

  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
  4. Incontinent
Anyone fancy a chat
You start, what's up?
Hope you're well
I'm very good. How are you.
I'm OK just apart from needing a change
If you need it, go and get it done. Good to hear your doing good. Tell us something that happened in your life that was good today.
I just got done watching the new power rangers on Netflix. Not bad. Wearing a SDK'S from the whole time
Watch anything good lately?
So Nathan, Were you born in 1999
I'm not really and yes I'm born in 99
Your a bit younger than my self. I'm 40 years old. 🤣 sounds old writing it out. 🤣
How long have you been into AB/DL?
For me it came back up after long while of not thinking about it. I left my DL side behind when I was in 9th grade. It came back when I was 35 or so. What about you ?
I'm a diaper lover I also like going baby 👶
I have a few pacifiers and babyish onesies. I consider myself a DL, but like those things to. I don't know. I'm having fun with it, I guess you can say.
Just enjoy it
Looks like it's bed time for me. The dino plushy is out and the wife just dished out the pills. 🤣
Have a good one. If you have a question don't hesitate to ask, I'll respond in the morning. Night.
Tomtomthedl said:
I just got done watching the new power rangers on Netflix. Not bad. Wearing a SDK'S from the whole time
Nice to see a fellow ranger fan! I haven't watched the newest yet, but I'll get around to it. Kinda sad Netflix took a bunch of older seasons off, my favs are spd, dino thunder, and lightspeed rescue!
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