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  • L
    Hey, thanks...

    That's great ^^
    aun no :( no puedo con mis padres siempre tratando de mandar todo lo que ago. y tu? has tenido suerte?
    haha hey! not much here :p How are you?
    todavia bien, tratando de divertirme lo mas que puedo sin mis papas interferiendo lol y tu?
    The meds are working well, but I think I'll still say that Iiapetus diapers to make sure I'm dry. One diaper can last me 4-5 days, depending on when I took the meds.

    When I get my liscnce I'll go onto Edmonton (the closest place that eels premium diapers) and get them for my self. I'm also hoping to get some money to buy a bottle to go with my paci to deal with stress.
    I like them. Very cool new designs and they seem to be pretty comfy. I just wish I could fit in them.
    Last night I tried and I have no control.
    I was until about 8th where I finally said that I will never likely stop bedwetting. Then the irony sets in on the 13th I learned how tuo properly use my meds and have been dry (except for last night) ever since.
    No problem about wondering, I'd probably ask the same thing if we switched positions.
    I will.
    It was about the 13th of September that I was able to find out how to use my meds and although I hadn't worn for at least 3 years before 12th, as I tried bed alarms, positive thought, and meds, I wore one that night and realized how much I liked the feel. Since I've been getting more and more into being TB and hoping to soon get my first paci because today I found that sucking my thumb is both relaxing and helps me with my ADHD.
    The funny thing is, I found this site while looking to see if goodnights would still fit me. Here is the thread http://www.adisc.org/forum/diaper-talk/13830-goodnites-questions.html. I joined the day after reading that.
    They're pretty awesome! I love the blue sides and they seem bigger and stretchier than ever. ^^
    todo esta bien, acabo de empesar escuela, y estoy con todos mis amigos XD como haz estado tu?
    Not so bad. Right when it was getting there we got some pretty great rain. We've been fine for a while. :D
    Thanks for asking. :)
    I'm looking forward to my trip to AZ next week!
    The hot, humid, sticky weather in FL is getting a bit old!
    wow i really did mean to reply earlier. What part of Ft. Lauderdale are you in, next time i'm down there i'll try and meet up.
    Hi, sorry for the lateness, been kinda busy. Greetings from the UK :)
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