Can my wife change my diaper in a family restroom?

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Tbh it’s nobody’s business! Where I work the family restroom is locked and needs a key so all you have to do is ask for it to be unlocked and they will. Don’t worry about what others think, most people are nosy assholes but usually employees don’t give a flying fuck.

However, I rarely see family restrooms around where I live so that makes it difficult. The only concern would be if it’s necessary to use the family rest room because there might be someone who really needs it but I wouldn’t worry. You have your reasons and that’s all you need, no one else’s business but your own. Dare they ask you need only say it’s for medical reasons and that should end any conversation right there.

Edit: A personal opinion of mine, despite not having IC it’s not like everyone wears diapers so they can get their rocks off, even if it’s for convenience or comfort you have every right to be able to feel safe and have privacy while you change. I just want to reiterate, it’s nobody’s business but your own.
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I had a longer rambling post until I realized I condensed it to a simple rule that serves many situations.

The Security Guard standard. Can you expect a disaffected security guard to understand and accept the situation if there’s a confrontation, or will they obviously see through it as a fantasy or fetish?

I see no problem at all with diapering in public if you’re as discrete as a person with real incontinence issues would want to be, attentive to visual, auditory, olfactory, cultural, and hygienic norms. Can you “pass” as a discrete incontinent person?

And yes there is plenty to discuss about using public communal resources like this, but at the end of the day, if someone confronts you and your judge is a security guard, he’s going to be the first adjudicator of your innocence in most public places.
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MrGnome said:
That's got to be one of the best responses I heard on this thread! Glad you let her have it! What was her response lol?
Just a look of shock and she started profusely apologizing but I just walked away.
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