deal with, especially those living in a conservative intolerant place such as Kansas. So while I wouldn't say that being an ABDL is completely stress-free, I certainly don't think it comes close to the struggle of the LGBT community.
Aidy said:
Talking about suicide is NEVER just a "call for help." It is exceptionally serious. As a teacher, if a kid says "I'm gonna kill myself" in a joking way, it's my professional obligation to report it because voicing thoughts means they have already been internalised to some degree. Talking about suicide means they have been thinking about it. Yes, they want help. So why shouldn't they get it? Because it's only attention seeking? People who are contemplating suicide deserve more attention than society gives them. If they got the attention they needed they might not kill themselves. So, if someone ever says to you "I want to kill myself" take it bloody seriously. They might not do it now, it could be years down the track. I unfortunately had a boy I previously taught who was 13 years old when he killed himself last year. I taught him back in 2011. When he was ten he would often say (insert cute Aboriginal bush accent) "Oi Mister. If this lot don't stop being cheeky I'm garna kill myself." (Translate, if people don't stop teasing me I'll kill myself) I reported it multiple times to his parents and the school but the parents just said that he was just messing around and people say that kind of thing all the time. Unfortunately people do say it all the time and unfortunately people don't listen. This is one of the reasons why suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 40. Smoking, alcohol and car crashes combined don't match the numbers of suicide.

Nearly everyone who commits suicide has given some clue to their friends or family that they will do it. The "silent ones" in 99% of cases haven't been silent. They've let people know in different ways. For example, I can never bring myself to say "goodbye" to my parents because that could mean I might be going to attempt suicide. I always make sure I say "See you later." But they already know I'm at risk so they're always looking for signs. My parents picked up on my depression before I told them because, due to the suicide of my uncle and cousin, they knew the signs to look for. Educate yourself on depression and suicide and you could potentially save the life of a friend or family member.
Note - Like most suicidal people I don't want to die, I just want the pain to stop which is what seeking assistance from medical professionals, friends and family is meant to do. And taking someone seriously is the first step in helping someone get that help.
Other ways people may indicate suicidal thoughts
You'll be sorry when I'm dead
I can't see any way out
Everyone would be better off without me
I can't stand this world anymore
I wish I could just sleep and not wake up
Have you ever wished you were dead?
Do you ever wonder what it's like to be dead?

So please. Be informed before opening your mouth on important topics.

Except this isn't actually the case most of the time. If we knew exactly how suicide victims behaved it would happen far far less. The issue is we don't, and many suicidal people may give some signals or hints, but they are usually so subtle that even people who are not suicide could give off the same signals and hints and you could have misunderstandings.

The information you posted is more along the lines of a just in case sort of thing. It has nothing to do with being based on actual statistics or anything.
“Many people never let on what they are feeling or planning. The paradox is that the people who are most intent on committing suicide know that they have to keep their plans to themselves if they are to carry out the act,” says Dr. Miller. “Thus, the people most in need of help may be the toughest to save.”

So before you start telling people they need to do research .. I think you should too XD.

Also, keep in mind talking about suicide is different than threatening others you will commit suicide because they are not getting their way.
Also .. I don't think anyone is saying we should ignore such things either.
Okay I don't give a crap about statistics so I'm not goin to spew them but as far as suicide goes I dont think it matters much WHY a person is threatening it. A cry for help, an actual threat whatever the reason it should be taken seriously.

If someone talks about it odds are good that theyve thought about it and if the words "I'm going to kill myself" ever come out of a persons mouth they should be treated like dinomite because you don't know.

A cry for help is a cry for help and help should be offered regardless.

You are right that most suicidal people don't talk about it BUT even of someone is testing the waters they may still need help and don't know how to ask for it.

Tellin my school counseler that I wanted the die was how I finally got them to take me seriously enough to call child protective services after 16 years of abuse.

It was a cry for help, because I needed help.
brabbit1987 said:
Except this isn't actually the case most of the time. If we knew exactly how suicide victims behaved it would happen far far less. The issue is we don't, and many suicidal people may give some signals or hints, but they are usually so subtle that even people who are not suicide could give off the same signals and hints and you could have misunderstandings.

The information you posted is more along the lines of a just in case sort of thing. It has nothing to do with being based on actual statistics or anything.
“Many people never let on what they are feeling or planning. The paradox is that the people who are most intent on committing suicide know that they have to keep their plans to themselves if they are to carry out the act,” says Dr. Miller. “Thus, the people most in need of help may be the toughest to save.”

So before you start telling people they need to do research .. I think you should too XD.

Also, keep in mind talking about suicide is different than threatening others you will commit suicide because they are not getting their way.
Also .. I don't think anyone is saying we should ignore such things either.

Funny thing is. I have researched this. Extensively. We had to attend a two day professional learning course on emotional first aid where we were handed reems of statistics that showed how preventable suicide is especially in children and young adults. I did a quick look through to confirm it but, since I can't easily put it on this website I'll just have to use one of the many many suicide prevention and mental health websites, as well as one of the authors references, to show you that the article is misleading. The fact that you went to a university website usually would mean you should be able to trust it but, as I will demonstrate, this article isn't very trustworthy.

To start, the authors language is misleading in that it portrays suicide as mainly coming out of the blue when statistics show otherwise. Let me give some examples.

Many people who commit suicide do so without letting on they are thinking about it or planning it,” says Dr. Michael Miller, assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

That "Many" is a great word. Because arse loads actually do kill themselves so many will work in nearly all cases. The professor isn't wrong but it doesn't give a clear indication when it's taken as an except of an overall interview. I'm sure the same professor would, when asked, give the same statistics I'm going to give later in my rant. What you need is cold hard numbers. I can't imagine the professor who was interviewed would have been happy with someone picking a single line from an interview to quote him on.

"Some suicides (and suicide attempts), though, don’t come completely out of the blue. Some people — including those who are more ambivalent about suicide — consciously or unconsciously drop hints. "

The author isn't quoting someone here. He has paraphrased from this article which IS written by a medical doctor.

His link was broken but I went to the website he said he got it from and tracked down the suicide article on there. The unfortunate thing is that he seems to have unintentionally changed the wording to suit his own thoughts. The direct quote, if he had of used it, is, "Most suicidal individuals give warning signs or signals of their intentions." It's just under the "Warning Signs" part. She said "Most" and he said "Some." He has completely changed the magnitude of the issue with one word.

So lets look at the actual statistics taken from Mental Health America.

"Eight out of ten people considering suicide give some sign of their intentions. People who talk about suicide, threaten suicide, or call suicide crisis centers are 30 times more likely than average to kill themselves."

"Although they may not call prevention centers, people considering suicide usually do seek help; for example, nearly three-fourths of all suicide victims visit a doctor in the four months before their deaths, and half in the month before."

So, let me change the statements in the Harvard Health blog to make it more reflective of the statistics. "While two out of ten people don't give any indications before attempting suicide, eight out of ten people do."

Or if we use language that isn't specific like the author used. In that case it should be, "While some people don't give any indications before attempting suicide, many people do."

I don't believe the author did this on purpose. He most likely was pretty cut up about his colleague dying so suddenly, got passionate about it due to the experience and went to do interviews to write an article about how out of the blue suicide can be. He then wrote it in such a way that made him better understand what had happened and that it was outside of his control.. .which it would have been. While he did interview professionals he, himself, is an editor/writer. It isn't a medical journal. Bias seems to have come into the writing of it even to the point of misquoting a doctor from an easily accessed article.

So yes, I have researched it. Extensively. Boys mental health is a specific area of interest to me. If you want to debate in mental health, abuse, education, Australian telecommunication policy or Australan working dyou need to come with all guns loaded. :) But respect for going to a university website instead of wikipedia. Just unfortunate the author didn't get checked before releasing misleading information.

I had planned to go to bed 50 minutes ago. Why, oh why, did I check ADISC. One post and it's nearly an hour later. 2:20am.
I think this prompts the question of what actually constitutes hiding or having enough to hide. I've had an idea somewhat related to this that has been percolating in the back of my mind for a week or two that may result in another thread but without stepping on that, I don't feel like I'm hiding who I am by keeping this private. I'm a private person by nature and to be loud and proud about anything I'm into just isn't me. I pick and choose my circumstances to share my interests and passions. I suppose it's a fair question as to whether that's out of fear of rejection and inadequacy or a sense that I don't care to be dragged in depth into the boring details of others and a desire to spare them the same.

For things like being an ABDL, I do occasionally feel a sense of missed opportunity. There are natural hooks that appear now and again for my other interests and I often take the shot with someone I like to see if those things fit or are of interest. I have never applied that principle to anything ABDL, but then again, the hooks have always been extremely tenuous and I rate the chances of real interest as exceedingly low. I think this is due ongoing attention and others will see it differently, but at this point, I feel like sharing this with my friends, both online and in the real world, is sufficient.
Aidy said:
So lets look at the actual statistics taken from Mental Health America.

"Eight out of ten people considering suicide give some sign of their intentions. People who talk about suicide, threaten suicide, or call suicide crisis centers are 30 times more likely than average to kill themselves."

The question I have is where exactly do these statistics come from? You can't ask an already dead victim, which means you have to rely on information based off of what exactly? Family? Friends? How exactly do they get this number? 30 times more likely as apposed to whom exactly? Have they ever checked to see how many people talk about suicide who have not committed suicide and also included those numbers? Have they evaluated each persons personality? These are very important factors. Someone threatening suicide in the past may have absolutely nothing to do with them actually committing suicide in the future. Both instances could be entirely different situations.

A good example of this is I threatened to commit suicide when I was a kid. I was angry and frustrated with my family. Keeping in mind, I didn't actually mean it. Now as for my suicidal thoughts later on in life due to being transgender, both instances have nothing to do with each other. If I happened to commit suicide, they may point out in the past I said I would, but in fact, it's inaccurate due to this. First you have to verify how many people on average threaten suicide or talk about it who don't actually plan to or do so.

Basically what I am saying is, statistics mean nothing if they don't present how they came to those numbers and what they compared those numbers too.

"Although they may not call prevention centers, people considering suicide usually do seek help; for example, nearly three-fourths of all suicide victims visit a doctor in the four months before their deaths, and half in the month before."

Again, as apposed to whom exactly? Could this not simply be them going for a regular check up? I mean people go to the doctor a lot. It's not absurd to think 3/4 of people in general go for a doctor visit with in that time frame. They need to be more specific. Did the doctor visits have anything to do with actually committing suicide? It doesn't say. So I don't see how they can connect these 2 things. There needs to be more evidence.
Or we can stop asking for evidence and treat every claim as serious on the off chance that it could be because it beats the alternative of thinking we know better and having that person do it while we were busy arguing statistics.
Penny said:
Or we can stop asking for evidence and treat every claim as serious on the off chance that it could be because it beats the alternative of thinking we know better and having that person do it while we were busy arguing statistics.

Penny .. I am not saying we shouldn't take it serious. It's pretty obvious anyone who says they are going to commit suicide should be taken seriously. I am only pointing out, that just because someone says they are going to doesn't mean they are actually going to. You should evaluate why they said it, and take a look at what is going on in their life. However, even if you do all this stuff it may not reveal anything at all. Whether they where joking or not. The issue is how do you decide who was an was not? While you could be focusing on someone you thought was a serious case, you could let someone else die because they didn't show any signs. Then you would start questioning maybe if you where not so focused on the one who was making claims of commiting suicide and on the other, maybe you would have actually seen a sign.

It's not as easy as you are making it out to be.

Also, We are debating over the statistics because we want to. Just leave it at that.
I'll address the point of the thread before moving onto my annoying habit of debating. I just recalled someone who did kill themselves in the abdl. From Daily Diapers they have Restless Fox's Depression Discussion which came about after one of their members committed suicide. Whether it was over their abdlness or not I'm not sure. But I can imagine that some people feel burdened by this especially if it is bigger part of their lives than it is of mine. It would be an interesting research project to find if the community has higher rates of depression but it would be very inaccurate due to people who care about it reply to polls and people who aren't interested don't. So the results will be skewed towards it being high levels of depression when it might not.

True Brabbit. You may notice I love to debate. It's one of my personal failings when addressing my areas of interest. I debate for the sake of debating. Myself and my brother have done it all our lives and before we had the internet we got mum to drive us to the library to settle arguments because we never settled for less than researched statistics. And I like that you question the resource process. For the doctors visits that data would have been easy and accurate to get the data but the other data does rely on emotional peoples anecdotal evidence so, depending on the researcher, it could be skewed. I tend to find statistics across the board of developed countries mental health charities is very similar though. You'd also help people who dedicated their free time to preventing suicide would research thoroughly before posting things on websites designed to help people. But I can't answer where they came from.

With everything I say there's always an overriding thing. If suicide was easy to prevent it wouldn't be a major killer. It is true, that you may analyse things, do your best and miss someone. The important thing is that you know that, no matter what, it isn't your fault. But my issue was people giving out information as fact that wasn't true. Please note, the facts that he gave out were things I used to believe when I was 17/18. I used to believe that people who talked about suicide weren't going to do it. I also believed that people with depression just had to act happy and eventually they would be. When informing someone on important topics such as this it's important to give the most accurate information for the time as spreading misconceptions is so easy to do. There are so many common misconceptions that people believe as truth because they hear it enough.

For example.

My favourite is the 10% of your brain thing. The movie "Lucy" which came out in the last year or so is completely based on this untruth. And .. hehe... she does a wee in her pants.

As to concentrating on people who show signs of suicidal behaviour. Thing is, mental health is one of the most underfunded areas of medicine. Other areas of health which are less fatal and less crippling get a lot more funding. So, because services are under resourced, it's more efficient for medical professionals to target the people who show the more obvious signs. Just like with any illness, it's unlikely you'll see something if there are no symptoms. Note: Symptoms include increased risk taking behaviour so someone saying "i'm going to kill myself" isn't the only way people identify that someone is going to attempt suicide. The biggest car insurer in Australia, RAC, believes that a large proportion of crashes in young people are linked to mental illness as the people involved seem to take increasingly large risks until they crash and die. So you are completely right in that the people who say they want to die aren't the only people that need to be focused on.

Most of the ideas I preach (and yes, I tend to preach I think...) is that we aren't (generally) medical professionals so what all we can do is first aid and then support our sick friends and family. To do the first one what we can do is have some knowledge of the symptoms of mental illness and suicide so we are more likely to see something. Just like the boys parents, they didn't have the knowledge so they missed a very obvious sign.

Think of it in terms of first aid but more likely to help someone. No-one expects that they will have to save a child from drowning but it's important to know it on the off chance you do need it. The same goes for emotional first aid except you are more likely to use it. In Australia, 1 in 5 people will report experiencing a mental illness in the course of a year. If you have some knowledge of the signs of depression and suicide there could be a small chance you might be one of the people that help a friend to get real help before depression really sets in. I didn't know I had depression for over a year. It wasn't until I went to the emotional first aid training where I went "Wow, that fits me like a glove and I've been showing so many of the signs." (Even though I knew the symptoms superficially) Sure, emotional first aid isn't as heroic looking as normal first aid where you give someone mouth to mouth and they spring back to life but it is just as important and life changing. You might just see a friend has stopped hanging out with friends, or is drinking alcohol a lot at home by themselves (me), or is snapping at people a lot. But they may still have that smile plastered on their face. You might say "Hey mate. You seem to stay at home a lot which is unlike you. Are you alright?" The reply, especially from men, is usually, "Yeah. I'm alright." Whether it's fake or they may just be doing a lot of work and be fine. But a question like that can be all a friend needs to talk about something important.

And what is going on in their life is not always an indicator of suicide so can't really be used to identify things. I have a fantastic life. I have loving parents, I had a good job, I was educated well, I have the best brother, decent friends, I volunteer in meaningful things, I am physically healthy, I was extremely fit and I'm a really good person and am told so often. However, I still developed depression. Lots of the time people can't understand why someone is suicidal because, by all outward standards, they should be happy. Depression is a type of minor brain damage which is why it is treated physically with medication. Even therapy is prompting brain chemicals to help the brain and to realign the pathways of the brain. Vitamin D deficiency is known to increase the risk of depression. But most importantly of all, there is the all important genetic links that gives people a higher risk of depression which is the case with my family.

Finally, the reason I push this so much is because of something I am forced to taught kids in protective behaviours (a program for preventing the abuse of children). We get them to write down 5 people they trust to help them. If something is going bad in their life and they need help they tell one of them. We don't tell them this but, unfortunately, people don't often listen to each other even when we say loud and clear that we need help. So we tell the kids if the first person doesn't listen and help, go to the next person, then the next. Keep telling people until someone believes you no matter how many times you have to say it. We are actually moving to having letters that we write to these five people to tell them their responsibility as a child's safety network. It's not nice, but people who seek help are often not taken seriously due to the misconception that was mentioned earlier in the thread.

This rant is very all over the place and I can imagine hard to read. Sorry about that. But I'll leave you with someone that is much better with words who I have a giant man crush. Canadian neck beard poet, Shane Koyczan. This is an excerpt from one of his many brilliant poems. Instructions for a Bad Day. The line that I have written on a piece of card for the protective behaviours program "If you find no one is listening, be loud."

If you are having a good day, be considerate.
A simple smile could be the first-aid kit that someone has been looking for.
If you believe with absolute honesty that you are doing everything you can - do more.
There will be bad days, Times when the world weighs on you for so long it leaves you looking for an easy way out.
There will be moments when the drought of joy seems unending.
Instances spent pretending that everything is alright when it clearly is not.
Check your blind spot.
See that love is still there
Be patient.
Every nightmare has a beginning, but every bad day has an end.
Ignore what others have called you.
I am calling you friend.
Make us comprehend the urgency of your crisis.
Silence left to its own devices, breed's silence.
So speak and be heard.
One word after the next, express yourself and put your life in the context
If you find that no one is listening, be loud.
Make noise.
Stand in poise and be open.
Hope in these situations is not enough and you will need someone to lean on.
In the unlikely event that you have no one, look again.
Everyone is blessed with the ability to listen.
The deaf will hear you with their eyes.
The blind will see you with their hands.
Let your heart fill their news-stands
Let them read all about it.
Admit to the bad days, the impossible nights.
Listen to the insights of those who have been there, but come back.
They will tell you; you can stack misery, you can pack disappear you can even wear your sorrow – but come tomorrow you must change your clothes.

Or you can watch the video here which Shane made with a school after a spout of suicides. (People who experience a suicide are 5 times more likely to kill themselves than someone who hasn't)
brabbit1987 said:
These are all things that do not require being in public to do. Sucking on a paci doesn't define who you are. You can still be yourself. That is like saying you can't be yourself unless you are smoking a cigarette. These are material things, not part of your personality. The same can be said of cloths. A trans person doesn't require to wear the same cloths of the gender they see themselves as. The cloths do not define who they are. They can still be themselves and wear the opposite gender clothing.

With all due respect but it's impossible for me to be able to socialize normally (I.E switch from little to adult mode for the purpose of having a civilized conversation with someone) without being criticized or attacked(sometimes physically) . I have Sensory Processing disorder and sucking on a pacifier along with the feel of certain kinds of clothes helps prevent sensory overloads in me. I will lose lucidity after a while unless I suck on my pacifier as well wear certain clothes if I don't get my little time. This is where I humbly and respectively disagree with you. You see the clothes are nothing more then a natural reaction to how trans and AB's feel. It does no harm to anyone yet somehow people care about what clothes I'm wearing to the point they will bother me in some way. In order to be offended by something one still needs to care about what offends the individual in at least a negative way.

No my Nuk 5 is not a part of my personality. But my sensory issues that occur if I don't suck on my pacifier at night certainly are. It's not about the clothes it's about how one feels when wearing the clothes in any given situation. Basically what I want is for people to come up to me in a hypothetically while I was wearing a dress sucking on my pacifier and reading "All cat's have Asperger Syndrome" or something other children's book and have them ask me what time it is or about the weather or something mundane. I want people to simply be able to ignore that so I can be left in peace.

The issue with being trans is their personality is directly attacked by society. You have to pretend to be who you are not. That isn't the same as not being able to do thing you like to do, but in public. In no way, does not being able to do these things in public, harm you. Nor is it even required to be yourself.

No it's not. What it is though is the general public ordering me to pretend to be something that I'm not. Here's the thing that you missed. In order to be myself and have any hope of being fully functional I have to be outside in a park simply being ignored for being a AB/DL with the only social interaction being something mundane otherwise. It harms me because I will never be allowed to be myself in a public situation. I know you don't agree with me of course but I do want to say your debating with me rather respectively so thank you for doing so.

Yes this is very different than what I am talking about. Those who usually threaten to commit suicide are usually the ones who are likely not going to.

That's only because if someone looks like they are going to kill themselves it's because they will be forcibly helped even against their own will. Ask a cop if anyone can threaten suicide where they can hear it and not get arrested if you don't believe me. People in that state of mind are not seeking attention they are seeking a reminder on why they should not kill themselves. They can care less about the attention I suspect actually. This is not different this is typical. You just don't hear about it usually because the primary witness is usually dead before the story of what goes wrong gets told. The only thing that makes me a anomaly in these matters is the fact I lived through it unintentionally unlike most of the other's. Some people would call it a freak accident that just happens to be positive. I call it God simply not being done with me yet which is the only rationale justification why I am alive. It was simply not my time yet.

Again, because you are a different circumstance than what I was talking about.

Considering there's not even circumstantial evidence supporting this idea I really don't believe that. But thank you for disagreeing with me in a mature manner because I cannot say that about other people.

I understand where you are coming from, but this doesn't just pertain to being an AB/DL. This can apply to anything anyone likes. Even being a gamer can be looked down on. You just sort of have to put up with it. I always hear people telling others how everything should be, and you know what ... you are right ... it should be that way. It isn't though. Why? Because not everyone agrees. That is simply the reality of it.

Yes I know. Until everyone gets over themselves (myself included) good decent people are going to suffer unnecessarily until that reality changes. I'm the one who has enough audacity to actually go out and try doing something about it. My problem is I don't how in a way that's constructive or even useful yet.

I understand, but I think these two things are so far apart that the similarities mean nothing. After all, I am both, and I personally don't know why everyone compares the LGBT community with the AB/DL community. If anything to me, it sounds more along the lines of AB/DLs just trying to make their situation seem worse than it really is.

The similarities mean nothing to a society that has a inherent sickness that all of us have (myself included). It means something on a personal level even if someone wants to disagree with that. My situation is a lot worse then most people really believe because of it's uncomfortable nature. I am not making this up in fact I am toning things down to prevent things from getting out of control on this thread.

I am fairly open about being an AB/DL and I would even go out in public wearing a pacifier. I use the same name here as I do everywhere else. I don't run into as much trouble as you seem to think. As for wearing a dress ... you are going to get dirty looks. Get used to it. That is the best advice I can give you. It's not going to change .. no matter how much you think it should. You can still be yourself, without these physical objects. A want is very different than a need. You want to go out in public in a dress and suck a paci. It isn't something that is an integral part in order for you to be yourself.

I can't go out in public with even a pacifier because there are real registered sex offenders in my area and people would think I was one of them if I did that. Just because it's not common place does not mean those things don't happen. I am "getting used to it" by simply reminding people of their place on the spot when they try to pull something on me. I need to be able to go out like that and be myself or I will suffer with reduced cognitive capacity in the long run. Until I can do that I will never be able to be fully functional. I just happen to be functional enough to exist but not to live.

Exactly, it's a want. It's not something that is absolutely necessary to be yourself, no matter how much you seem to act like it is. Also .. I am not trying to sound mean lol, I am only point out that this is just how it is.

So it's somehow wrong to simply be myself in a public situation? I do know your not trying to be mean which is alright. I myself had to turn on a close friend once in order to save his life from a abusive relationship once. So I know more about tough love then most people would think. Thank you again for respectively disagreeing with me because it's rather refreshing to debate with someone who is not immature like so many other's. Your quite a nice person actually so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. :smile:

Agreed, it is an interesting debate, but I kinda already know the end to it. Being transgender, wishful thinking is a pretty common occurrence. Sometimes you just have to sit back, take a deep breath and realize ... the world isn't changing anytime soon. At least not to this extent.

Nope not in our lifetimes. But then again it's still worth it for people we will never live to meet 100 years from now though from my point of view. I only sit back in order to reassess things before going out there again.

- - - Updated - - -

ArchieRoni said:
You know you probably could bring a stuffed animal around with you and nobody would care. I have one on my desk at work and have only received compliments. My coworker even named her.

That said, I actually think that we might be considering the wrong question. Whether hidden or out, there are serious sources of stress in life, many that can arise fr being ABDL. I think living longer and, perhaps more importantly, living better is about finding ways to deal with your stress and accept yourself AND (this is important) your life situation.

Let me focus on the life situation point. There is an aspect of ABDL that seeks dependence on others. Being a baby means being cared for. In role play, that's fine, and even in regular life, it's good to have people watching out for us. But hating independence and being unhappy with having to fend for yourself can be a problem. It's asking to be a burden on others, and I think it invites depression and discontent. This is, perhaps not unique, but distinct from other fetishes and lifestyles and a problem for people with strong AB desires.

I think life has a lot to offer, and if you can find something you love doing that also earns you a living, that's ideal. If not, at least something tolerable that contributed to your local community in some way is worth doing and worth feeling good about doing. Even stuff like packing boxes in a warehouse contributes and is important work.

Remember that life is also a balance. Like I said to open this post, you can have a plushie around as an adult and it may be fine. Other people here have worn diapers to work before, and if it's inportant enough to anyone reading this, it can be made to work. But just being ABDL can't be 100% of your self, I think.

I agree. I might not like be unable to go out to a park in a dress but if I could do so safely I would not go out everyday like that hypothetically. Nope I am not %100 AB/DL. In fact I more of a badass in real life then anything else. I just want to let that go sometimes before I get even crazier then I already am for mental health purposes.

- - - Updated - - -

Penny said:
I think the only advocacy ABDL's need is better representation. I go on imvu a lot and I'm a little girl there or a fox but that's neither here not there. There are not a lot of chat rooms I can go in without being called a pedophile or reported and that could stand to change.

If given the opportunity however to live 24/7 as an AB I think is a tad rediculous. It's not something that needs to be out in the open for any real reason but if you want to have a paci and read a book in public as accepted expressed wanting to do then it's your right to do that.

People may be offended or stare but really it's up to you whether or not you let those actions stop or define you. This is your life and your world and you can live it however you choose.

I think the LGBT community has a shorter life span because the stress is greater on us and it's also dangerouse for us.

You may site that it's dangerous to be an adult baby in public too but adult baby's dont have centuries of hate crimes, systematic death sentences, rape therapys and laws to prevent them from being who they are in place either.

In certain parts of the world I could be legally murdered for my sexuality.

In certain parts of American, even where I live being beaten, raped or harassed is a very real threat. Just last week a young man was hit by a car and hospitalized by a group of boys who are proud that they "ran the faggot down"

I've been assaulted, beaten, bullied, raped and forced into a marriage I didn't want because of my sexuality and its things like that that make our life expectancy shorter and it's for those reasons that I generally get upset when people claim the adult baby struggle is the same.

I'm sorry you can't suck on a pacifier in public accepted but at least you didn't have to learn karate and start carrying a taser in your purse because a group of men thought they would try to straighten you out.

It's not about things being more dangerous for AB's. It's about the reality that they can be. I don't doubt trans individuals have it even harder but this was never about who has it harder then me in the first place. By the way I learned martial arts because even a 6'6" tall monster like me needed those skills because people needed to know their place. I never talk about the assaults I have survived because anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law. Trust me when I say this I did have to learn how to fight for lesser reasons then the one's mentioned above. Nope you could not have said it better. just because "only" 10 years got taken of my maximum life span as opposed to the average trans person's 20 years does not make reality any less problematic. I will never marry have kids or live a decent happy life because people don't want me to against my will. Thank you for sharing your views with us though Penny.
accepted said:
With all due respect but it's impossible for me to be able to socialize normally (I.E switch from little to adult mode for the purpose of having a civilized conversation with someone) without being criticized or attacked(sometimes physically) . I have Sensory Processing disorder and sucking on a pacifier along with the feel of certain kinds of clothes helps prevent sensory overloads in me. I will lose lucidity after a while unless I suck on my pacifier as well wear certain clothes if I don't get my little time. This is where I humbly and respectively disagree with you. You see the clothes are nothing more then a natural reaction to how trans and AB's feel. It does no harm to anyone yet somehow people care about what clothes I'm wearing to the point they will bother me in some way. In order to be offended by something one still needs to care about what offends the individual in at least a negative way.

Well I admit, I don't know much about Sensory Processing Disorder, but what I am understanding from these articles, it doesn't sound like what you are saying it is. Such as if we are talking about clothing, and being uncomfortable with how it feels pertains to the material, not the look. As for sucking on a pacifier, you likely could achieve the same result by sucking on a lollipop or anything for that matter. To me it sounds like you are trying to apply your AB/DL side to a disorder you have in order to justify it. Sorry if I am incorrect on that assumption.

No my Nuk 5 is not a part of my personality. But my sensory issues that occur if I don't suck on my pacifier at night certainly are. It's not about the clothes it's about how one feels when wearing the clothes in any given situation. Basically what I want is for people to come up to me in a hypothetically while I was wearing a dress sucking on my pacifier and reading "All cat's have Asperger Syndrome" or something other children's book and have them ask me what time it is or about the weather or something mundane. I want people to simply be able to ignore that so I can be left in peace.

Well .. let me put it this way. I agree. I do think everyone should be able to do what ever it is they wish to do if it isn't harming anyone else. I do still think it's an unrealistic thought.

No it's not. What it is though is the general public ordering me to pretend to be something that I'm not. Here's the thing that you missed. In order to be myself and have any hope of being fully functional I have to be outside in a park simply being ignored for being a AB/DL with the only social interaction being something mundane otherwise. It harms me because I will never be allowed to be myself in a public situation. I know you don't agree with me of course but I do want to say your debating with me rather respectively so thank you for doing so.

I don't agree with you because physical objects do not define a person. You can still be yourself without such objects. However, if we are talking about your SPD, then like I mentioned above, you could just switch out the paci for something else to suck on when you need it. I mean SPD has to due with ones sensory functions.

Or how about this, you use the pacifier and if anyone asks you tell them you have SPD. Of course not everyone will understand it, but that is life. Just kind of have to deal with it. I doubt anyone is going to physically harm you. I doubt anyone is going to attack you with insults constantly. If someone did that, ... there would have to be something terribly wrong with them.

That's only because if someone looks like they are going to kill themselves it's because they will be forcibly helped even against their own will. Ask a cop if anyone can threaten suicide where they can hear it and not get arrested if you don't believe me. People in that state of mind are not seeking attention they are seeking a reminder on why they should not kill themselves. They can care less about the attention I suspect actually. This is not different this is typical. You just don't hear about it usually because the primary witness is usually dead before the story of what goes wrong gets told. The only thing that makes me a anomaly in these matters is the fact I lived through it unintentionally unlike most of the other's. Some people would call it a freak accident that just happens to be positive. I call it God simply not being done with me yet which is the only rationale justification why I am alive. It was simply not my time yet.

Yes .. I know, I actually mentioned this already. A lot of suicidal people wouldn't say they are going to or show it because they wouldn't want to be stopped. You seem to forget, I was suicidal for the majority of my life. I know exactly how it is. Heck . .I can't even say I am no longer suicidal cause i think it really depends on the situation. XD

As for god .. rofl .. let's not get into that -.-.

So it's somehow wrong to simply be myself in a public situation? I do know your not trying to be mean which is alright. I myself had to turn on a close friend once in order to save his life from a abusive relationship once. So I know more about tough love then most people would think. Thank you again for respectively disagreeing with me because it's rather refreshing to debate with someone who is not immature like so many other's. Your quite a nice person actually so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. :smile:

I don't think it's wrong. I just think there are many other ways to handle this, and I personally do not believe it is a requirement in order for you to be yourself. I said it before, and I will say it again. Physical objects don't define a person.

As for being respectful, thank you as well. =^.^=
brabbit1987 said:
Basically what I am saying is, statistics mean nothing if they don't present how they came to those numbers and what they compared those numbers too.

Exactly. There are a lot of statistics out there that are contradictory to what that individual from Harvard was saying which have been proven to accurate. The reason why those statistics are accurate is because someone could have been found liable for damages if they tried to present the information as if it where the truth when it was not. Where did the individual from Harvard get their numbers from? How did that individual get to the conclusions they stated as well? Be advised your disagreeing with this and asking these questions is actually a healthy thing to do so I do want to say your being very insightful.
accepted said:
Exactly. There are a lot of statistics out there that are contradictory to what that individual from Harvard was saying which have been proven to accurate. The reason why those statistics are accurate is because someone could have been found liable for damages if they tried to present the information as if it where the truth when it was not. Where did the individual from Harvard get their numbers from? How did that individual get to the conclusions they stated as well? Be advised your disagreeing with this and asking these questions is actually a healthy thing to do so I do want to say your being very insightful.

I don't think they would be liable for damages. Even if they where, it doesn't mean it is accurate. I think accuracy is an impossible thing to achieve for something like this because a lot of the data relies on what people say and what they remember.

Peoples memories are terrible. People lie. Sometimes even believing in their own lies. The mind is able to do some amazing things, but that is exactly why I never trust data based on others recollection of what happened, because in many cases it's inaccurate.

Also . .how could they be held liable for damages if no one can prove it's accurate or not?
brabbit1987 said:
Well I admit, I don't know much about Sensory Processing Disorder, but what I am understanding from these articles, it doesn't sound like what you are saying it is. Such as if we are talking about clothing, and being uncomfortable with how it feels pertains to the material, not the look. As for sucking on a pacifier, you likely could achieve the same result by sucking on a lollipop or anything for that matter. To me it sounds like you are trying to apply your AB/DL side to a disorder you have in order to justify it. Sorry if I am incorrect on that assumption.

Well there are several problems with what you are suggesting though they are creative. You see it's not just about the feel of the clothes though the feel of a skirt dangling around my legs certainly plays into that as well as the material. I need something I can suck on all day and latex and silicone feel better then candy especially considering that I am pre-diabetic now and sugary things like that are problematic. It's the feel of the clothes due to when,where, and how they are positioned on me that has the effect I need to be able to feel alright. Your half right though. Material does play a small part of that though. Your right about applying my AB/DL side to justify my disorder though. Here's the thing though this is specific with me and not most AB/DL's correct? Well it's still dangerous to hide who and what one is because of the mental health issues that come with doing that for a lot of AB/DL's as well as trans. It's a part of who and what we are for different reasons of each individual. It's never going to stop or go away for different reasons of each individual as well. Being AB/DL or trans is not subjectively wrong but society acts like that is the case correct?

Well .. let me put it this way. I agree. I do think everyone should be able to do what ever it is they wish to do if it isn't harming anyone else. I do still think it's an unrealistic thought.

I don't think it's unrealistic. Just not realistic in our lifetimes actually. That's what makes this still well worth working towards.

I don't agree with you because physical objects do not define a person. You can still be yourself without such objects. However, if we are talking about your SPD, then like I mentioned above, you could just switch out the paci for something else to suck on when you need it. I mean SPD has to due with ones sensory functions.

No physical objects don't define a person. What they could do is make someone feel comfortable with themselves which is something we are being denied or at least have been denied in the past. I should not have to hide being a AB/DL simply because it should not even matter to someone else if I am or not. The same concept can be applied in regards to trans individuals. I tried your idea and it's the feel of latex (maybe silicone but I have not tried that yet) when I suck on that pacifier that helps me specifically. Most AB's can be fully functional if they keep it a secret. I am not one of those. I will never be fully functional until I can suck on a pacifier as much as I need to (I suspect 6 hours a day would do the trick but I can't be sure) and I am outside to much for that to happen unless I did so openly which presents it's own problems.

Or how about this, you use the pacifier and if anyone asks you tell them you have SPD. Of course not everyone will understand it, but that is life. Just kind of have to deal with it. I doubt anyone is going to physically harm you. I doubt anyone is going to attack you with insults constantly. If someone did that, ... there would have to be something terribly wrong with them.

If what your saying is true then I have to be living in community that is the open equivalent of a lunatic asylum. People would interpret that as a weakness and the predators would fall on me. I know because this is the kind of place that I live in and similiar things have already happened. A driver on a bus practically made it impossible for me to hide my incontinence and I have already been unsuccessfully targeted for that being common knowledge. I am in the middle of a lawsuit right now and I could lose the case if it became known I was AB/DL. Of course I did say I want to move away and I will try to do so before this bloody asylum kills me for that reason. I am merely making sure that when I do leave I go to a better location.

Yes .. I know, I actually mentioned this already. A lot of suicidal people wouldn't say they are going to or show it because they wouldn't want to be stopped. You seem to forget, I was suicidal for the majority of my life. I know exactly how it is. Heck . .I can't even say I am no longer suicidal cause i think it really depends on the situation. XD

Actually I was saying the signs are not obvious usually. I never said they are never there. Chances are good you missed them yourself and never even knew it. I know a lot of people sure did in my case.

As for god .. rofl .. let's not get into that -.-.

Agreed actually. I never wanted to mention that in the first place anyways. I just mentioned it because someone else could very well identify with that better that's all. Essentially that was mentioned for the benefit of the potential audience more then anything else.

I don't think it's wrong. I just think there are many other ways to handle this, and I personally do not believe it is a requirement in order for you to be yourself. I said it before, and I will say it again. Physical objects don't define a person.

I tried other ways. I have yet to invent what will work best for me personally. Objects don't define me nor does my having SPD, Asperger's, as well as mild paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, borderline, and moderate Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). What those issues do in fact do though is get in the way of being myself. This is the damage being done to me 24/7. It's gotten to the point where I am starting to suffer from mild functional incontinence as well as other things.

As for being respectful, thank you as well. =^.^=

No thank you. You have no idea how happy I am to debate with someone who can be so professional about these matters! :2thumbsup::smile1::hug:

- - - Updated - - -

brabbit1987 said:
I don't think they would be liable for damages. Even if they where, it doesn't mean it is accurate. I think accuracy is an impossible thing to achieve for something like this because a lot of the data relies on what people say and what they remember.

I am talking only about civil trial liabilities of course. However there are laws that cover what happens if your found to have encouraged a suicide. You can even serve time for that though we are talking a misdemeanor though in cases like that I think. Even if it considered a felony I think it would at worst be considered a 4th or 5th degree one and only 1 year with a fine being the maximum sentence.

Peoples memories are terrible. People lie. Sometimes even believing in their own lies. The mind is able to do some amazing things, but that is exactly why I never trust data based on others recollection of what happened, because in many cases it's inaccurate.

Exactly. But numbers cannot lie. I don't trust data for the same reason. that being said it's hard to argue with someone when data has been reviewed but thousands of highly educated individuals who say the data is accurate though. Top that off with the possibility of being sued by angry parents if your data results in knowingly encouraging a suicide.

Also . .how could they be held liable for damages if no one can prove it's accurate or not?

There's way to prove the accuracy of that data. Video tapes (audio and/or visual) evidence of suicide victims as well as forensic evidence as well. If you torment someone to the point they kill themselves you can be sued for wrongful death based upon what you said or wrote down or other evidence that got recorded. It's just hard to prove not impossible. This is why I never talk about the details of the altercations I have been in. That's how it works in the U.S at least. I am not sure about Europe or other places though.
Thanks to denial, I'm going to live forever! - Philip J. Fry, Futurama.
I'm 62 now and going strong. I think the life expectancy of someone my age is 70. So, I think I've beaten the odds. Heehee...
How bout the rest of you gummers out there
accepted said:
Well there are several problems with what you are suggesting though they are creative. You see it's not just about the feel of the clothes though the feel of a skirt dangling around my legs certainly plays into that as well as the material. I need something I can suck on all day and latex and silicone feel better then candy especially considering that I am pre-diabetic now and sugary things like that are problematic. It's the feel of the clothes due to when,where, and how they are positioned on me that has the effect I need to be able to feel alright. Your half right though. Material does play a small part of that though. Your right about applying my AB/DL side to justify my disorder though. Here's the thing though this is specific with me and not most AB/DL's correct? Well it's still dangerous to hide who and what one is because of the mental health issues that come with doing that for a lot of AB/DL's as well as trans. It's a part of who and what we are for different reasons of each individual. It's never going to stop or go away for different reasons of each individual as well. Being AB/DL or trans is not subjectively wrong but society acts like that is the case correct?

You could pretend to be Scottish and wear a kilt. XD Course I am only joking. See the issue here though is your case is so unique as you mentioned. This isn't what you would normally run into when we are talking about the average AB/DL. Which keep in mind when I started this conversation I was sort of generally speaking and not taking into account each individuals needs who might be a unique case.

If what your saying is true then I have to be living in community that is the open equivalent of a lunatic asylum. People would interpret that as a weakness and the predators would fall on me. I know because this is the kind of place that I live in and similiar things have already happened. A driver on a bus practically made it impossible for me to hide my incontinence and I have already been unsuccessfully targeted for that being common knowledge. I am in the middle of a lawsuit right now and I could lose the case if it became known I was AB/DL. Of course I did say I want to move away and I will try to do so before this bloody asylum kills me for that reason. I am merely making sure that when I do leave I go to a better location.

Well if it really is that bad, I really hope you do move. XD

Actually I was saying the signs are not obvious usually. I never said they are never there. Chances are good you missed them yourself and never even knew it. I know a lot of people sure did in my case.

Well that is true, but as I pointed out previously, the obvious signs are so ambiguous. Which has been my point from the beginning. Those who threaten to kill themselves, may actually have no intention of actually doing so. I am not saying one shouldn't take it seriously, I am only pointing out that many suicides are not like this. Even the signs that are hard to notice can be exhibited in someone who isn't suicidal. Which again brings me to the data. There is no way it can be accurate when you keep all these things in mind.

Exactly. But numbers cannot lie. I don't trust data for the same reason. that being said it's hard to argue with someone when data has been reviewed but thousands of highly educated individuals who say the data is accurate though. Top that off with the possibility of being sued by angry parents if your data results in knowingly encouraging a suicide.

Numbers cannot lie but people can lie about the numbers. Don't really see your point here. Thousands believe in some form of a deity, doesn't make it true just because many believe it to be. Also doesn't matter how educated the person is. All that matters is the accuracy of the data itself, which requires proof of accuracy. With out that proof, you can't claim it's accurate. As for the data encouraging a suicide? How could it? You are receiving the same exact data just with different numbers. How does the number increasing or decreasing encourage suicide. I don't understand.

There's way to prove the accuracy of that data. Video tapes (audio and/or visual) evidence of suicide victims as well as forensic evidence as well. If you torment someone to the point they kill themselves you can be sued for wrongful death based upon what you said or wrote down or other evidence that got recorded. It's just hard to prove not impossible. This is why I never talk about the details of the altercations I have been in. That's how it works in the U.S at least. I am not sure about Europe or other places though.

Yes .. video tapes, audio, notes, forensics, etc. are all proof. The question I have is where is it and what data do they calculate from it? I really don't think there is enough of this type of data for them to pull such numbers from.

If you can find me statistics and numbers on this that actually goes into where they got the numbers from, and how. Then that would be great.
brabbit1987 said:
You could pretend to be Scottish and wear a kilt. XD Course I am only joking. See the issue here though is your case is so unique as you mentioned. This isn't what you would normally run into when we are talking about the average AB/DL. Which keep in mind when I started this conversation I was sort of generally speaking and not taking into account each individuals needs who might be a unique case.

I am not unique neither is anyone else. What we are is special. Also this is not a isolated thing among AB's. No it's not all of us but there are quite a bit more then what one would realize. Between people who try to shut my group up for their own dubious reasons and the rest of the world I find it hard to believe that there really is evidence that is contrary to what you just said. Also think about this we are a minority in and of itself right? Of course there's a appearance of that being the case. There is data though that is contrary to what your saying though. The truth of the matter is things exist regardless of our belief in their existence or not.

Well if it really is that bad, I really hope you do move. XD

Trust me I plan to move out of state in a few years. Also considering what I have been through it's not so hard to understand why I want to abandon all that I have ever known anyways. I am extremely well motivated because I have a reason to live now.

Well that is true, but as I pointed out previously, the obvious signs are so ambiguous. Which has been my point from the beginning. Those who threaten to kill themselves, may actually have no intention of actually doing so. I am not saying one shouldn't take it seriously, I am only pointing out that many suicides are not like this. Even the signs that are hard to notice can be exhibited in someone who isn't suicidal. Which again brings me to the data. There is no way it can be accurate when you keep all these things in mind.

There are ways to be accurate with this. I can't say I don't blame you for feeling so uncomfortable with seeing that truth though as the knowledge is extremely unpleasant to look at. The only reason why I say this though is because society ignores this uncomfortable truth at it's own peril.

Numbers cannot lie but people can lie about the numbers. Don't really see your point here. Thousands believe in some form of a deity, doesn't make it true just because many believe it to be. Also doesn't matter how educated the person is. All that matters is the accuracy of the data itself, which requires proof of accuracy. With out that proof, you can't claim it's accurate. As for the data encouraging a suicide? How could it? You are receiving the same exact data just with different numbers. How does the number increasing or decreasing encourage suicide. I don't understand.

My point is called credibility. I check for that before even believing the numbers rather thoroughly no matter how convenient it would be if something where the truth. People will believe anything if they want to enough. The most dangerous liars out there are the one's who seriously believe in their own lies and refuse to tolerate any other view other then their own. People do in fact commit the greatest evils thinking they are doing something good and decent. Most people forget that sincerity and honesty do not equal the truth though. I don't buy into anything and in fact I don't doubt there are people who kill themselves for being selfish. I am saying it's wrong to generalize that at all because there is strong evidence that clearly indicates otherwise. We ignore the reality that there are a lot of suicides because we treat it as selfishness without evidence to back it up. I at least do the research and found this to be quite wrong. We ignore this reality at our own peril as a society.

Yes .. video tapes, audio, notes, forensics, etc. are all proof. The question I have is where is it and what data do they calculate from it? I really don't think there is enough of this type of data for them to pull such numbers from.

That is locked away in police files that are not always allowed to be known to the public to help protect families. It's there most people just don't know about it because they usually refuse to seek such information out.

If you can find me statistics and numbers on this that actually goes into where they got the numbers from, and how. Then that would be great.

I will try to see what I can get from some of my contacts. I might be able to find that information through a homicide detective but even then it will not involve specifics only generalized data. Will that actually work?
What I find interesting is how when we are growing up, we are expected to come up with different way to cope with things that are stressful or we dont understand and we find it cute when they do it. Then we become adults and the choice...well socially acceptable choices are limited, somewhat to harmful things like alcohol and drugs to a certain extent..vanilla sex(yuck) yes sex can be coping mexhanism..other smidge of things we know can be of entertainment value....People shouldnt freak out when they see something strange like a grown person sucking on a pacifier but then again...I saw, the other day, a 4 year old sucking on a pacifier and I momentarily thought that was strange....Honestly, I think there is this kind of unspoken rule about growing up where once you grow beyond those early years, that you no longer own the right to innocence of any sort so when people see it....i.e grown person walking around in an elmo short tall sucking on a bottle, people feel threatened by that....

I wish society was more open but its not....we have rules both unspoken and spoken and codified into law and while stuff like this will unlikely get you in jail, the pain to your social status could be just as bad in certain respects.....Kids gossip but so do adults....I am all for people making the choice to be open about this stuff and I guess it all depends on how important it is too you....for many it feels very important......for me, I am fine with fantasies...I of course grew up with severe urinary and bowel incontinence and have always had to wear diapers...there were times growing up as a kid in foster care, that I wanted to go back in age to a time when I was little and no one kicked the shit out of me or gave me crap for stuff I couldnt control....

I guess only you as a person can decide if its okay or not. I dont feel the need really..
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