• Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.



  1. Carer
Hello, I'm Neonnecromancer or Neon (you can contact me for my real name) and I'm a caregiver/daddy.

I've been caregiving for littles for about 5 years now, mostly girls but a couple boys as well. Each one of my littles tell me that I'm the best caregiver they've ever had :). I'm loving, caring, understanding, and I love to do stuff with my littles like playing video games, watching movies, playing on vrchat, or anything else my littles want to do. I'm disabled, i have a very debilitating mental illness, and due to that I do not have a job, but whenever i can i try to get small things for my littles like pacis and stuffies or anything else they may want. I've never had a little that wears diapers, but I would be more than open to it! Anyway, that's me, it's good to meet you all! I look forward to meeting all of the cute littles on this forum :).
Hello and welcome. Thank you for the introduction. I'm sorry to hear about your debilitating mental illness. Most littles here are going to be into wearing diapers. I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Well mental illness or not it does not define you what defines you is kindness! Thank you for keeping an eye on the community for the last 5 years!

Don’t give up on being kind to others and hope you have an awesome time here on the forums! If you need any help many people would love to assist!

A tiny bunny,
-Bun bun
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Hello and Welcome